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2.54mm Pitch Crimp tools

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Mar 13, 2015
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Hello all,

Our company has been using Harwin connectors for some time and we wanted to get a few more crimping tools for their 2.54 mm pinch crimp contacts (part # M20-1180046). The tool they sell is ~$425 and I was looking around for alternatives. There are numerous 2.54 mm crimping tools for less than $100 but I dont know if these tools can be interchangeable. Does anyone have any experience with using a cheaper tool and are they in fact interchangeable? Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

image.jpgRatchet control with stop force latch gives consistent crimps.

Cheaper hand tools require stronger hands and more skill for consistent force and reliable pull test results.

Is this for small qty or volume production?

Are you aware of pull-test specs?

Thanks for the reply.

Small quantity. We mostly deal with RF circuits but every once in a while we need to make some DC connectors and cables. I wanted to get 1 or two more simply because the 1 we have gets misplaced and I am sick of looking around for it. Sadly that isn't enough of a reason to pony up another $450.

The harwin data sheet lists the pull off force as 45N/10Lbs for 22 gauge. I usually just gave the cables a good yank as the test and visual inspection, I know this is far from ideal.

There are a number of ratcheting crimping tools out there for half the price of the Harwin specific one (Z20-320), however, I am just afraid they will not work with the specific contacts we bought 1000's of a few years back.

All major manufacturers have a series of 2.54 mm connectors, and they use similar but slightly different crimp contacts. Means the crimp contacts usually don't fit or at least don't fit properly the housings from other manufacturers, Also the tools are slightly dufferent. My experience is that you can usually process contacts with an alien tool for prototyping, but the contacts may be e.g. twisted a bit. If you can get a cheap (e.g. $50) tool for similar crimp contacts, have a try.

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