A question on charge pump in PLL design.

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Newbie level 4
Sep 19, 2003
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Is there anyone could tell me how to design the charge pump circuits in front of the loop filter of a PLL? Is there any ICs available for this purpose? and how to select an appropriate IC?

I just start to learn to design a PLL and appreciate any help. Thanks first!

look for google, many kind of charge pump.

I think also that there is complete PLL on chip try to search in national or so..

R u designing an integrated or a discrete PLL ?

swithching at source

Just need discrete pump only...?
there are many discrete PLL ICs but discrete pump seems rare.

I have sent you a paper about charged pump PLLs .
it is not the exact answer to your question ,but i hope it will be useful for you.

i just designed a pll for my project. i followed the design by

Shenggao Li, High Performance GHz RF CMOS IC’s for Integrated Phase-Locked Loops, Phd dissertation Ohio State University, 2000

try to use inter lib load to get the thesis.

karthik167 said:
i just designed a pll for my project. i followed the design by

Shenggao Li, High Performance GHz RF CMOS IC’s for Integrated Phase-Locked Loops, Phd dissertation Ohio State University, 2000

try to use inter lib load to get the thesis.

can u plz upload that thesis on the board..

pll charge pump design 3rd system
use matlab tsimulink

I designed a cmos PLL frequency synthesizer. For a charge pump is important to consider the dead zone and load redistribution, if you want to have a better phase noise response.

you can study from the classical textbook: RF microelectronics. there is basic theory about the charge pump and PLL.

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