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Nokia battery charging

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Member level 1
Feb 14, 2007
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South Africa
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Does anyone know how you would charde a Nokia 3310 battery without using the phone. I'm planning to use the battery in one of my projects and it would be quite stupid to take the battery out of my project and put it into the 3310 to charge it! it would be a good idea if I can build the charger into my project...

A very crude suggestion wud be to remove the charger part of the phone ( a spare, non usable one, ofcourse ) and assemble it directly.

well I could just get a charger and dissasemble it but that kind of chargers aren't exactly easy to find!!!

just connect the +ve and -ve terminal of the battery to voltage regulator. I think its work. Anyway i never try it to hand phone battery. Please tell me if its work.

Another is to use the simple standalone universal phone charger. The good part is that the contacts are adjustable to fit your type of battery. I think you should be able to find it in places like ebay.

Here's an example:

Connecting of the battery to voltage regulator will not work, you'll have to use some IC - Li-Ion battary charger.
There is some special charge curve, if you don't supply it correctly, either you ruin your battery or explode it.
Universal battery charger is a good sugestion

The 3310 can use Li-ion or NiMH.

What I have done for Li-ion involved a regulated 5V source, a 4V1 LDO regulator, and a 10R resistor. Five volts in, resistor to LDO regulator to limit current, 4V1 current limited output to Li-ion cell.

why u don just buy another connector which is used inside the hanphone, I mean the male and female terminal.If the charger has male terminal, buy a female connector and solder it at your project board as the Vcc input, so you can just plug in the charger to charge your baterry. Of course you need another swith to select the batery charge mode or Vcc supply mode, but this can do externally wothout disturbing your board.

these are lithium ion batteries. it not easy compare to ni-cd. we must flow three phase method. initial, middle and just before full charge phase.

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