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ADS Batch simulation strange output behavior

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Newbie level 3
Mar 27, 2023
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Hi There! I am fairly new to ADS and I have encountered something quite weird, I wonder if it's I did something wrong or if it's a software problem!

My setup looks something like this, I have set "UseSeparateProcess" as "yes" and "MergeDatasets" as "no". However, when it outputs, the output file name is all the same so that the newer ones will replace the older ones, which causes the only output that I see to be the last file.

I've tried to set "UseSeparateProcess" as "no" but the problem with that is it's quite slow, and it seems like the most of time is spent on merging and separating the data, instead of the simulation itself.

I wonder if there is a way to make ADS not overwrite the previous file!

Thank you so much!

I wonder if there is a way to make ADS not overwrite the previous file!

I think you refer to the S-parameter file (SPOutput), not the dataset?

One possible solution is a build a composite filename that includes variable values, so that each name is different. You can use a variable filename with sprintf() function, as I showed in this appnote

Applied to your case and assuming that w is an integer value (no decimal digits):
myfilename = sprintf("D:\abc%i.s2p", w)
For w=10000, myfilename will then be "D:\abc10000.s2p"

Important: for the SPOutput block, you then specify FileName=myfilename without enclosing myfilename in "".

I think you refer to the S-parameter file (SPOutput), not the dataset?

One possible solution is a build a composite filename that includes variable values, so that each name is different. You can use a variable filename with sprintf() function, as I showed in this appnote

Applied to your case and assuming that w is an integer value (no decimal digits):
myfilename = sprintf("D:\abc%i.s2p", w)
For w=10000, myfilename will then be "D:\abc10000.s2p"

Important: for the SPOutput block, you then specify FileName=myfilename without enclosing myfilename in "".
Thank you so much for your reply!

I've tried your method, it works if I don't use batch sweep, however, if I use batch sweep, and with "Useseperateprocess" as yes, the problem persists. I wonder if there is a way to not make them overwrite previous files with these settings, its just this way is faster.

Thank you so much!

Hi there! I also have similar issues, where I use the batch simulation, and set "use separate process" as "yes", the output S-parameter will overwrite the previous one, I wonder if there is something wrong that I did.

Thank you!

and set "use separate process" as "yes"

It is not clear from your question if "output S-parameter" refers to the ADS dataset or to an external S-parameter file like Drss4 showed. For the external file, it is obvious that you need to provide unique filenames, as I described above.

In my workspaces with batch simulation, I set "use separate process" to NO. This gives me an ADS dataset with all simulations in one dataset, no issue with overwriting something.

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