89s52 program using serial port

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isp cable adapter tms tdi tck mosi miso

Here is the working link :


atmel at89isp программатор


This APPNOTE is only for AT89S series From ATMEL:

doc3310 : AT89ISP Programmer Cable

Good Luck!

atmel isp programmer cable schematic

wakaka said:

for this programmer, the software can be run on winxp??
For at89s51,52,53, which xtal should be supplied? 4Mhz? 12MhZ? 20mHZ??
plz reply, tankx

Dear ,

It Works in WinXP. You can choose any Crystal Frequency.Program has a field that

you can type your crystal frequency.

Good Luck!

at89isp parallel port configuration

I have tried the sch. under www.amwaw.edu.pl/~adybkows/elka/ispprog.html
on two workstations running WIN2000 and WINXP. Both of them work, but I needed to restart the application sometimes for successful programming.

John Leung

at89isp sch

icic, thanks for the reply....

Added after 10 minutes:

er.....another request, can anyone show me the adapter circuit for AT89s51, 52, 53 using this programmer?

theres something i'm not tat sure, thanx....

Added after 1 hours 23 minutes:

**broken link removed**
from this circuit, just connect the output from JP2 to the at89s52?
do v need to add any passive components(like resistors and capacitors) in between JP2 and microC??
Do v need to implement pull-up resistor to reset pin?? (but the reset for at89s is enable-high)
WHen do v need to invert reset? during programming AVR or AT9s??
plz help, thankx

isp programming cable schematics

No pullup, no serial resistors required as per my trial result.

J2: - AT89S52
RESET(pin 6 of J2 header) - RST (pin 9 of mcu)
MOSI(pin 5 of J2 header) - P1.5 (pin 6 of mcu)
MISO(pin 4 of J2) - P1.6 (pin 7 of mcu)
SCK(pin 3 of J2) - P1.7 (pin 8 of mcu)
Vdd, GND, no need to explain.
The ISP programmer is taking power from the main board.

I believe reset signal has been taken care of by the software.


at89isp connection problem

oh yeah, thankx again.....will try it out when i got the 74lvc244, dunno is available or not...

Added after 1 hours 55 minutes:

Or can i replace 74lvc244 to 74hc244? prefer dip package, easy to solder......is it possible??

programmer using 74hc244

Or can i replace 74lvc244 to 74hc244? prefer dip package, easy to solder......is it possible??

I was using exactly 74hc244, and it worked.


ponyprog dongle circuit for attiny12

oh yes, then i can switch to 74hc244 instead of the surface mount....thanx man

lpt 89s programmer

after downloading the program, do v need to to put a pull-down resistor on reset pin as it is active high? or just put one push button connected with reset pin and Vdd??

at89isp epp

after downloading the program, do v need to to put a pull-down resistor on reset pin as it is active high? or just put one push button connected with reset pin and Vdd??

May use a simple RST RC circuit as attached. We have that for a proven development board for 89S52. For full schematic, please refer to attached pdf document. This RESET circuit is very common. I tested this board with a DIY programmer as given by www.amwaw.edu.pl/~adybkows/elka/ispprog.html, and the combination is working alright. RESET states can be turned ON/OFF via the RESET button on the software.

John Leung

isp cable for 89s52

The programmer software seems cant detect the AT89s51......can anyone help me on debugging the board?

wats the max length for the dl cable??
do i need to configure anything??
plz help, thankx

89ls52 isp cable


I've built the circuit, too. But unfortunately the homepage is down and I can't download the ISP Programmer software

Can somebody send me the software (I think about 163 KB)?!?

Please mail to matthias5@t-online.de

Thank you!!!!

89ls52 programmer

aldready sent......

stk 200 xp problem

Refer to a circuit at .

It is a working one! However, I tried that circuit with the original Atmel ISP software, Adam Dybkowski's program (need custom pinout def), and a Chinese ISP downloader software (need custom pinout def) on 4 PCs (3x WinXP, 1x Win2000). Some of the PCs run without any problem for all three software, some of the PCs only work with the Chinese ISP downloader somehow. Change parallel port mode under BIOS to Standard or EPP mode on problem, and try different software package usually solve the problem.


74hc244 isp

can anyone give me schematic of AT89s51's programmer using 74HC244

isp programmer adam dybkowski setup

Sunrom has discontinued the snatsz programmer, but I have found out the schematic of the programmer. It is available under a new name - AT89SXX in-circuit programmer.

Get the pre-programmed firmware chip for the AT89SXX In-circuit programmer from sunrom.

The chip is available for Rs.250 (if in india) or $8.33(if in US or any other country)

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