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I have some confusions in my mind about the concept of stability in control systems. I know that stability is defined as "the system produces bounded output when you apply bounded input", but these words can have several meanings
for example, the bounded input, should it be step , or impulse? in case of DC motor (or any similar electrical system having same order), if we apply impulse voltage (bounded input), we will get rotation of the motor with an angle θ (bounded output, i.e stable system). But if we apply step input to the motor (still is considered as bounded input), we will get output θ increasing indefinitely (unbounded output, i.e unstable system) .
let us discuss another case, like a case of a ball resting on a convex surface, if you apply impulse or step input it will be unstable and its output will not be bounded.
for me , the case of the ball on convex surface is purely unstable, while the case of motor is not purely unstable because it depend on input (while this contradicts the definition of instability). I think that what I think is wrong, but I do not know where is the mistake. can any one help?
I have some confusions in my mind about the concept of stability in control systems. I know that stability is defined as "the system produces bounded output when you apply bounded input", but these words can have several meanings
for example, the bounded input, should it be step , or impulse? in case of DC motor (or any similar electrical system having same order), if we apply impulse voltage (bounded input), we will get rotation of the motor with an angle θ (bounded output, i.e stable system). But if we apply step input to the motor (still is considered as bounded input), we will get output θ increasing indefinitely (unbounded output, i.e unstable system) .
let us discuss another case, like a case of a ball resting on a convex surface, if you apply impulse or step input it will be unstable and its output will not be bounded.
for me , the case of the ball on convex surface is purely unstable, while the case of motor is not purely unstable because it depend on input (while this contradicts the definition of instability). I think that what I think is wrong, but I do not know where is the mistake. can any one help?