Could you recommend a good PCB tool?

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ok...the profesional tools are the best without doubt (cadence ,mentor graphisc and others) , but if you whant a small software to create pcb layout try Traxmeker from Circuit Maker.....I use Orcad because is more complex and have all options I need

For small PCBs I use Eagle, its user friendly, easy to use.

For bigger PCBs I recomend Pcad or Protel.


There's no such thing as the perfect pcb software, but you can usually get round any issues.

I use Cadstar 6 - it does the job well enough. The design bureau we use runs Cadstar, Pads & Protel DXP ...... they seem quite keen on Protel. Depends on the designer ....



try P*A*D*S* 2003, for my experience
is a robust and easy to learn soft.

Medium-High level tool, and complete
suite for complex boards !


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