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Disabling Hardware Reset in Atmega8

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Full Member level 3
Mar 25, 2006
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I want to disable the hardware reset pin of ATmega8 and use it as an IO pin. Can any one please give me a C / WinAVR code example of how to do it? Thank you.

I had programmed the RSTDISBL fuse bit of Atmega8 this solves the problem of doing reset using hardware but after that I was not able to program the controller, I was not even able to read fuses or read from the flash. I tried doing Chip Erase but nothing happened. But the code inside the controller was working. I would like to have replies for how to make my MCU working now. Thanks to all in advance.
I had programmed the RSTDISBL fuse bit of Atmega8 this solves the problem of doing reset using hardware but after that I was not able to program the controller, I was not even able to read fuses or read from the flash. I tried doing Chip Erase but nothing happened. But the code inside the controller was working. I would like to have replies for how to make my MCU working now. Thanks to all in advance.

I've attached a simple circuit and procedure to return your ATMEGA to default settings.

It should solve your problem.


    113.5 KB · Views: 510

I want to disable the hardware reset pin of ATmega8 and use it as an IO pin. Can any one please give me a C / WinAVR code example of how to do it? Thank you.

Hi RollingEEE,

You should proceed with caution when disabling the hardware reset pin, depending on your chip programmer it can prevent you from reprogramming or access to fuse settings.

However should you decide to proceed simply at this to your code, fuse RSTDISBL= 0.

Or you can use the online tool:

Engbedded Atmel AVR® Fuse Calculator
I've attached a simple circuit and procedure to return your ATMEGA to default settings.

It should solve your problem.

Thanks for the circuit. I am unclear as to the function of the main Mega8 - if this requires a program and connections to the Mega8 which requires resetting to factory defaults, would you please advise where the main Mega8 hex file can be obtained and also what interconnections between the two Mega8s are required?

With thanks
The zip file includes everything that you need.
You connect a mega8 loaded with the provided hex file to the mega8 that needs to be restored to factory defaults.
The schematic shows the main AVR (which is programmed with the provided hex) and how it should be connected to the target mega8 (the target will be restored to factory defaults), the target flash content is irrelevant.


Thank you for your prompt reply.

The attachment is still available in Reply #3.

You might want to try using a different browser.



    113.5 KB · Views: 267

Thanks bigdogguru

I found and got it...

May healthy days be with you....

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry but,

i could not find hex file in the zip.
even link in the text file is broken...

The zip file contains a bin file, that is the firmware

I can not open this zip file. I tried winrar, bintohex, and some other utilities but could not. Could you explain how to open it? or send it in normal hex format.


It is a simple zip file , it can open by almost any program that can open compression files so I assume that the file is not downloaded correctly for some reason.
Try a download manager, firefox, internet explorer

Well, i opened it but can not load it into the atmega8 (first one) using ISP Programmer that operates properly normally.

I use win7 32 bit
respond to attempt to load hex file is "no data in file"

editing it with "free hex editor neo" does not change result

please help

Here is the hex file (converted with bin2hex)


    684 bytes · Views: 2,013

Hi. Can you pass me the fuse settings for the master atmega? Thanks!

I believe required fuse settings for the ATMEGA utilized as the programming device are the factory defaults as well.

The fuse settings are listed in the RestoreATMEGA8toFactoryDefault.doc, Word document, found in the ZIP file I initially uploaded.

One of the most important fuse settings is the OSC set to internal RC Oscillator @1MHz.


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