Amplifer for expriment

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Junior Member level 1
Apr 5, 2009
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I am in need of help designing a Class A or Class AB amplifier for a frequency range of 100KHz -900Khz. Generated using a microcomputer , level shifted and amplified to be a pure sine wave with origin at zero.
I have a restriction of using +/-24V supply or single 24V.
The main requirement of the amplifier is that the output single has to be at least 48V peak [96Vpp]. This single will be give to a copper coil of single turn.
I had a Idea of using a transformer coupled output stage for a class A amplifier to archive the desired output.
Would like know if this approach is correct or is there any other way to achieve the 48volt peak wave, from a single [class A amp] or dual [class AB amp] 24Volt supply.
The Amplifier setup I am thinking of using is in the attachment.

If any other Idea or any other circuit would be appreciated.

to a copper coil of single turn.
is not really good idea for 100-900kHz range plus you have to match output and load.
Also you don't need electrolitic capacitor in emitter circuit. Ceramic or maylar one will do the job.
You should keep in mind gain or your amplifier and amplitude of input signal.
At moment your description missing some data.

The Signal range from 100Khz-900Khz is needed to find a suitable frequency for my experiment. The apparatus is a single turn coil, can be increased in turns .
The single has to be fed to the coil , the magmatic field has to be detected by a secondary coil that is the whole experiment. Right now a LC oscillator is is used, and the input signal to the coil [this is the L of the LC oscillator] peaks at around 28-32 Volts. I need to find out what happens if the peak Volts is increased. also different frequency .
Hence this Amplifier setup is though of. The design of Amplifier is not an issue, I need to know if the step up transformer is used in the output stage will it give me a peak voltage i am looking for, using a Class A amplifier with supply of 24 V. and input signal of 12Volt peak [8.5V rms].
The Impedance matching can be handled. the fig is just a rough design idea. Not the actual circuit.
The Big single turn coil represents the type of load that will be connected to the amplifier.

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