Auto routin in Eagle issues

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Advanced Member level 1
Mar 20, 2016
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I am trying to do some routing but the traces are very close and my circuit is that complex how do I adjust how close the traces are when auto routing. I was thinking if would be to change the routing grid size because what I realize is that mine is set to 0.5mm but I cannot increase it, the program will give errors when I try to do that and it closes at times.

Also how would I change the size of traces when auto routing.

Suggest to read the user manual thoroughly to understand the basic idea of design rules and net classes. Routing grid is just another parameter which has to be set in a trade-off between ideal gridless routing and processing time. Track width and clearance is controlled by design rules.

More generally speaking, don't expect too much from an auto router, particularly from a simple one like the Eagle built-in. Using an auto router for a design that you don't manage to route manually is usually in vain.
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I dont have a manual but thanks for the help I will just try doing the routings manually

one final question, If I plan to etch my design should the design be mirrored or should it be printed as it is drawn?

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