Member level 5
I had a component in my VHDL design. some ports of this component are not needed to be connected. I have used 'open' in port map section. This works ok for ports of mode out. for ports of mode in, I have to set initial value for the port first. As an example
My question, Why I have to initialize the input ports. i.e why I can't leave it open without assigning initial value?
I had a component in my VHDL design. some ports of this component are not needed to be connected. I have used 'open' in port map section. This works ok for ports of mode out. for ports of mode in, I have to set initial value for the port first. As an example
Component HalfAdder
Port (
Clk : in std_logic;
Rst: in std_logic;
In_1: in std_logic;
In_2: in std_logic := ‘1’ ;
Carry: out std_logic;
Sum : out std_logic
End component;
ModifiedAdder: HalfAdder
Port map (
Clk => clk,
Rst => rst,
In_1 => In_1,
In_2 => open,
Carry => open,
Sum => sum
My question, Why I have to initialize the input ports. i.e why I can't leave it open without assigning initial value?