Designing a microcontroller

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Member level 4
Mar 26, 2012
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hello Guys

I am here with one basic question which I thought ask you people to check whether I am thinking right or not.

Actually my question is that I have read so many datasheets of the various microcontrollers like PIC, AVR and many others and have got inforamtion about the functioning of the microcontroller.

But now I am interested in knowing that how these microcontrollers are designed as they contain thousands of the logic circuits or blocks and as we know to create a small logic block in the digital or analog field is how much difficult. So my actual question is how the design of the microcontroller is done , I mean what tools and methods are used in the designing of the microcontroller or the microprocessors.

I hope that you people has got my point what I want to discover.

So please help me so that I can check that how much I am correct about my understanding and the google work.

Thank you

dear its IC manufaturing technology.
like small IC of AND gates is designed, similarly large gates IC FPGA are designed.
nano technology, fabrication of thousands of gates in small area.
very small transistors and things like that are used to manufacture large ICs in smaller area.

First of all thanks shahbaz for replying

Actually I know this stuff that how the IC is manufactured in the company as I know it is done through the nanotechnology method.

I am not asking that how the IC is fabricated in the company , what I am asking is that how it's logical design is lay out , I mean how it is designed virtually before starting the fabrication of the IC.

Just like that in case the car manufacturers or civil engineers first design their projects in the softwares like Autocad to see how it would look like and than go to the real production of that product.

Similarly what technology and softwares are used in the designing of the logic of the IC's of microcontrollers and microprocesors.

I think now I am clear about what I want to know in real fact.

Thank you

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