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Cadstar How put layer Stack-up on Gerber ?

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Jan 24, 2013
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Cadstar have really nice layer stack editor
but i still not find a way to put that info into the gerber or documetation drawing ?

still have solution to make it by hand and put it on templace
but i sure zuken not put lot of tome for make great layer stack up editor
and forgot way to put it on output file :shock:

so must me that not yet find the right button ?

also i notice that in schematic symbole sometime pin name was on binary part
and sometime was on ascii part what make that difference ?

Best regard

Hi - yes it is a nice representation of the layer stack however the only way of getting it into documentation is to use the copy button below it and then paste the image into a word document etc. Adding it to the design is not currently possible - I hope it will be in the future.

What you can do though is to make yourself a selection of documentation symbols that show your layer stack, perhaps with alternatives for different layer pairs etc.

Then you can add these to any documentation drawings.

Re the schematic symbol pins, the symbol itself has pin numbers I.E. 1,2,3,4,5 and in the part these pins can be mapped to the component pins so can show as 12,24,7,3,22 etc instead. Additionally in the part you can change the pin "number" to instead be an alphanumeric name I.E. A1, A2, B3 etc.
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Hi Thank for the reply ;-)

i have anoter question

if what to flip/mirror a schematic or a section of it any clue ?

command mirror only flip part to itself leaving big mess of net

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Select everything that you want to move/mirror then group it then move/mirror/rotate.
Then ungroup.
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    Points: 2
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He he big thank

i not aware of that command group command

that very littel information on web about cadstar
and self teach guide was limited ..

that may good if some one have also the archive file format
have may tool make for p-cad ascii format that what to move to cadstar

Best regard

The help and the documentation does contain a lot of information about it, you just have to read it all.

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