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At94S: a new SOC from Atmel

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Full Member level 2
Apr 22, 2001
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atmel figaro example

The Atmel have announced recently a At94S family secure system on chip. The family includes AVR RISC core, program and data memories (from 32k for program and 4k for data to 20k program and up to 16k on-chip data dual-port memories), standard AVR peripherals (timers, ports, oscillators), from 5k to 40k FPGA gates and build-on configuration EEPROM, what can be protected from reading from chip outside. The price starts from 6$.

This combination of properties make At94S ideal selection for low-cost devises, various measurement and communication equipments, home automation systems. For example, I plan use At94S in secure wireless home control network with Internet connectivity.

The developments tools: Atmel System Designer 2.1, that includes Cadence Routing and Placement FPGA Figaro software, own integrator and VHDL and AVR code compilers and simulators.
You can use newest Mentor Graphics Leonardo Spectrum 2002a and ModelSim 5.6 for FPGA part or any VHDL/Verilog compiler what support At94 series (I use Synplify Pro 7.0.3).
Software compilers – IAR 2.26n (my favorite) or ImageCraft.
Starter kit: Atmel produces kit, but it costs $500, what was unreachable for me because price. I developed own with much peripherals and less expensive 2 layer board.

More details on Atmel site

atmel soc

dacadc said:
The Atmel have announced recently a At94S family secure system on chip. [...] The price starts from 6$.

This is not true. At the moment only AT94S40 is available and that chip costs 67 EURO per piece.

The 6$ figure certainly is taken from the AT94K family.

difference between cypress and atmel

Do you know what is the difference between Cypress's PSoC and Atmel's SoC ? Which one is better for educational purpose? THX~

pika said:
Do you know what is the difference between Cypress's PSoC and Atmel's SoC ? Which one is better for educational purpose? THX~

The Cypress is smaller and less capable. Also, the cypress microcontroller is less "popular" than the FPSLIC's AVR. On the other hand, the development tools are free which is a big plus when you want to equip a class of 20 students. They can even continue study at home.

I haven't worked with Cypress so I can't give you final advice.


New SOC from Atmel

Easy PSoc better

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