1.5 KW switching regulator

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I use 1500W for P(out) . 90% for Efficiency . and 50V for Vin . and the result is 33A .

How you calculated 33 A ? ( my mean is what is your formula ? can you show me , the steps of your design? thus i or the others can correct them .
Best Wishes
the first formola in the blow link .

I found a 3 winding transformer for LTSpice .Is it suitable for full bridge?. I want to change its parameters . how can I do it?


  • LTspice libraries.rar
    21.7 KB · Views: 68

I went to " power sim " sait . and the sait's designer software's result is in attached file . the result is approximately similar to my design . but there are some difference such as L19 and C29 parts . is feedback proper for me? how aboat snubbers?


  • power sim designed full bridge for project.jpg
    149.2 KB · Views: 92

where is the Mastes of Power supplies?

Hi again
I'm a bit confused that what is your clear problem , right now ?
Best Wishes

Goldsmith ,
I am tring to design a true circuit and then I simulate it for my project . and at final I will built this . my problemes with the circuit is in Previous comments.
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please help me to design a linear power supply with output voltage of 2v to 25v dc. O


Dear ronish
At first , it think you'd better to create new thread .
Anywhere , if you want linear regulators , try LDO what is good for your aim .
Best Wishes

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