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Buck Converter Capacitance vs Inductance Value

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Newbie level 5
Dec 12, 2011
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I am designing a Buck Converter as a part of my Final Year Project. Previously its inductance was 820uH and capacitance was 220uF. It was working perfectly. But now I have to change its inductance from 820uH to 1.5mH because I have to use a high current rating inductor for the circuit and it is available only of this value (i.e. 1.5mH). Now when I will install that inductor in my circuit do I need to change my capacitance also to match with it??
Will it be now of a greater value than 220uF or less?

Kindly reply if you know this...

I am designing a Buck Converter as a part of my Final Year Project. Previously its inductance was 820uH and capacitance was 220uF. It was working perfectly. But now I have to change its inductance from 820uH to 1.5mH because I have to use a high current rating inductor for the circuit and it is available only of this value (i.e. 1.5mH). Now when I will install that inductor in my circuit do I need to change my capacitance also to match with it??
Will it be now of a greater value than 220uF or less?

Kindly reply if you know this...

We should imagine that circuit or this is question for people with 6 sense?

I am designing a Buck Converter as a part of my Final Year Project. Previously its inductance was 820uH and capacitance was 220uF. It was working perfectly. But now I have to change its inductance from 820uH to 1.5mH because I have to use a high current rating inductor for the circuit and it is available only of this value (i.e. 1.5mH). Now when I will install that inductor in my circuit do I need to change my capacitance also to match with it??
Will it be now of a greater value than 220uF or less?

Kindly reply if you know this...

Hi hassaan1309 !

You kidding us ? :-D you simply noticed that you want design inductor and capacitor for a buck converter but what kind of buck converter ? where is the schematic ? what are specifications of your circuit ?
How do you expect that we be able to help you with such a low details ? sorry but we are not oracles ;-)

We should imagine that circuit or this is question for people with 6 sense?

Ha ha ! hi dear Tpetar i agree with you people with 6 sense must try it :-D

Best Regards
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If you find ripple voltage remains within spec, then you can use the same smoothing capacitor.

As a general rule, the greater the coil's Henry value, the slower your switching frequency, and the greater the ripple, and the greater the capacitor needs to be be.

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