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BLDC motor from old HDD

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Sep 26, 2004
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hdd motor driver


I was searching the net to find info about how to drive my old hdd spindle motor and couldn't find any. Well for now i found out that hdd spindle motor is brushless motor that can be controlled by some kind of brushless motor driver, but further search about BL motors gave only references on 3 pin BLDC motor and my hdd motor have 4 pins. Does anyone have some info about this issue ?


hdd motor


Your 4th wire is probably the stator neutral. It usually isn't accessible, so my guess is that it is here to help implementing a sensorless algorithm. Hard drive motors usually run at constant high speed and are good candidates for that.
Operating a BLDC without position sensors is tricky, but possible. Some ICs do that, microchip might have one.

hdd bldc motor

How do i identify which wire is stator neutral ?

4 pin hdd motor

measure the resistance between the wires. From phase to phase you'll measure 2xR, from phase to neutral you'll measure R. This will let you identify the neutral.

bldc hdd motor

Ok, i've identify neutral wire, so basically if i connect those other 3 wires on some BLDC controller board it should work ?
If so, that leaves me to design controller board :) I saw on Microchip text about using their chip for driving BL motor, but i dont like PIC uC. Is there any other driver chip that can be used with Atmel uC ?

bldc motor

hi !

Yes, you should be able to run your BLDC with a controller. Since you don't have position sensors, you'll need a sensorless one, or an open loop one, and you'll need to tune it.
If you are using a uC, you can directly implement code to control the motor (with a 3 phase FET bridge and FET drivers), but it'll take you a while if you're not familiar with motor control. Fun project though.
You could also hack a HDD motor controller...
Good luck !

hdd motor controller


Well guess i'll try to make my own driver with 3 phase FET bridge. It will be interesting project :)

How can i use that 4th wire in motor control algorithm ?

three wire hdd motor

Yes, it'll be an interesting project !
You can use the 4th wire to measure the back-emf of the motor on the unused phase in order to implement a sensorless algorithm. You can use the zero crossing points of the back emf to run the motor at moderate to high speeds.
A lot of DSP manufacturers have application notes that can help you on the subject. Microchip and TI come to mind.
Good luck !

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