cmos o.35um and 0.18um process parameter?

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Newbie level 3
Mar 5, 2007
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can someone give the process parameter for CMOS 0.35 and 0.18 um technology??

you can access h**p:// to download the process files for .18um and .35um freely

It seems I still have to sign some paperworks to get the process parameter? Like this one(**broken link removed**)Is it all free to download the process files?

choose the metal layers how many you are going to use and also choose whether you are going to use epitaxial or non epitaxial layer and also choose mixed mode process and then download the parameters from

it is depending on which foundry you are using. the best and most accurate way is contact with your foundry and find the model file.

it is difficult to answer your question. It depends on which process U are using. It may be TSMC 0.18; HYNIX 0.18 etc.
nxing gave U a good answer!

Yes, what fab's process did you need?

i think mosis is best for u, most of the student and trainers use mosis parameters.(h**p://

nxing said:
it is depending on which foundry you are using. the best and most accurate way is contact with your foundry and find the model file.

for education propose, university or college do not have support from fab house. that is why it is rather imposible to contact foundries for support. that is why is the best place for student to find process parameter. however only spice parameter and design rule are free.
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