64bit CPU on linux - links

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64bit CPU on linux

Will the EDA tools run in 64 bit mode?

binu g

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

I think AMD64 is best than P4!

64bit CPU on linux

yes that is well understood, after i start using it.
iam 100% comfort with AMD.

but my question is that all EDA s/w will support 64 bit

binu g

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

cadence and synopsys both have planes for amd64. you will very soon see new versions.
the eda world is like a ship heard, all move in the same direction.


Re: 64bit CPU on linux

Has Cadence or Mentor 64bits already been delivered to one of you ?
If yes, what is the performance AMD64 vs SUN workstation ?

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

MODELSIM AND CALIBRE are available for Opteron both 64-bit, FPGA advantage isnt far away aswell as precision synthesis. I not clear about the IC 5 64-bit but considering its one of the major tools I suspect there is priority on it but I cant see it comming this year

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

recently, I find some website have Opteron & Xeon test

I find andtech report is said Xeon >> Athlon64 on someday
but another days, I find Athlon64 fast than Xeon ..
why ??

who can really test EDA tool on 64bit x86 CPU
someone said Andtech & THG have "fake test report"

which website can really test report on P4 & K8 CPU

64bit CPU on linux

hi Andy2000a
iam using AMD series System from last 4 years.
i have experienced that CAD tools Perform well in AMD than in INTEL

binu g

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

The answer is simple, EDA tools (especially spice) rely on FPU performance hence AMD will allways perform better regardless. Also the 8000 chipset has FULL driver support (mature, fast and stable) in Redhat 3 where as the new xeon platform DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING PLUS THE EMT64 FLAW. I wont and dont recommend the new xeon just on this basis let alone the speed difference.

The Itanium is another story, its very fast but only for 64-bit designs (designs over 4GB) however application support is non-existant (apart from hspice and calibre I think) considering its now 10 years since its release, people are just not interested and dont want anything to do with it. IMO Intel should scrap it and start again from the begining instead of pumping millions of $$$ in to it with no results.

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

AMD64 is better than intel's

pls see this file from HP

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

AMD64 is better than intel's

Yes it is, and do you know why
Because AMD64 is not only a 64 bit processor, but unlike the Intel IA-64 architecture it does also support 32-bit processing.
Thus in AMD you get the best bet, you and keep your current software and install new 64-bit software.

but my question is that all EDA s/w will support 64 bit

Of course not, because all present software is for 32-bit architectures, and you will need to redesign the software or better if the software manufacturer already supports 64-bit processing.
But in AMD64 you can use EDA software, since it also has 32-bit emulation.

The answer is simple, EDA tools (especially spice) rely on FPU performance hence AMD will allways perform better regardless.

I have to strongly disagree. AMD processors right from the K5 to the AMD Athlon (pre AthlonXP processor), suffered from an inferior FPU unit, Intel processors where always better, thats why all the heavy games like Quake3, Unreal Tournament, where for intel processors,
If AMD would have better FPU performance, than their would have been no reason to not support AMD processors, by all major Game Manufacturers.

Any way AthlonXP has a better FPU performance on a per-MHz basis, because it has a higher amount of cache than the Intel P4, thats why it can carry out bigger chunk of instruction in a single unit of time, whereas the P4 would take multiple cycles to do the same.

64bit CPU on linux

AMD 64 is made for gaming and eyecandy graphics and intels are for office stuff

64bit CPU on linux

in my experience , I/O speed of AMD CPU is slow than INTEL....
as i dump fsdb file , AMD decrease simulation speed...

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

Doesnt apply know, there using HT links togethor with on die memory controller and full speed PCI-X slots to boot in thier high end motherboards.

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

After testing EDA some tools in P4 3.2GHz/AMD XP3200 platforms.
I found P43.2 HT/FSB800 is a little faster than AMD Barton3200+

I test a demo circuit in Hsim 3.0, a benchmark script in matlab6.5,
and some transient simulation in spectre.

But calibre is a little problematic in P4 with 4GB mem. When I use 4GB
mem (bigmem kernel is already adopted), everytime iI invoke calibre interactive, the system will delay my instruction for 20 to 30 seconds.

with 3GB mem, no such problem.

Also, I found dual channel DDR in AMD will not improve EDA simulation.
But a gain of 5%~10% will be introduced in P4 with dual DDR.

That is, P4 with 3x1GB module is about 10% slower than P4 with 2x1GB+2x512MB DDR(dual channel is enabled).

I hope this information is somehow helpful

Re: 64bit CPU on linux

By the way,

The two testing platform configurations:

AMD Barton3200+ P4 3.2CG HT/800FSB
redhat 7.3 redhat 7.3
kernel-2.4.20-28.7 kernel-smp-2.4.20-28.7

Basically, all the memory modules and hardisks are all the same.

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