Altium: Merging 2 existing PCB documents into a new PCB document

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Newbie level 3
Aug 5, 2016
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I have been trying to merge 2 different PCB designs into 1 single PCB document for the purpose of editing the circuits. I have attempted to export the designs as AutoCAD files and importing them into PCB libraries before creating a schematic document to place the 2 different library schematic components and trying to import the changes into the PCB document. The result was that i had only managed to import the designators for both of the components.

Has anyone been able to do this thus far? I would appreciate any form of advice. Thank you.


Do you want to re-annotate designators, change symbols, etc... ?
At least for me it is not clear what exactly are you attempting to do.

I too am not sure why you need to import them both together to edit the circuit?

OR are you trying to take 2 circuits to make 1 design?

Does the good old copy and paste not work?

Sorry for not being clear on my objective. Like what Mattylad has mentioned, i am trying to put 2 different circuits into 1 PCB design.

Mattylad, i have tried copy and paste but the pasted design becomes full of errors (i.e the circuit becomes green in colour). Hope this clarifies what i am trying to do.

What errors though?

Perhaps it becomes full of errors because you have 2 instances of the component names and net names?

First re annotate the 2nd schematic so that the numbers start "after" the first schematics ones.
I am not sure about net names, if the system nets will past in as new names, any named nets may connect so need checking and possibly renaming first.

Then copy and paste.
If it goes in but with errors, can you list, check and fix the errors leaving you with what you are wanting?
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