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Does anybody have c example for communication between AD5933 (Impedance converter) and AVR ATmega 128 or 32?
I found example for ARM but it does not work after changes which I made. The original code is
Best regards.
Does anybody have c example for communication between AD5933 (Impedance converter) and AVR ATmega 128 or 32?
I found example for ARM but it does not work after changes which I made. The original code is
Author : sean brennan dac applications
Date : APRIL. 2006
File : AD5933_I2C_Master.c
Hardware : Applicable to ADuC702x rev H or I silicon
Currently targetting ADuC7026.
Description : I2C master to demonstrate with I2C_Slave.c
Operates in two modes, read & write (called recieve and
transmit here). At the begining of an I2C transmission, the
Master sends an address. The LSB of this address determines
if the Master is to read (1) or write (0).
This code also demonstrates basic UART functionality.
The baudrate is calculated with the following formula:
Baudrate * 2 *16
#include<ADuC7020.h> // Include ADuC7020 Header File
#include"stdio.h" // include standard i/o Header file
void IRQ_Handler(void) __irq; // IRQ Funtion Prototype
void delay(int);
void i2c_write ( unsigned int reg_address, unsigned int reg_write_data);
int AD5933_read (unsigned int register_address);
void i2c_read(void);
char hexidecimal_ascii(char toconv); //hex to ascii conversion
void send_data_uart(short to_send); // sends data up UART
extern int write (char * ptr, int len); // Functions used to
extern int getchar (void); // to output data
extern int putchar (int); // Write character to Serial Port
void Measure_Temp (void);
void sweep (void);
void convert (short bin, char *str); // converts real/imag (2's complement to hex/decimal)
#define count 0x0; // Number of bytes to be recieved - 1
#define address_pointer_command 0xB0;
int i = 0, Receive_byte[1]; // Size of receive_byte should be (count + 1)
char a;
short int status_register ;
unsigned char jchar = 0x30;
unsigned int real_data;
unsigned int imag_data;
unsigned char binary[16];// array used to convert 2's complement to binary
int main(void)
IRQEN = PLA_IRQ0_BIT+SM_MASTER1_BIT ; // Enable i2c in IRQEnable
GP4DAT = 0x04040000; // Configure P4.2 as output
GP3DAT = 0xff000000; // Configure port 3 as output
GP1CON = 0x2211; // I2C on P1.2 and P1.3
I2C1CFG = 0x82; // Master Enable & Enable Generation of Master Clock
// I2C-Master setup
I2C1DIV = 0xcfcf; // 0x3232 = 400kHz
// 0xCFCF = 100kHz
// UART set up at 9600bps
// Start setting up UART at 9600bps
COMCON0 = 0x080; // Setting DLAB
COMDIV0 = 0x088; // Setting DIV0 and DIV1 to DL calculated
COMDIV1 = 0x000;
COMCON0 = 0x007; // Clearing DLAB
// Transmit to start frequency register
// program 30khz start frequency assuming internal osc of 16.776Khz
i2c_write ( 0x84, 0x45);
i2c_write ( 0x83, 0xA6);
i2c_write ( 0x82, 0x0E);
// Transmit to frequency increment register
// program 1Khz frequency increment assuming internal osc of 16.776Khz
i2c_write ( 0x87, 0x02);
i2c_write ( 0x86, 0x7D);
i2c_write ( 0x85, 0x00);
// Transmit to NUMBER OF INCREMENTS register
// program 10 frequency increments
i2c_write ( 0x89, 0x0A);
i2c_write ( 0x88, 0x00);
// Transmit to settling time cycles register
// program 15 output cycles at each frequency before a adc conversion
i2c_write ( 0x8B, 0x0F);
i2c_write ( 0x8A, 0x00);
// Transmit to CONTROL register
// place the AD5933 in standby mode
i2c_write ( 0x80, 0xB0);
// Choose the internal system clock
i2c_write ( 0x81, 0x00);
// Choose range 1 (2vp-p, 1.6v) PGA = x1
i2c_write ( 0x80, 0x01);
// initialise the sensor with contents of start frequency regsister with range 1 (2vp-p, 1.6v) PGA = x1
i2c_write ( 0x80, 0x10);
// start of frequency sweep (2vp-p, 1.6v) PGA = x1
i2c_write ( 0x80, 0x20);
// initialise the sweep sequence
sweep ();
//issue a measure temperature command to the control register
i2c_write ( 0x80, 0x90);
// read the temperature data and send to uart
// do nothing
return 0;
/////////////////////////////////////// function's///////////////////////////////////////////
void delay (int length)
while(length >0)
void i2c_write ( unsigned int reg_address, unsigned int reg_write_data)
I2C1MTX = reg_address; // register address.send i2c byte address
I2C1MTX = reg_write_data; // register data. send i2c byte address
I2C1ADR = 0x1A; // device address. set i2c address(LSB = 0, Master Write)
delay(4000); // nominal delay
int AD5933_read (unsigned int register_address)
i2c_write(0xB0,register_address); // set the address pointer
void i2c_read(void)
i = 0;
I2C1CNT = count; // Number of bytes to be read from slave
I2C1ADR = 0x1B; // device address. set i2c address(LSB = 1, Master Read)
void send_data_uart(short to_send) // sends data up UART
//while(!(0x020==(COMSTA0 & 0x020))){}
// COMTX = 0x0A; // output Line feed
//while(!(0x020==(COMSTA0 & 0x020))){}
// COMTX = 0x0D; // output Carrage return
while(!(0x020==(COMSTA0 & 0x020)))
COMTX = (hexidecimal_ascii ((to_send >> 12) & 0x0F));
while(!(0x020==(COMSTA0 & 0x020)))
COMTX = (hexidecimal_ascii ((to_send >> 8) & 0x0F));
while(!(0x020==(COMSTA0 & 0x020)))
COMTX = hexidecimal_ascii ((to_send >> 4) & 0x0F);
while(!(0x020==(COMSTA0 & 0x020)))
COMTX = hexidecimal_ascii(to_send & 0x0F);
while(!(0x020==(COMSTA0 & 0x020)))
COMTX = 0x0A; // output Line feed
while(!(0x020==(COMSTA0 & 0x020)))
COMTX = 0x0D; // output Carrage return
char hexidecimal_ascii(char toconv) //hex to ascii conversion
toconv += 0x30;
} else
toconv += 0x37;
void sweep (void)
unsigned int real_byte_high;
unsigned int real_byte_low;
unsigned int imag_byte_high;
unsigned int imag_byte_low;
signed short int imag_data;
signed short int real_data;
//write(output3,25); // output "start sweep" to uart
printf ("Start of Frequency sweep\n"); // printf function call
// status reg D0 = valid temp, D1 = valid real/imag data, D2 = frequency sweep complete
// D1 status reg loop
status_register = AD5933_read(0x8F); // read the status register
status_register = (status_register & 0x2); // mask off the valid data bit
if( ((status_register)| 0xFD )== 0xFF) // valid data should be present after start freqy command
// D1 true condition
//printf ("Status register is %u (dec) \n",status_register); // printf function call
if( (AD5933_read(0x8F)| 0xFB )!= 0xFF)// D2 test condition
real_byte_high = AD5933_read(0x94);
real_byte_low = AD5933_read(0x95);
imag_byte_high = AD5933_read(0x96);
imag_byte_low = AD5933_read(0x97);
real_data = ((real_byte_high << 8) | real_byte_low);
imag_data = ((imag_byte_high << 8) | imag_byte_low);
// real data
printf ("original Real register = 0x%x\n",(unsigned int)((unsigned short)real_data)); // printf function call
//printf ("processed Real register = %s (binary equivilant of above)\n",binary);
// printf ("\n%s ",binary);
//printf ("processed real register = %d(decimal equivilant)\n",(int)real_data);
//printf ("\n");
printf ("original imag register = 0x%x\n",(unsigned int)((unsigned short)imag_data)); // printf function call
//printf ("processed imag register = %s (binary equivilant of above)\n",binary);
//printf ("\n%s",binary);
//printf ("processed imag register = %d(decimal equivilant)\n%d\r",(int)imag_data);
//printf ("\n");
// increment to the next frequency
i2c_write ( 0x80, 0x30);
} // end of D2 test condition
else // End of frequency sweep exit loop
//printf ("Status register is %u (dec) \n",status_register);
} // end of D1 true condition
} // end of for loop
}// end of sweep function
void convert (short bin, char *str) // converts from 2s complement to hex.
unsigned short mask; // used to check each individual bit, unsigned
// to alleviate sign extension problems
mask = 0x8000; // Set only the high-end bit
while(mask) // Loop until MASK is empty
if(bin & mask) // test the masked bit
*str = '1'; // if true, value is 1
*str = '0'; // if false, value is 0
str++; // next character
mask >>= 1; // shift the mask 1 bit
*str = 0; // add the trailing null
/************ IRQ Service Routine *************/
void IRQ_Handler() __irq
// i2c Recieve
if((I2C1MSTA & 0x8) == 0x8) // Master Recieve IRQ
Receive_byte[0] = I2C1MRX;
// wait until the user has released push button
// while(GP0DAT & 0x00010) {} // increment to the next frequency
// I2C1ADR = 0x1A; // device address. set i2c address(LSB = 0, Master Write) MMR 0XXFFFF081C
// I2C1MTX = 0x80; // register address.send i2c byte address MMR OXFFFF0814
// I2C1MTX = 0x30; // register data. send i2c byte address MMR OXFFFF0814
// GP4DAT &= 0x04000000; // Turn on led to indicate sweep point
// write(output1,25); // Output string to hyperterminal
return ;
Best regards.