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1k to 2kHz Frequency converter

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Amr Wael

Member level 5
Jul 13, 2020
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Hello Everyone,
I would like to know if there is an IC or a converter that takes as input Sinusoidal 1k Hz signal and multiplies the frequency to be 2kHz frequency ?
I have a system that features only 1 channel function generator and I need 2 signals so I need a solution for either upconverting the 1kHz signal to 2kHz or vice versa
The signal is 10Vp-p maximum.
I found many methods featuring PLL but I feel that all methods are actually targetting frequency multiplication of clocks and digital pulses not analog signals , Any ideas?
Update : I found a method using a PLL and a frequency divider in the feedback between the output and the phase detector but I am not sure if there are more simple solutions for the frequency conversion? any ideas?
Thank you very much in advance.
Amr Wael
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A PLL regenerates the signal rather than multiplying it. Any division in the output before feeding it back to the phase comparator will result in an equal multiplication of the frequency as long as the VCO can reach the output frequency.

Your other option is to up-mix with another 1KHz oscillator but I fear you may run into problems as they are so close together and there would be other undesirable mixer products.


Hello Everyone,
I would like to know if there is an IC or a converter that takes as input 1k Hz signal and multiplies the frequency to be 2kHz frequency ?
I have a system that features only 1 channel function generator and I need 2 signals so I need a solution for either upconverting the 1kHz signal to 2kHz or vice versa
The signal is 10Vp-p maximum.

Thank you very much in advance.
Amr Wael
I f
A PLL regenerates the signal rather than multiplying it. Any division in the output before feeding it back to the phase comparator will result in an equal multiplication of the frequency as long as the VCO can reach the output frequency.

Your other option is to up-mix with another 1KHz oscillator but I fear you may run into problems as they are so close together and there would be other undesirable mixer products.

I found the perfect solution finally , its actually more simple than your suggestions.
I will use an Analog multiplier and both its input will be my 1KHz signal so the output signal will a square of the input and the frequency will be doubled It will be having an offset , a phase shift and will be attenuated but I am going to use signal conditioning circuit to return the signal to its original specs.
Check this video for more details if you want

An alternative, single chip, up to 4 channels.

Using onchip DDS and WaveDAC components, simply set the respective DDS for the freq you want
for that channel. In example the channels are phase synchronous because of common clock to DDS's.

If you wanted a tracking system, one channel tracking the other, with a multiplying factor,
add onchip logic counter component to measure the freq in one channel and set the other
channel to the freq relationship you want. Of course this causes latency, but if you implemented a reciprocal freq cntr onchip and input was 50% duty cycle the latency would be < 1 period of
input waveform its measuring.

The WaveDACs can gen arbitrary, sine, ramp, square.....whatever. Even do bursting waveforms
with controlled bursts and interburst timing.

Programing done in C, each component has a lib of f() calls so you do not have to write drivers.


IDE, PSOC Creator, and compiler free. Board to use with moderate I/O for debug $ 15.

An example of a f() generator bursting.

components onboard the chip (multiple copies in many cases) -


Regards, Dana.
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