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Can anyone help me with good HDL design book ?

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Apr 8, 2002
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I'm beginner with VHDL / Verilog design and i havn't access to FM . Upload them pls.

I know verilog very well. First, did you try Aldec's Evita verilog? Go to aldec site and download it, then you can learn it easily. I'm ready to answer any question you have.

Is there any paper or advice on how to write a good testbench? after all, it is not a good habit to ask for help whenever encounter matter. one should learn how to deal with it by himself.

read this book

HDL chip design is very good, it let you think like a synthesis machine

Re: read this book

farmerwang said:
HDL chip design is very good, it let you think like a synthesis machine

Do you have e-book about the HDL chip design? could you share it
with us? :)

HDL chip design (Douglas Smith)is very good.

:roll: :lol: :roll:

learn from practice

It is important to have a good project to practise,of course the basic syntax of HDL is necessary,But if you want to learn it better you must use HDL language in practice.

HDL chip design (Douglas Smith)

HDL chip design (Douglas Smith), can anyone share the pdf?


the smith 's book is very good

i need the pdf version either

You may try this online book,
**broken link removed**
I found it very useful

I have the book..HDL Chip design by Douglas Smith, i can uploaded it if any one needs them...

jes search n the forum if he book aint avilable i shall upload them right away.

with regards,

such book will be useful:
"HDL chip design " or some other verilog book for verilog language
"RMM" for coding style
"writing testbench" for verification
"Advacnc chip synthesis use DC and pt" for synthesis

read HDL primer both in VHDL & Verilog by Bhaskar.
also Navabi and Asheden will be helpful.

stormwolf said:
such book will be useful:
"HDL chip design " or some other verilog book for verilog language
"RMM" for coding style
"writing testbench" for verification
"Advacnc chip synthesis use DC and pt" for synthesis
could you tell me where to get Advacnc chip synthesis use DC and pt??
i‘m a beigner too

arunragavan said:
I have the book..HDL Chip design by Douglas Smith, i can uploaded it if any one needs them...

jes search n the forum if he book aint avilable i shall upload them right away.

with regards,

Hello Arun

I am rohit from India.

I need the book can you upload the same.

Thanking you.

fortunately lots of books are available on edaboard (all you need few points and downloading time) ---

also check edonkey2000 network, few books are available there as well

some of them are:

The Verilog Hardware Description Language

Circuit Design with VHDL [MIT Press, 2004]

Verilog HDL Synthesis A Practical Primer

Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)

VHDL Programming by Example 4th. Edition


Writing Testbenches - Functional Verification of HDL Models

Hdl Chip Design A Practical Guide for Designing

Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis 2nd ed.

VHDL Coding Styles & Methodologies

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuits

Verilog --> Verilog by samir palnitkar
VHDL --> VHDL by douglas perry ,
both are in EDA board.

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