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The difference between capacitor and inductor

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May 3, 2007
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difference between capacitor and inductor

Re: capacitor


Capcaitor (C) and Inductor (L) both store energy but in electric and magnetic field format, respectively.

Current through C changes abruptly but cant change through L in the same manner.

Voltage across L changes abruptly but cant change in the same manner across C.

and many more ........

see any baisc book on Electric Circuits.




A capacitor is an electrical device that can store energy in the electric field between a pair of closely-spaced conductors (called 'plates'). When voltage is applied to the capacitor, electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite polarity, build up on each plate.

An inductor is a passive electrical device employed in electrical circuits for its property of inductance. An inductor can take many forms.

Inductance (measured in henries) is an effect which results from the magnetic field that forms around a current carrying conductor. Electrical current through the conductor creates a magnetic flux proportional to the current. A change in this current creates a change in magnetic flux that, in turn, generates an electromotive force (emf) that acts to oppose this change in current. Inductance is a measure of the generated emf for a unit change in current

Re: capacitor


a Capacitor C is counted in Circuit impedance as 1/jwC
a Indutor L is counted in Circuit impedance as jwL

Hossam Alzomor

Re: capacitor

you can understand it from the following formulas :

for L :

V = L * di/dt

for C:

i = C * dV/dt

and thats it , really simple.


capacitor store charge in electric field while inductor store energy in magnetic field.

Re: capacitor

for L :

V = L * di/dt

for C:

i = C * dV/dt

these two are duals of each other, realising capacitor is easy , inductor realisation is lot of difficult

Re: capacitor

Circuits by nature are distributed systems but we try to model them as lumped elements. So we have to differentiate between capacitive effect and inductive effect(both can occur in one component).Capacitive effect is the storing of electric field,while inductive effect is the storing of the magnetic field.Both capacitance and inductance of a component are affected by its geometry and its material permittivity(for capacitance) and permeability(for inductance).


in the inductive load current lags behind the voltage and in the capacitive load current leads the voltage.
it is an important point when calculating the steady state power.

Re: capacitor

both capacitor and inductor have different effects on the frequency of the input sinusoidal signal... as their impedances are given by... Ls and 1/Cs... so they have opposite effects forming poles and zeros in the circuit...

Re: capacitor

capacitor is an electrical device which can store energy. it stores energy in an electrical field unlike to an inductor which stores energy in a magnetic field. capacitor consists of a pair of metal plates separated by a dielectric material. initially when no potential has been apllied to the plates there is no field in the dielectric material and molecules are randomly oriented. when we apply a potential to the two plates of the capacitor, the dielectric material gets polarized, means the randomly arranged molecules get aligned in the direction of the field. theoritically it takes infinite time to align all the molecules in the direction of the field but practically nearly after five time constants the dielectric material gets polarized completely. so the capacitor gets fully charged. during the period of charging actually there is no current flow through the dielectric material. there is flow of current in the external circuitry but not in the dielectric material. this current is otherwise none as displacement cuurent. after the capacitor gets charged, if you suddenly cut the potential applied to the two plates, the capacitor still remains in the charged condition, because its dilectric material is still polarized.
to dissipate the charge you have to connect the two plates through a resistor, so that now current can flow in the opposite direction as compared to the initial charging current. but now also while discharging there is actually no flow of current through the dielectric material.


both store energy. but one in electric and magnetic field format.
Generally the behaviour of inductor and cappcitor can be considered with AC and DC seperately. Capacitor is generally charge storage element. while inductor is energy storage element. in reverse side capacitor can discharge while inductor can realese the stored energy. You can say that charged capacitor can block the dc current while inductor acts as a almost short circuit with dc current.whenever there is sudden intreption of crrent through the inductor, the polarity of induced emf will be reverse and inductr will realese the energy

Re: capacitor

inductor is energy storage element. in reverse side capacitor can discharge while inductor can realese the stored energy.


the capacitor can smooth Voltage retifier because The voltage drop on cap changes slowly depend on the value of CAP
the inductor can smooth current because The Current through inductor changes slowly depend on the value of Inductor

Re: capacitor

Capacitors and Inductors are two different components. Capacitor is said to store electrical energy whereas inductor is to store magnetic energy.

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