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IR 2110 pspice simulation please help..........

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Sep 17, 2012
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i have simulated a driver circuit using IR2110 on pspice. but not getting the output..:(

i am attaching my circuit diagram and the input voltages and the output voltages(which are coming wrong)...

please tell wats my mistake......


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Hi Nup
, it is usual ! why you should have out put with a boot strap capacitor of 100 nf ?????? increase it as large as 100 uf .
Best Wishes

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By the way , you should change situation of vpulses . first one with v1=+v and v2=0 . the other one : change it's polarity , and then V2=-5v and v1=0 .

thanks goldsmith, for replying but still the problem is there.. no change..:(
any other suggestions??

Can you show me input signals , and then voltage across the RL and then use a differential probe to measure voltage across the boot strap capacitor ,please ? show me them .

the input voltages i have already uploaded.
its pulse wave given to HIN and another pulse wave with a delay to LIN.
and there is no RL in my circuit??

and the voltage across bootstrap capacitor is 9.5V. and its a constant voltage.

the input voltages i have already uploaded.
I have told when you improved them as i told you . didn't you read my latest posts ? about vpulse ??
If you improve Vpulse it will be ok i think .

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By the way , why TD is 100ns ? why rise time and fall time are high too ? decrease them as low as 1 nsec . ( TD and TR and TF )

oh i am very sorry...
i am uploading the new inputs.. but still the output becomes constant at 5 V whereas it should be pulses..
and the voltage across the bootstrap capacitance is also a constant voltage of 9.8V.


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Hi Nup
A question : Did you really understand my suggestion ? Again : now value of Vpulse is ok , but you should change polarity of negative one . ( rotate it's source by 180 degree in your simulator ) you understand ? if no , then i have to simulate it for you and add it here .
Good luck

oh ok..
i reverse the polarity of the second source...
but still the output is same..
please help me getting this circuit right....
i really appreciate ur patience...
thanks a lot...

Nup , now show me these voltages :
1- VG of Hside
2- V gate of L side
3- VGS of H side
4- Lin
Thus i can judge about your circuit
By the way , show me your improved schematic too .
( A prediction , it is also possible that your model is not correct ) ( i have seen tis issue for many times that models of spice have some problems too , but if you show me my requested parameters , i can tell you the problem )
All the best

ok sir,
i have uploaded all the waveforms u asked..
but i want to tell one thing that i saw the application note of IR2110 and added a capacitor between vcc and com. and also designed the boot starp capacitance value which came out to be 20.66UF.

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i downloaded the model from


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Nup , an advise :
Don't waste your time ! here ! because you don't pay attention to what i'm telling .
If you want i help you you should understand what i'm telling , exactly . the problem is because L side can't be on . do you know why ? because of your mistake . what mistake ? look at V9 and V7 . can you remember what values i told ?
Now polarities are correct but these changes are required :
For V9 :
V1=0V Tr=1ns Td= 1ns TF=1ns V2 = -15v ( increase VCC of your IC as large as 15 volts )
For V7 : V1 = 15 v V2= 0v Tr=1ns Tf =1ns Td=1ns
You Understand ?

i am very sorry..
now i'll pay attention...
i have modified the circuit as u told...
still if there is any mistake please tell..


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Hi again Nup
Ok , now you have improved it , as well .
But supply voltages of your driver are still low . increase them up to 15 volts .
If it didn't improved when you increased voltage , it means your model have some problems . hence try to add another one . from another company .
Good luck

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By the way , why you have connected that box into C3 ?

oh ok...

apart from the model my circuit is correct rite??
well i have made another driver circuit using HCPL-3120 but that doesn't work either..
actually i downloaded the model of HCPL-3120 from avago technologies which was a txt file so i converter it into a model using pspice model editor..
i have made the circuit but output is coming 0...i am uploading the circuit if u have any idea about that please tell....

one more thing pin no. 1,4and 6 are supposed to be no connect but pspice gives an error if i do so. so i had to ground them. will that create error???

thanks a lot....


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i just changed the simulation time and a little changes i think i am getting the output pulses. but not able to control the voltage of the pulses or the pulse width??

and the output resistance its actual value is 10Ω but if i vary that resistance up to 1MΩ also there is no change in the output.
do u have any idea how to do it??


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Hi again
The HCPL3120 is kind of opto coupler with a totem pole in out put . it is a good choice to drive a mosfet or IGBT with that .
An advise : because of some behaviors of power elements , it is impossible that i try to see the result with simulations . most of the times , i'm testing , my power drivers in practice but at first with low voltage instead of HT . then if the result be ok i can increase it up to HT ( higher voltages ) .
A thing came into my mind . for that boot strap driver , you should see the result after transient time . because it needs to be stable . hence i suggest you to increase step , ( start time from 100usec or higher )
Perhaps now it can be as you want .
Good luck

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By the way , about that opto driver :
and the output resistance its actual value is 10Ω but if i vary that resistance up to 1MΩ also there is no change in the output.
do u have any idea how to do it??
What do you mean by out put resistance e? load ? of course it shouldn't be high .

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