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Hi, I am a verilog beginner. below is the code of the Pong game that i took from the book "FPGA Prototyping By Verilog Examples". I want to modify the code to turn it into the breakout game. I already got a picture of what i want to do for the game. I wanted to start with making the wall to disappear when it hit by the ball. But this is the part that stop my progression. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
// Listing 13.5
module pong_graph_animate
input wire clk, reset,
input wire video_on,
input wire [1:0] btn,
input wire [9:0] pix_x, pix_y,
output reg [2:0] graph_rgb
// constant and signal declaration
// x, y coordinates (0,0) to (639,479)
localparam MAX_X = 640;
localparam MAX_Y = 480;
wire refr_tick;
// vertical stripe as a wall
// wall left, right boundary
localparam WALL_X_L = 32;
localparam WALL_X_R = 35;
// right vertical bar
// bar left, right boundary
localparam BAR_X_L = 600;
localparam BAR_X_R = 603;
// bar top, bottom boundary
wire [9:0] bar_y_t, bar_y_b;
localparam BAR_Y_SIZE = 72;
// register to track top boundary (x position is fixed)
reg [9:0] bar_y_reg, bar_y_next;
// bar moving velocity when a button is pressed
localparam BAR_V = 4;
// square ball
localparam BALL_SIZE = 8;
// ball left, right boundary
wire [9:0] ball_x_l, ball_x_r;
// ball top, bottom boundary
wire [9:0] ball_y_t, ball_y_b;
// reg to track left, top position
reg [9:0] ball_x_reg, ball_y_reg;
wire [9:0] ball_x_next, ball_y_next;
// reg to track ball speed
reg [9:0] x_delta_reg, x_delta_next;
reg [9:0] y_delta_reg, y_delta_next;
// ball velocity can be pos or neg)
localparam BALL_V_P = 2;
localparam BALL_V_N = -2;
// round ball
wire [2:0] rom_addr, rom_col;
reg [7:0] rom_data;
wire rom_bit;
// object output signals
wire wall_on, bar_on, sq_ball_on, rd_ball_on;
wire [2:0] wall_rgb, bar_rgb, ball_rgb;
// body
// round ball image ROM
always @*
case (rom_addr)
3'h0: rom_data = 8'b00111100; // ****
3'h1: rom_data = 8'b01111110; // ******
3'h2: rom_data = 8'b11111111; // ********
3'h3: rom_data = 8'b11111111; // ********
3'h4: rom_data = 8'b11111111; // ********
3'h5: rom_data = 8'b11111111; // ********
3'h6: rom_data = 8'b01111110; // ******
3'h7: rom_data = 8'b00111100; // ****
// registers
always @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
if (reset)
bar_y_reg <= 0;
ball_x_reg <= 0;
ball_y_reg <= 0;
x_delta_reg <= 10'h004;
y_delta_reg <= 10'h004;
bar_y_reg <= bar_y_next;
ball_x_reg <= ball_x_next;
ball_y_reg <= ball_y_next;
x_delta_reg <= x_delta_next;
y_delta_reg <= y_delta_next;
// refr_tick: 1-clock tick asserted at start of v-sync
// i.e., when the screen is refreshed (60 Hz)
assign refr_tick = (pix_y==481) && (pix_x==0);
// (wall) left vertical strip
// pixel within wall
assign wall_on = (WALL_X_L<=pix_x) && (pix_x<=WALL_X_R);
// wall rgb output
assign wall_rgb = 3'b001; // blue
// right vertical bar
// boundary
assign bar_y_t = bar_y_reg;
assign bar_y_b = bar_y_t + BAR_Y_SIZE - 1;
// pixel within bar
assign bar_on = (BAR_X_L<=pix_x) && (pix_x<=BAR_X_R) &&
(bar_y_t<=pix_y) && (pix_y<=bar_y_b);
// bar rgb output
assign bar_rgb = 3'b010; // green
// new bar y-position
always @*
bar_y_next = bar_y_reg; // no move
if (refr_tick)
if (btn[1] & (bar_y_b < (MAX_Y-1-BAR_V)))
bar_y_next = bar_y_reg + BAR_V; // move down
else if (btn[0] & (bar_y_t > BAR_V))
bar_y_next = bar_y_reg - BAR_V; // move up
// square ball
// boundary
assign ball_x_l = ball_x_reg;
assign ball_y_t = ball_y_reg;
assign ball_x_r = ball_x_l + BALL_SIZE - 1;
assign ball_y_b = ball_y_t + BALL_SIZE - 1;
// pixel within ball
assign sq_ball_on =
(ball_x_l<=pix_x) && (pix_x<=ball_x_r) &&
(ball_y_t<=pix_y) && (pix_y<=ball_y_b);
// map current pixel location to ROM addr/col
assign rom_addr = pix_y[2:0] - ball_y_t[2:0];
assign rom_col = pix_x[2:0] - ball_x_l[2:0];
assign rom_bit = rom_data[rom_col];
// pixel within ball
assign rd_ball_on = sq_ball_on & rom_bit;
// ball rgb output
assign ball_rgb = 3'b100; // red
// new ball position
assign ball_x_next = (refr_tick) ? ball_x_reg+x_delta_reg :
ball_x_reg ;
assign ball_y_next = (refr_tick) ? ball_y_reg+y_delta_reg :
ball_y_reg ;
// new ball velocity
always @*
x_delta_next = x_delta_reg;
y_delta_next = y_delta_reg;
if (ball_y_t < 1) // reach top
y_delta_next = BALL_V_P;
else if (ball_y_b > (MAX_Y-1)) // reach bottom
y_delta_next = BALL_V_N;
else if (ball_x_l <= WALL_X_R) // reach wall
x_delta_next = BALL_V_P; // bounce back
else if ((BAR_X_L<=ball_x_r) && (ball_x_r<=BAR_X_R) &&
(bar_y_t<=ball_y_b) && (ball_y_t<=bar_y_b))
// reach x of right bar and hit, ball bounce back
x_delta_next = BALL_V_N;
// rgb multiplexing circuit
always @*
if (~video_on)
graph_rgb = 3'b000; // blank
if (wall_on)
graph_rgb = wall_rgb;
else if (bar_on)
graph_rgb = bar_rgb;
else if (rd_ball_on)
graph_rgb = ball_rgb;
graph_rgb = 3'b110; // yellow background
// Listing 13.1
module vga_sync
input wire clk, reset,
output wire hsync, vsync, video_on, p_tick,
output wire [9:0] pixel_x, pixel_y
// constant declaration
// VGA 640-by-480 sync parameters
localparam HD = 640; // horizontal display area
localparam HF = 48 ; // h. front (left) border
localparam HB = 16 ; // h. back (right) border
localparam HR = 96 ; // h. retrace
localparam VD = 480; // vertical display area
localparam VF = 10; // v. front (top) border
localparam VB = 33; // v. back (bottom) border
localparam VR = 2; // v. retrace
// mod-2 counter
reg mod2_reg;
wire mod2_next;
// sync counters
reg [9:0] h_count_reg, h_count_next;
reg [9:0] v_count_reg, v_count_next;
// output buffer
reg v_sync_reg, h_sync_reg;
wire v_sync_next, h_sync_next;
// status signal
wire h_end, v_end, pixel_tick;
// body
// registers
always @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
if (reset)
mod2_reg <= 1'b0;
v_count_reg <= 0;
h_count_reg <= 0;
v_sync_reg <= 1'b0;
h_sync_reg <= 1'b0;
mod2_reg <= mod2_next;
v_count_reg <= v_count_next;
h_count_reg <= h_count_next;
v_sync_reg <= v_sync_next;
h_sync_reg <= h_sync_next;
// mod-2 circuit to generate 25 MHz enable tick
assign mod2_next = ~mod2_reg;
assign pixel_tick = mod2_reg;
// status signals
// end of horizontal counter (799)
assign h_end = (h_count_reg==(HD+HF+HB+HR-1));
// end of vertical counter (524)
assign v_end = (v_count_reg==(VD+VF+VB+VR-1));
// next-state logic of mod-800 horizontal sync counter
always @*
if (pixel_tick) // 25 MHz pulse
if (h_end)
h_count_next = 0;
h_count_next = h_count_reg + 1;
h_count_next = h_count_reg;
// next-state logic of mod-525 vertical sync counter
always @*
if (pixel_tick & h_end)
if (v_end)
v_count_next = 0;
v_count_next = v_count_reg + 1;
v_count_next = v_count_reg;
// horizontal and vertical sync, buffered to avoid glitch
// h_sync_next asserted between 656 and 751
assign h_sync_next = (h_count_reg>=(HD+HB) &&
// vh_sync_next asserted between 490 and 491
assign v_sync_next = (v_count_reg>=(VD+VB) &&
// video on/off
assign video_on = (h_count_reg<HD) && (v_count_reg<VD);
// output
assign hsync = h_sync_reg;
assign vsync = v_sync_reg;
assign pixel_x = h_count_reg;
assign pixel_y = v_count_reg;
assign p_tick = pixel_tick;