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BitScope Osciloscope.

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bitscope pcb

Hi all,

Someone have already built bitscope oscilloscope (with last chipset 120)?

The results are good? It can really a achieve 70 Mhz?



bitscope clone

I have built it with the new chipset, I think it is cuite alright. I haven't got a signalgenerator to 70 MHz but for more "ordinary" freq it works. I assume that the signal will be quite noisy at 70 MHz.

If theres any other questions PM me.


bitscope kit

Hi Neuralc
I have the bitscope with a new BC000120 PIC and a TLC5540 ADC module.
I wasn't able to reach this frequency of 70 because I don't have the adequate
What version of registered software do you've?
Can you put your software version at disposal to try the maximum efficency?
By chance did you try the library of Labview which are available on the
official site?
I've some problem making her work has, you've some ideas?
He excuses if I answer you with other questions.
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bitscope 100 detailed circuit diagram

I want to build this suberb project. Can you have any suggestions for me and others like me?


bitscope pcb diagrams

Hi frigo
Do you have the clockdoubler installed or the 80 MHz oscillator? I think that Bitscopes or Scopal SW support the 40 Mhz option.
I have tried the Labview VI and added some functions, the problem is that is a bit slow, 1 ch samples at 25 MHz and 2 ch samples at 100 kHz.
The upcoming version of Bitscope SW is quite interesting, better triggering and support of a arbitrary signal generator.
My version of Scopal just expired but if someone has a serial I be happy.

By the way, I do not think neuralc has built the Bitscope thats why I ansewr as good as I can.

Best Regards

build a bitscope clone

I'm in this situation:
Installed 50MHz OSC module in U19
Insert ADC5540 module in 24 pin socket
Make sure 3 pin header (above ADC) is 1-2 OPEN, 2-3 SHORTED
Set SPAN (RV2) so TP3-TP4 is 1.0V
Set ADC midpoint (RV1) so TP5-TP4 is 0.0V
Remove D5, D6 to use ADC5540
R11 shorted
C54 no connected.

What Can I do for the best configuration?
In your version of Labview library have introduced frequency measure with prescaler?
If is possible you send me a corrected version of LabView program and library,because I'm not expert with Labview and I want use it.(with private message)

bitscope oscilloscope

Hi frigo

I think you have the same config as me, if you ad D5 and the RC you get a clockdoubler circuit wich gives you 80 MHz. Either you insert these components or buy a faster OSC module (80 MHz) or just leave at it is.´The Osc module cost a bit, the other alternative is a bit cheaper, the problem with both this solutions is by increasing the sampling with 5540 you include some noise, thats the reason why I havent tried it and that I was kinfd of short of money...

Perhaps I try with a better ADC with better LSB later on.

I have just added FFT or powerspectrum to see the different freq components and some export of data.

If thats what you need PM me.

bitscope support

Here are a clone of Bitscope project.
The chipset and A/D module are original by Bitscope.
Located in Cizek Repulic.
**broken link removed**

bitscope labview vi

I only took a brief look at the site , but it seems to me that the PIC code and the FPGA code is not available . You have to buy preprogrammed chips .
Is this correct ? or have i missed something .
But it's a great project .




Thats correct you have to buy the PIC and the Lattice the other you can either buy from Bitscope or elsewhere.
I also bought the PCB because I havent got the possibility to make godd PCBs at home.

bitscope kits

Hi guys,

Nobody have PIC Code and FPGA Code for bitscope? I presume that the IC's saled by bitscope are CodeProtected ...



bistscope clone

69, USD , that's 78 Euro for the PCB and the chipset . Not really cheap , but quite reasonable .
And this thing really works ?
How about the software , is there anytjing to buy , or is at all shareware ?

Think i'll give it a try , my old scope is nearly dead anyway .

Good posting guy's
Thanks .

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MITSUKO on 2002-03-07 22:32 ]</font>

bitscope 100

Hi MITSUKO and others
If theres any help or other advice needed if you plan to build a Bitscope, PM and we can share some information. I built mine 2 months ago.



Hi X,
Have you good news for me about Labview and Bitscope?

haa... the PIC and EPLD have code protected,
and the source codes in Circuit Cellar article are demo version.

best bit scope

Hi all! Perhaps it's really great device. But shipping to some countries (like f*****' Russia) is impossible.i found this:

Contents of achive :
File description

17 July 1998

Bits-sch.PDF Schematic diagrams for BitScope Rev. 10

Bits-pcb.PDF Overlay and copper layers for BitScope Rev. 10

bitscope.PDF Proto Technical Document describing Operational Fundamentals

bits-lst.PDF Proto listing of PIC code. Reference for understanding operation.

bits-01.hex PIC binary for basic functionality

bits-01.jed Lattice ispLSI1016-80 PLD

Someone could tested or tell about this? I think,it could be very usefull

bitscope model 100

Hi Victor
The Bitscope was first a winning contribution in Circuit Cellar in -98. So the files you found is from that year, since then there has been a lot of changes, but if you are good at PIC programming you can alter the code and use it. With these files you can perhaps (complete?) build the old version of BS. If you have the parts you can build it very cheap else I would have bought the PIC and Lattice and get a much better design. One thing to remember is that some of the parts are hard to found, after all it is 4 years ago.

If plan to build one and need help with what circuits I used you can PM me.

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