[SOLVED] Cannot find the design 'DW_ram_rw_s_dff' in the library 'WORK'.

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Junior Member level 1
Jan 31, 2013
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Hi all,
I'm trying to synthesize the "DW_ram_rw_s_dff" from dw Block IP but I have this warning:

Warning: Cannot find the design 'DW_ram_rw_s_dff' in the library 'WORK'. (LBR-1)

I used the "**broken link removed**" provided by Synopsys. This is my script:

set search_path {. ../src/hdl/rtl ../../90nm/snps}
set link_library {* saed90nm_typ.db}
set target_library {saed90nm_typ.db}

read_verilog {DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst.v}
current_design DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst

saif_map -start



create_clock [get_ports inst_clk]  -period 10  -waveform {5 10}


#ungroup -flatten -all


write_sdc ./DW_ram_rw_s_dff.sdc
write_file -format ddc -hierarchy -output DW_ram_rw_s_dff_synthesized.ddc
write -hierarchy -format verilog -output ./DW_ram_rw_s_dff.vg

write_parasitics -output ./DW_ram_rw_s_dff.spf

sh vcd2saif -input ../sim/rtlvcd.dump -output ./rtlvcd.saif

saif_map -create_map -source_instance tb/Ram -input ./rtlvcd.saif 
saif_map -write_map ./DW_ram_rw_s_dff_ptpxmap.tcl -type ptpx


Synthesis log file: View attachment log.txt

I searched on google and I read the IP block manual but I can't find a solution. Can you help me?

"DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst" uses a component "DW_ram_rw_s_dff" which the tool cannot find in either the link or target libraries.That is what it is complaining. Find out where it is defined. Then read that particular file.

I tried to use the "DW_ram_rw_s_dff.v" component that I have found in "/synopsys/synthesis/H-2013.03-SP5-3/dw/sim_ver" but I have the same problem. :bang:

#set search_path {. ../src/hdl/rtl ../src/lib/snps ../src/sim}
#set link_library {* core_typ.db}
#set target_library {core_typ.db}

set search_path {. ../src/hdl/rtl ../../90nm/snps}
set link_library {* saed90nm_typ.db}
set target_library {saed90nm_typ.db}

[B]read_verilog {DW_ram_rw_s_dff.v DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst.v}[/B]
current_design DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst

saif_map -start



create_clock [get_ports inst_clk]  -period 10  -waveform {5 10}


#ungroup -flatten -all


write_sdc ./DW_ram_rw_s_dff.sdc
write_file -format ddc -hierarchy -output DW_ram_rw_s_dff_synthesized.ddc
write -hierarchy -format verilog -output ./DW_ram_rw_s_dff.vg

write_parasitics -output ./DW_ram_rw_s_dff.spf

sh vcd2saif -input ../sim/rtlvcd.dump -output ./rtlvcd.saif

saif_map -create_map -source_instance tb/Ram -input ./rtlvcd.saif 
saif_map -write_map ./DW_ram_rw_s_dff_ptpxmap.tcl -type ptpx


Synthesis log file: View attachment log2.txt

The DFF component is not being read. Check your warnings. Read this file correctly

Can you post an example of how to instantiate it properly?

Thanks for your help!

It is not a question of instantiation. You have to read the file correctly. Are you sure about the path of "DW_ram_rw_s_dff.v"? From the read_verilog command, it seems to me that the files are in the current working directory. Just confirm it once...

Yes, I copied it from synopsys directory to current working directory. I have tried to simulate it with a tb and it worked perfectly.

Can u post your latest synthesis log?

Check inside dc_shell your synthetic_library wariable. It should contains something like dw_foundation.sldb with path to this sldb library. Usually, this libray comes with DesignCompiler. Something like ./libraries/syn/dw_foundation.sldb

The DW_ram_rw_s_dff.v is for simulation only, not for synthesis. For synthesis, DC will use description from sldb file.

If you can't find it, just type manually "dw_foundation.sldb" and add it to your link libraries and synthetic library in application setup.

That was the problem! Thanks!!! :-D

set search_path {. ../src/hdl/rtl ../../90nm/snps}

set target_library {saed90nm_typ.db}
set synthetic_library {dw_foundation.sldb}

set link_library "$target_library"
set link_library [concat $link_library $synthetic_library]

read_verilog {DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst.v}
current_design DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst

I have another question. I want to create a memory with 32bit of data_in and 8 bit of rw_addr. I read the DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst, and I have a question about this piece of code:

`define bit_width_depth 8 // ceil(log2(depth))

Why do I have to use "ceil(log2(depth))" to calculate the bit_width_depth used to calculate the rw_addr width?

This is my edited code:

module DW_ram_rw_s_dff_inst(inst_clk, inst_rst_n, inst_cs_n, inst_wr_n,
                            inst_rw_addr, inst_data_in, data_out_inst );

  parameter data_width = 32;
  parameter depth = 256;
  parameter rst_mode = 0;
  `define bit_width_depth 8 // ceil(log2(depth)) 

  input inst_clk;
  input inst_rst_n;
  input inst_cs_n;
  input inst_wr_n;
  input [`bit_width_depth-1 : 0] inst_rw_addr;
  input [data_width-1 : 0] inst_data_in;
  output [data_width-1 : 0] data_out_inst;

  // Instance of DW_ram_rw_s_dff
  DW_ram_rw_s_dff #(data_width, depth, rst_mode)
    U1 (.clk(inst_clk),   .rst_n(inst_rst_n),   .cs_n(inst_cs_n),
        .wr_n(inst_wr_n),   .rw_addr(inst_rw_addr),   .data_in(inst_data_in),
        .data_out(data_out_inst) );

The default values are:

parameter data_width = 8;
  parameter depth = 8;
  parameter rst_mode = 0;
  `define bit_width_depth 3 // ceil(log2(depth))

After calculating the formula provided it seems that I have to set parameter depth = 256 in order to have bit_width_depth 8.

Do you have any idea why?

The depth means number of words. If you have two words (depth=2), you need only on addr bit to select the word. Agree? For 4 words (or 3 words) you need 2 bits. For 256 words (or for 255, 254...) you need 8 bits of addr. Nothing complicated.
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    Points: 2
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Perfect, thanks alot for your help!

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