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Altium - editing while dragging problem

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Jul 1, 2013
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Hi all,

I have a problem with Altium. I've been googling for a few days, tried to look in all Altium's preferences - couldn't solve it.

My problem: When I drag a component, I can't flip it (X, Y buttons) or rotate it (space button). I know that you need to click with the left mouse key on the component, then WHILE dragging you can press X, Y or space, BUT it doesn't work. What is really strange - it worked before on previous Altium 10.
What actually happens is that when I'm selecting a component, I can see the selection highlighted on the component.(Green small boxes around corners of the component - just normal left mouse click on the component), but when I start to drag it, it disappears and I just drag a component without any selection. Before it was still selected and I could edit it, but not anymore.

If someone had this problem and solved it, please share your solution, since it's really annoying not to be able to rotate a component while moving it. You can't adjust it.

thanks in advance,


What OS and PC platform/mouse are you using?
I've seen this problem occur on one of my machines, but it seemed to go away after I rebooted the machine. I suspect that it might have been a conflict with a wireless mouse driver I had installed, but not sure.


OC Windows 7, 64 bit.
I use the most cheapest normal mouse from Microsoft for 10 euro. =) 2 buttons and one wheel, wired.
As I said, it worked before. I didn't change anything except for changing Altium 10 to 13.3.


I will be away from my PC for a several days, but will try to investigate on my side when I get back. Did you post an inquiry on the altium forum also?

If the component disappears when you start to drag it (but reappears in the new location when you release the drag), try this...

1) Click on "Preferences" under the DXP menu
2) Expand the "PCB Editor" group and select the "Display" option
3) Disable/uncheck the "Use Alpha Blending" selection.

That should do it. This always happens to us when we update Altium to the latest version, so I am quite familiar with this problem.

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