Altium - A few question

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selecting components in altium room

Unfortunately, 3D simulators are expensive. Two that I know are capable of doing what you want, and giving accurate results, are:

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delete keep out layer altium

Once again I need your help, because I have to generate gerber files from a pcb project. So, my pcb looks like this:
- components are on both sides: THT on top layer and some SMD on bottom layer;
- the copper trace is only on bottom layer (single side).
In this tutorial you can see the next image .
My questions are:
1. what layers do I have to check for my pcb?
2. do I have to check mirror for some layers (for example, bottom overlay) or just follow the steps?

altium gnd spice reference net

No, you shouldn't check mirror. Gerber plots are meant to be read from the top down - just like your PCB editor shows the board. The Mirror ability is there for those who want to etch their own boards, or the odd fab who uses very, very, old equipment.

If you press the button at the bottom of the display for "Plot Layers", you'll see a choice for "Used Layers" - click on that and the appropriate layers will be checked for you.

Depending on what you want for your finished board, you may not use all the Gerber layers. For example, if you choose not to have a top silkscreen, you just ignore that Gerber plot.

how to import dwg file into altium

Many thanks, House_Cat

Because I have no experience of using gerbers files ans industrial pcb manufacturing, I need your advice, please.

This image represents the normal view in the generated bottom overlay gerber data? I mean the mirror comment is ok?
Can you tell me some other tricks of using gerber data, please.
It helps a lot avoiding heart failure :|

altium round shape

How do I set 70 micron copper thickness in AD?

altium how to create a schematic room

You set copper thickness by using a fabrication note, and a stackup diagram. Usually such notes and diagrams are placed on the Drill Drawing, but any mechanical layer can be used. This is the same will all EDA software. You need to provide a diagram and/or notes for the fab.

Copper thickness can be entered in the Layer Stack Manager (Design>>Layer Stack Manager), by double clicking on the desired layer in the diagram. However, that information will not be included in your fab files unless you place a stackup diagram (Tools>>Layer Stackup Legend) on a mechanical layer as I mentioned in the first paragraph.

keep out area altium

My goal is to design a board with metallized pads like these ones

But I'm confused about the correct settings in ADS08, concerning the pad shape. Any help, please.

how to lock vias in altium

Unless I'm not seeing the picture properly, the pads that you're showing are simple plated-thru round pads. When building the footprint, you would just use the hotkeys "PP" (for place pad), hit tab to open the properties, and enter the information about hole size, pad size, plating, shape, etc.

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