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991ES Casio Calculator Knowledge

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Aug 29, 2012
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Hello to all,

As we know in Casio 991ES calculator has Natural Display. What is the part number of this LCD?

Does it available in market easily or Casio manufacture it on its own?

Can I have a datasheet of this part number please?

I need to know more but this thing should be answered.


Best Regards,

Hello Eshal,

What do you mean by natural display ?
As far as i'm aware the Casio 991ES calculator has just a normal dot matrix display.
Those calculator displays are in most cases specially made for/by the manufacturer.
You could open one, en check the display yourself.

Natural display means it can show root sign, exponents, integral sign, derivative sign. While other calculators display cannot. You can search on google what is meant by natural textbook display.

It means I can't get any this display from market?

Every display with reasonable resolution can display these signs, its just part of the software in the calculator and not specific for this display.
And yes, i've read the datasheet of the calculator. With natural display they mean the representation of what is shown on the display (the signs) matches the presentation in the textbooks.
So the student will feel comfortable using their calculator.

With 'natural display' they don't point to any characteristic of the display.
It seems you are assuming the 'signs' are part of the display. i can assure you, they are not.

For your question ''it means I can't get any this display from market?'' : Probably not this display.

But as i said : Any display with reasonable resolution can display the same characters. the Characters are not part of the display but of the software written for it.

What makes you 'want' this specific display ?

I've you somehow get this display you will be disappointing to what you get, its just a dot matrix display, which are easy to get.
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can you tell me what is the resolution of this casio 991es display has?

based on zooming in on the pictures of the display here I'd say it's something around ~100 x 30 give or take 5.

6 pixels high with 2 pixels between character rows. so 6*4+2*3 = 30
the horizontal is just an eyeball guess.

- - - Updated - - -

Seems there are ~16 characters in the display so 6*16 = 96 horizontal.

The extra icons at the top (non-dot matrix) would likely mean the display is a custom unit specially made for Casio.

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