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Buying an oscilloscope

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sg pc-based oscilloscopes

Hi. I'm planning to buy a second hand oscilloscope, can anyone offer any advice or make any recommendations? I've been checking out ebay and other auction sites looking for a good deal >=100MHz, 2 channel, analog scope, but there are so many choices and I guess I shouldn't make my descision solely on price (I'm on a tight budget). Anyone done this in the past? What about those PCI/ISA based ones that go in your computer? They should be cheaper. Are they any good?


why digital oscillocopes are expensive

Is there any other oscillscope that has a combination of analog signal as well as a logic analyzer ?

I know HP has several models that has a combination of both, but they are darn expensive.

Anybody know of other brand ?


Best Regards

second hand oscilloscope singapore

By far, my favorite is the Tektronix TDS3000 series.

I had a Hung Chang 3850DML LCD oscilloscope+logic analizer (1200 euro), but it is not useful, my life is changed with Tektronix TDS210, is precise, simple, it has a good display, I suggest to wait, but buy a serius instrument, the difference betwen an economic instrument and null is very little


Have a look at **broken link removed**

They have a lot of very good T&M for a reasonable price.

Best regards,

I must agree with koky. The best bang for the buck in scopes right now is the Tek 210 (60MHz Bandwidth) or 220 (100MHz Bandwidth). They even have a 4 channel 100MHz model, but its starting to get up there in price...

They both have 1GSamp/sec, simple, useable (!) interface. I own a 210 and *love* it.

The only thing I miss from my work Tek 720A is battery operation, but its a small sacrifice for the $2000 smaller price tag.

If price were no object then I would go with a fully loaded 3000, including the way overpriced battery pack, but oh well...

What ever you do, buy a Tek. Accept no substitute.

Yes! Completly agree. Buy a Tek;
Look at this & go for it NOW if you can:

Tek 2246 100MHz 4 Ch Scope w TV Trig Cal'd
Currently US $995.00

Completely refurbished and calibrated to original mfg. specifications
Includes, certificate of Cal, two new probes, cover, pouch, and a
6 month warranty! Copy of operators manual

**broken link removed**

As I'm out of USA I'm no chance to get it for me. I whish I could ....
damn... it's for sure a good purchase
Regards & good luck

Here's another good one I found **broken link removed**

Tek TDS 620b 4 channel 500mhz Digital Oscilloscope. $920 and available for internationals.

A bit more than what I need and too expensive for me :sad:
I've seen some amazing Tek 'scope deals go by though, hopefully I can catch the next one.

(I'm also out of USA)

my favorite is the Tektronix TDS200 series they are echonomical around $1,000 US

Take a look here aswell, dont know if theres anything affordable.
the oscillocopes are here:

What about those PCI/ISA based ones that go in your computer? They should be cheaper. Are they any good?

It depends on what you plan to do. I myself often debug things connected to the PC, ie to the RS232, LPT or USB port. A PC-based oscilloscope would not do any good for me.

A stand alone scope is much better for this type of work.

Be sure to buy a digital one if you can.


take a look at the f*l*u*k*e scopemeters too. they are not so expensive,got dual channel and a multimeter as well. this is a real cool stuff especially if you work sometimes out of your labor...

i have a DS210 digital osclloscope,and i plan to sell it.Have anyone interest,i been using it for 2 year.The price can be negotiate.


I have a analog oscilloscope Tektronix 2445A, power supply,
frequency generator available.

If anyone is interested please do email me.
Attached is the equipments.
**broken link removed**

I am located in Singapore.


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