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Caps with 7805 for 5v - plz explain this

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Newbie level 3
Sep 12, 2009
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I in serious confusion with the caps used with voltage regulators.
Here's my doubt :

i) In one configuration for 7805 IC there is 470uF,16V Cap connected at the input side and a 47uF,6.3V Cap at the output end.

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ii) In another configuration for 7805 there is a 10uF,25V at the input end while it has a 100uF,6V Cap connected at the output side.

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** => My question : Whats the difference between the 2 configurations ?

According to the Fairchild semi datasheet
"(2) Cin is required if regulator is located an appreciable distance from power Supply filter.
(3) Cout improves stability and transient response. "
** => My question : So now how do i select Caps to improve stability and transient response ?

Is there any standard method ? coz the datasheet confuses me more!

Power_user_EX said:
I in serious confusion with the caps used with voltage regulators.
Here's my doubt :

i) In one configuration for 7805 IC there is 470uF,16V Cap connected at the input side and a 47uF,6.3V Cap at the output end.

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ii) In another configuration for 7805 there is a 10uF,25V at the input end while it has a 100uF,6V Cap connected at the output side.

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** => My question : Whats the difference between the 2 configurations ?

According to the Fairchild semi datasheet
"(2) Cin is required if regulator is located an appreciable distance from power Supply filter.
(3) Cout improves stability and transient response. "
** => My question : So now how do i select Caps to improve stability and transient response ?

Is there any standard method ? coz the datasheet confuses me more!
beautiful query
Fairchild dtatsheet calls these caps as Ci for input and Co for output and at Fig10 of their datasheet, they made following remarks
1. ..........
2. CI is required if regulator is located an appreciable distance from power supply filter.
3. CO improves stability and transient response.

Perhaps the actual value of Ci is around 0.33uF and Co is 0.1uF

the power supply filter cap , and how it is dimensioned is Known separately.
thus many designs where they dump higher value caps appears debatable.

A 6V cap on a 5V line may be a bit underrated for long
term reliable operation.

Your choice of bulk and peaking decoupling caps ought
to be driven by what you know about the load. A 100uF
electrolytic is liable to be useless for logic that has sub-nS
supply current spikes and would need to be supplemented
with some lower-ESL ones at each device. A more constant-
current thing like an op amp, maybe not so much.

It's kind of "mobetta" until you run out of board space
or money.
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