CST port problem, please help me

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Newbie level 4
Jan 19, 2007
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Hi all,

I use CST for antenna simulation. I use waveguide port.

For Microstrip antenna, I check and view E and H at the port, it is ok.

But for CPW antenna, I see that the E at the port is along the substrate (see the attatched file for CPW antenna and Microstrip antenna).

Please tell me if we set the same port for CPW antenna and Microstrip antenna ?

Please help me.

Thanks and have fun

cst port

Hi Leprof

Read the manuals (Getting Started for instance) of CST MWS (it could be in pdf format at your documentation sub folder of CST).

You'll have there some examples.

Good luck!

unbalanced cst

Hi tzikhaim,

I read the document but it is not clear.

In fact, I find that in my simulation, there is only ground mode, not even and odd mode.

Please tell me for CPW antenna, which mode shoud I choose ? I how to choose in CST.


itzikhaim said:
Hi Leprof

Read the manuals (Getting Started for instance) of CST MWS (it could be in pdf format at your documentation sub folder of CST).

You'll have there some examples.

Good luck!

balanced excitation cst


If you want to feed balanced element/antenna you need odd mode excitation.
But if the element is unbalanced you sohuld excite an even mode.

Choose multiport feature when defining your waveguide port.

multiport excite cst


If you want to feed balanced element/antenna you need odd mode excitation.
But if the element is unbalanced you sohuld excite an even mode.

Choose multiport feature when defining your waveguide port.

cst excitation

Hi Itzikhaim,

Thanks for your help.

But in fact, I could do as you said.

In Waveguide port: I choose Multipin port in Mode Setting, and then in Define Pins, how to define Potential Set Definitions in order to get the port mode as in your picture ?

please tell me how to get 1(1,-)(2,-)... in your picture ?

Thanks very much in advance

Best regards

Added after 4 minutes:

itzikhaim said:

If you want to feed balanced element/antenna you need odd mode excitation.
But if the element is unbalanced you sohuld excite an even mode.

Choose multiport feature when defining your waveguide port.


I could NOT do as you said.

Please see my picture and tell me pls how to do.
(In fact, I need to excite an CPW antenna).

Thanks so much

Have fun

Added after 3 minutes:

itzikhaim said:

If you want to feed balanced element/antenna you need odd mode excitation.
But if the element is unbalanced you sohuld excite an even mode.

Choose multiport feature when defining your waveguide port.

Here is the file
Hi Leprof!

Its been a while since I replied your msg.

In your CPW line attached, you excited different modes.
In waveguide multipin port the symbol 1(1,-) means; port 1, mode 1 , negetive pole (direction)
and the symbol 1(1,+) means; port 1, mode 1, positive pole (direction).
This is what you'll need to setup in order to correctly feed your CPW balanced antenna!

Good luck !!!

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