Control 4X4 LEDs array using PIC16F877A

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Newbie level 5
Dec 12, 2007
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I would like to build a circuit which can turn ON or OFF 4X4 LED array by using only 1 I/O pin of 16F877A. Can anyone guide me in this?

actually, what I wanted was when the PIC pin HIGH, then the LED array turn on, and the LED array must be using the same supply +5V as supplied to the PIC.

I thought of using LED driver to drive the LED arrays, where the input voltage to the LED driver is supplied by the PIC I/O pin. I wonder will this work. If so, what type of LED driver should I use?

hmm... i just don't know what you mean [;

do you want to light ALL 16 leds or turn of ALL 16 leds only?

do you plan to use the I/O pin of pic as a supply (VDD) to some part? if so - remember that ports can supply no more than 20mA, you should use a transistor to supply more.

i don't know much about led drivers, but those are usually just SIPO registers <:

if you plan just to turn the led array on or off, you should put a transistor at the common anode/cathode of the led array and that's all.

0x41 0x56 0x45!!

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