adpcm and an 8 bit uC

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Dec 13, 2002
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adpcm 8bit

I'm searching for ADPCM algorithm that get 8bit stream data and encode it in 'n' bit (with n < 8 obviously ). I found only algorithm that get 16 bit stream data and encode in 4 bit, but I've a uC that has an ADC of 8 bit and I think the usage of 16 bit algo is fool.
Thx for any answer

8bit adpcm

Thx for any answer

Ok, some answer I have made ADPCM decoder with 8-bit DAC. AFAIK, there is no big reason to change algorithm from 16-bit to 8-bit - as, anyway, you will have 4 bits of data on memory. There is automatic scale changing on ADPCM algorithm. Also, there was no distortions at all - After making sequential encoding and decoding of voice wav file there was none bit changing. But you will get distortions if you decrease variables size in routine.

read this excerpt :

Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ADPCM (G.721) allows for the compression of PCM encoded input whose power varies with time. Feedback of a reconstructed version of the input signal is subtracted from the actual input signal, which is then quantised to give a 4 bit output value. This compression gives a 32 kbit/s output rate. This standard was recently extended in G.726 , which replaces both G.721 and G.723 , to allow conversion between 64 kbit/s PCM and 40, 32, 24, or 16 kbit/s channels. G.727 is an extension of G.726 and issued for embedded ADPCM on 40, 32, 24, or 16 kbit/s channels, with the specific intention of being used in packetised speech systems utilizing the Packetized Voice Protocol (PVP), defined in G.764.

The encoding of higher quality speech (50Hz-7kHz) is covered in G.722 and G.725 , and is achieved by utilizing sub-band ADPCM coding on two frequency sub-bands; the output rate is 64 kbit/s. "

o what you are looking for is the ITU-T standard .

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