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Difference between pins/holes/vias

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Advanced Member level 1
Jan 28, 2011
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Dear All,

I wanted to know whats the different between pins/holes/ vias. This is in relation to PCB software (DIPTRACE), which has ability to design boards up to 2000 pins. In the circuit board information (obtained from another software Proteus PCB), it shows number of pins / holes/ vias as all different numbers.
Does the holes include pins/vias.
Also if number of pins in a circuit are 1000 but holes are 2500, will it be allowed in diptrace (with 2000 pin limit).

Dear All,

I wanted to know whats the different between pins/holes/ vias. This is in relation to PCB software (DIPTRACE), which has ability to design boards up to 2000 pins. In the circuit board information (obtained from another software Proteus PCB), it shows number of pins / holes/ vias as all different numbers.
Does the holes include pins/vias.
Also if number of pins in a circuit are 1000 but holes are 2500, will it be allowed in diptrace (with 2000 pin limit).
I never even heard of Diptrace, but I suspect the pin constraint means just that, pins. Not holes or vias. This basically is a limitation on the routing capabilities.

But here's an idea: contact the software manufacturer with this question.

Advanced PCBs may let you make vias which are much finer than the hole (minus plating / eyelet wall) required to insert a through-hole pin. Presumably differentiating them in the software is meant to deliver that flexibility (although allowing only one of each, might make you do some hand work at the end if one size does not fit all).

You are allowed 2000 pins in your design, do not forget that most pins in a design these days do not have any hole. PTH pins have a hole... Mounting screws etc. will have a hole. SMD pins do not have a hole.
Vias are separate and are a PTH hole joining routes, power between layers.

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