[SOLVED] Data Logger PIC 16F877A microcontroller

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Newbie level 3
Jan 10, 2012
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I have to design a Data Logger programusing mikroC PRO to run on the EasyPIC5 board (with PIC 16F877A microcontroller). I also have to use a 2-line LCD for display.

Here is what i have been given:

The program will take measurements from Analogue Port AN0 at regular intervals, and save the raw data to
EEPROM. The user should be able to select any of 6 memory banks to store the results of a logging session,
and should be able to set the time interval between readings at 1 second, 2 seconds, 5 seconds or 10
seconds. The number of readings taken in each logging session should be set to 5, but should be alterable from a #define in the first few lines of the program. Another #define should be used to specify the total number of memory banks (set to 6).

Having quite a bit of trouble with this.

Any help would be appreciated.

this is what i have so far:

Lcd_Init(); //Initialises the LCD
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); //Turns off cursor
Lcd_Out(1,4,"Version: 3"); //Displays Version
Lcd_Out(2,1,"Bank:"); //Displays Memory Bank
Lcd_Out(2,9, "Time:"); //Displays time interval

Delay_ms(2000); //Delays screen for 2 seconds
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); //Clears the LCD

Lcd_Out(1,1,"For Navigation:"); //Displays "For Navigation"
Lcd_Out(2,1,"2 UP, 8 DOWN"); //Displays "2 UP, 8 DOWN"
Delay_ms(2000); //Delays screen for 2 seconds
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); //Clears the LCD

Lcd_Out(1,1,"4 LEFT, 6 RIGHT"); //Displays "4 LEFT, 6 RIGHT"
Lcd_Out(2,1,"5 SELECT"); //Displays "5 SELECT"
Delay_ms(2000); //Delays screen for 2 seconds

Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); //Clears the LCD

i also need to set up a 4x4 keypad to control a menu on the lcd.

once again thanks.

I would recommend implementing a timer interrupt to handle the sampling interval and possibly a external interrupt to handle the keyboard entry.

Study the MikroC manual concerning interrupts and experiment with a few timer interrupts for practice.


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