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ATMEL or 16F/18F series for interfacing with LCD

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
Feb 28, 2013
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I'm trying to work on a project where i need to interface with an LCD and then may be a graphical LCD later on. Which PIC series would be good for me to use. Is it the Atmel or 16F or 18F series. Pls i need contribution from people that have done something similar so i wouldn't start working with a PIC and then have to change afterwards. thanks


Almost any micro can drive a lcd or glcd the choice is yours.
You do not mention what language you want to program in, Assembler, Basic, C etc.

You do not say how you want to start building it, using your own hardware or via a development board.

What is the final aim of your work other than a glcd ?

There are many good ways to achieve your results be it a Microchip Pic or an Arduino system, which are probably the 2 most popular diy systems.

Tell us a bit more of what you are planning and we can perhaps guide you better

LCD can be controlled even with 8-pin uCs. What uC to use depends what you try to make, and what is project requirements. What uC to select depends also from maximum allowed sized of PCB, and are you familiar with SMD soldering of QFP cases. Lets say like one example PIC18F4550 will be fine for usage in many projects, ATMega32 also.


Almost any micro can drive a lcd or glcd the choice is yours.
You do not mention what language you want to program in, Assembler, Basic, C etc.

You do not say how you want to start building it, using your own hardware or via a development board.

What is the final aim of your work other than a glcd ?

There are many good ways to achieve your results be it a Microchip Pic or an Arduino system, which are probably the 2 most popular diy systems.

Tell us a bit more of what you are planning and we can perhaps guide you better

I'm going to be programming in C. I just want to work on an electronic notice board that i can update with my gsm phone, so the electronic board here would be tested with an LCD, i would like to be able to display pictures on the long run but i just want to start with txts first and i would be using a GSM Module for it. Most of the projects i saw on sthg related used the AT89C52, 8051 series and related. So i was just wondering!! Also I'll appreciate recommeded or tested GLCD's that i can use

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