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Need help for write code for recurrent block

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Need help for write verilog code for recurrent block

I wrote a verilog code for two blocks, that inside both of them, I have some multiplier and adder. both block have two input and two output, but input of one block is output of another block, something that we name it in neural network as Recurrent. so now both block work correct if I simulate them separately , But when we use their output and input just like picture, my output is 'x' . that i think because of depending their input and output. Can you help me in this case. I will appreciate. Im stuck with it for 3 days. thanks BBNN.png
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Re: Need help for write verilog code for recurrent block


please show your code, that will give a better understanding on where you are wrong :)


Re: Need help for write verilog code for recurrent block


please show your code, that will give a better understanding on where you are wrong :)


I didnt mention the code because it was several block code , and its waste your time, my question just was a tiny part of project. Indeed I work on implementation of block base in neural network on fpga. that they have a lot of block like above picture and all block get their input from neighbor blocks. so we have recurrent input/output for all of them. and this case repeat several times.

X usually occurs as you have multiple drivers on the same signal - so without the code - we cant really tell you whats wrong.
Search through and make sure all signals are only driven from a single source.
Re: Need help for write verilog code for recurrent block

I wrote a verilog code for two blocks, that inside both of them, I have some multiplier and adder. both block have two input and two output, but input of one block is output of another block, something that we name it in neural network as Recurrent. so now both block work correct if I simulate them separately , But when we use their output and input just like picture, my output is 'x' . that i think because of depending their input and output. Can you help me in this case. I will appreciate. Im stuck with it for 3 days. thanksView attachment 140156

is this purely combinational?

Re: Need help for write verilog code for recurrent block

yes, it should be combitional

- - - Updated - - -

this code it just for one block ?
I understant that two output of this block is always 'x'
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company: 
// Engineer: 
// Create Date:    23:56:40 07/21/2017 
// Design Name: 
// Module Name:    neuron 
// Project Name: 
// Target Devices: 
// Tool versions: 
// Description: 
// Dependencies: 
// Revision: 
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments: 
// 3.306 = 0000001101001110 w11
// 3.155 = 0000001100101000 w21
// 1.823 = 0000000111010011 w21
// 2.820 = 0000001011010010 w22-- bin(fi(2.820,1,16,8))
// -0.986 = 1111111100000100  b1
// 2.051 = 0000001000001101   b2
module neuron #(parameter NB=16,
					 b2=16'b0000100000110100)(//2100 )(
	input					clk,
	input					rst,
	input  [NB-1 : 0]	 x1,
	input  [NB-1 : 0]  x2,
	output  reg ready,
	output reg [2*NB-1 : 0]  y1,
	output reg [2*NB-1 : 0]  y2);
	wire [2*NB-1 : 0]	product1;
	wire [2*NB-1 : 0]	product2;
	wire [2*NB-1 : 0]	product3;
	wire [2*NB-1 : 0]	product4;
	wire [2*NB-1 : 0]	out_add1;
	wire [2*NB-1 : 0]	out_add2;
	wire en1;
	wire en2;
	wire en3;
	wire en4;
	reg en13, en24;
	FP_mult uut1 (
	FP_mult uut2 (
	FP_mult uut3 (
	FP_mult uut4 (
	// adder
	FP_add #(9,22) uutA1 (
		.en(en1 & en3), 
	FP_add #(9,22) uutA2 (
		.en(en2 & en4), 
	FP_add #(9,22) uutA3 (
	FP_add #(9,22) uutA4 (
		always @ (posedge clk)	
			if (en1 && en2 && en3 && en4) begin
			ready <= 1'b1;
			en13 <= en1 & en3;
			en24 <= en2 & en4;
			else begin
			ready <= 1'b0;
			en13 <= 1'b0;
			en24 <= 1'b0;
		//assign	y2 = product2 + product4 + b2;
	//assign ready = (en1 && en2 && en3 && en4) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;


`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company: 
// Engineer: 
// Create Date:    16:21:25 07/19/2017 
// Design Name: 
// Module Name:    FP_mult 
// Project Name: 
// Target Devices: 
// Tool versions: 
// Description: 
// Dependencies: 
// Revision: 
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments: 
module FP_mult #(parameter M=4, N=11)(
	input   				clk,
	input   				rst,
	input  [M+N : 0]	multiplicand,
	input  [M+N : 0]	multiplier,
	output				ready,
	output [2*(M+N)+1 : 0]   product);
	reg 	 [2*(M+N)+1 : 0]   partial_mult;
	//reg 	 [2*(M+N)+1 : 0]   extent_multiplicand; //extent_multiplicand = {16{multiplicand[M+N]},multiplicand};
	reg 	 [4:0]  				num;
	reg 	  					flag;
	always @ (posedge clk , posedge rst )	begin
		//extent_multiplicand = {16{multiplicand[M+N]},multiplicand};
		if (rst) begin
		partial_mult <= 0;
		num <= 0;
		flag <= 0;
		else if ((num <= M+N) && (flag != 1'b1)) begin
			partial_mult <= partial_mult + ({32{multiplier[num]}} & ({{16{multiplicand[M+N]}},multiplicand} << num));
			num <= num + 1'b1;
		else if ((num == M+N+ 1'b1) && (flag != 1'b1)) begin
			if (multiplier[M+N]) begin
			partial_mult <= partial_mult + (~({{16{multiplicand[M+N]}},multiplicand} << num)) + 1'b1;
			flag <= 1'b1;
			flag <= 1'b1;
	assign product = flag ? partial_mult : 'bz;
	assign ready = flag ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company: 
// Engineer: 
// Create Date:    20:43:03 07/21/2017 
// Design Name: 
// Module Name:    FP_add 
// Project Name: 
// Target Devices: 
// Tool versions: 
// Description: 
// Dependencies: 
// Revision: 
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments: 
module FP_add #(parameter M=4, N=11)(
   input   				en,
	input  [M+N : 0]	in1,
	input  [M+N : 0]	in2,
	output reg [(M+N) : 0]   out_add);
	reg  [(M+N) : 0]   tem_add;
	reg	s;
	always @ (*)	begin
		if (en) begin
		    if (in1[M+N] == in2[M+N]) begin
			 tem_add = in1[M+N-1 : 0] + in2[M+N-1 : 0];
			 s = in1[M+N];
			 else if (in1[M+N] > in2[M+N]) begin
				if ((~in1[M+N-1 : 0]+1'b1) > in2[M+N-1 : 0]) begin
				tem_add = ~((~in1[M+N-1 : 0] + 1'b1) - (in2[M+N-1 : 0])) + 1'b1 ;
				s = in1[M+N];
				else begin
				tem_add = ((in2[M+N-1 : 0]) - (~in1[M+N-1 : 0] + 1'b1) )  ;
				s = in2[M+N];
			 else	 begin
			   if ((~in2[M+N-1 : 0]+1'b1) > in1	[M+N-1 : 0]) begin
				tem_add = ~((~in2[M+N-1 : 0] + 1'b1) - (in1[M+N-1 : 0])) + 1'b1 ;
				s = in2[M+N];
				else begin
				tem_add = ((in1[M+N-1 : 0]) - (~in2[M+N-1 : 0] + 1'b1) )  ;
				s = in1[M+N];
		else begin
		tem_add = 'bz ;
		s = 1'bz;
		out_add = {s,tem_add[M+N-1 : 0]};

	//assign out_add = {s,tem_add[M+N-1 : 0]};

- - - Updated - - -

y1 and y2 is my output, but show 'x'

I changed the code several times. my first idea was, just multiplier is sequential , and other part combitional. but after that I change it several times to get answer

I thought, I found my problem for one block neuron, now , when i mixed 2 block together just like picture , i have 'x' in output. what I should do ?

The block diagram is a conceptual version of how the design works. A practical design in software or hardware will have some sequence of processing and some memory elements to hold intermediate values. For your case, a practical design would create some number of processors. Each processor would contain the two blocks in your diagram. There would also be a state ram that holds intermediate results.

An optimization would allow each processor to represent multiple nodes in the larger neural network. This is channelization, and it allows pipelining to work in this case. In this case, the state ram includes coefficients and intermediate results. The goal is to allow a longer pipeline in order to get a high rate of processing. Because the next operations are based on previous outputs, the rate of processing for a single channel is lowered by the pipeline delay. If the same processing is done on several independent channels, the processor can have these in the pipeline at the same time.
I thought, I found my problem for one block neuron, now , when i mixed 2 block together just like picture , i have 'x' in output. what I should do ?

learn about the difference between sequential and combinational logic, learn how the simulators treat them.

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