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Any idea why the filled the holes for my component's pins?

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Oct 19, 2021
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My PCB has a USB connector that has two holes that go to the USB shield and help keep the connector firmly connected to the PCB. But when it arrived, I found that they had filled these holes! So I had to clip off those legs to solder it, and just solder them to these sort of pads that I will show in a picture here.
I used this footprint for the USB connector on my board:

But this is how it came out:

You can see S1 and S2 were filled in, so I could not place the connector in properly.
Does anyone know why this happened and/or how to avoid this? I really don't know what information to provide, but these were the PCB specifications when I ordered it:

I am going to order another board but I want to make sure they don't fill in these holes again.
I greatly appreciate any help!

Looks like a missing file to me. Slotted holes are not in the drill file. It is a separate file. If you do not supply that file, you won't get the slots.

we have had the exact same situation.
S1 and S2 are plated slots, question is if they are correctly represented in gerber data and if the parameters are supported by the PCB house. These days, most prototype manufacturers support plated slots without extra costs.

As above, your software hasn't or can't output slots... What software?
--- Updated ---

I would also use metric, it is what everything is in these days, including IPC specs and the whole IPC-7351 library is based on metric dimensions...

Looks like a missing file to me. Slotted holes are not in the drill file. It is a separate file. If you do not supply that file, you won't get the slots.

we have had the exact same situation.
FWIW I always recommend checking your manufacturing data in a Gerber viewer every single time you make it, do not send it to the manufacturer until you have reviewed it.

Gerber viewers can be obtained freely so there is no excuse for not doing so.
Looks like a missing file to me. Slotted holes are not in the drill file. It is a separate file. If you do not supply that file, you won't get the slots.

we have had the exact same situation.
This seems like the most likely cause. I found Altium generates a separate file for the slotted holes, although I am not sure what I did differently to make it do this. So, hopefully now it works. I am about to send the files for manufacture. We'll see!

This seems like the most likely cause. I found Altium generates a separate file for the slotted holes, although I am not sure what I did differently to make it do this. So, hopefully now it works. I am about to send the files for manufacture. We'll see!
you don’t need to send anything anywhere to see if you’ve got it right. you can load all your gerbers, ncd, etc., right into the viewer in Altium, or any 3rd party viewer.
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