Newbie level 1

Here is the flow which we are using :
We are using memories in our design. We have generated memories using Memory compiler and then converted .lib files to .db using readlib & writelib commands.
Memory compiler generates following four files for Memory files:
1. Memory_gen_ff_1.1_-40.0_syn.lib
2. Memory_gen_ff_1.1_125.0_syn.lib
3. Memory_gen_tt_1.0_25.0_syn.lib
4. Memory_gen_ss_0.9_125.0_syn.lib
Further to generate the .db files we are using "Memory_gen_ff_1.1_-40.0_syn.lib".
We are using fast.db for our ASIC. When we are running integrated top (with memory .db files), we are getting warning as below,
Warning: The trip points for the library named USERLIB differ from those in the library named fast. (TIM-164) ##
Looks we are missing something in flow while generating/integrating memory files with our RTL.
We are using memories in our design. We have generated memories using Memory compiler and then converted .lib files to .db using readlib & writelib commands.
Memory compiler generates following four files for Memory files:
1. Memory_gen_ff_1.1_-40.0_syn.lib
2. Memory_gen_ff_1.1_125.0_syn.lib
3. Memory_gen_tt_1.0_25.0_syn.lib
4. Memory_gen_ss_0.9_125.0_syn.lib
Further to generate the .db files we are using "Memory_gen_ff_1.1_-40.0_syn.lib".
We are using fast.db for our ASIC. When we are running integrated top (with memory .db files), we are getting warning as below,
Warning: The trip points for the library named USERLIB differ from those in the library named fast. (TIM-164) ##
Looks we are missing something in flow while generating/integrating memory files with our RTL.