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If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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44 pin tqfp eagle cad

Now I got your point. No you can't. You have to write an ULP.

eagle pcb library empty

Ok thanks.
I don't suppose you have a ULP that does something like this.


eagle board and schematic may be inconsistent

Hi Steffen,
no I don't have ever seen any ULP doing this grouping. As far as I know there are also no parameters allowed, when you use the GROUP command in the command line. Maybe an autoplace ULP could help you to arrange and find devices easier in the PCB. There are different autoplace ULPs on cadsofts site respectively in the Internet.
This is not the best place to get help for eagle. See my reply above to snaider from 14 Jun 2005.
Best regards, ep20k.

cadsoft eagle relay lbr

What is the meaning of BUS in EAGLE ?
I need more explaination pleas
what is the meaning by "micro" ?

pic18f452 eagle library

Is there a way to preset the track width in the schematic, so when the autorouter kicks in it does with the correct width?

eagle tutorial autoroute

Is macro recoding is aviable in Eagle

eagle cad db9 library

Does anyone have the EAGLE library parts for Analog Devices DDS chips:

AD9851 -This one is needed the most !

Please let me know.


eagle schematic hpgl plotting


I would need some help concerning creating slots with Eagle.

Do I use layer 46 Milling for creating slots?

When creating the file for the PCB house, what output files do I need for them creating the slots. Up till now my boards arrive without slots and their instructions are quite vague.

All help is appreciated.


ic package smd eagle

tux said:
Is macro recoding is aviable in Eagle

I have problem with keypad interrupt. my 8051 colums comes from one port and rows from anther port and it havng one encoder interrupt from 74HCT21 how to scan this key pad using C rograming. pls help me out


eagle cad polygon

can some one help me with an eagle library for agilents HCTL 2032.i tried making a library but was unsuccessful. i would help a lot if i can get this library

eagle cad layout

i was using eagle 4.09r2 and i have many projects with this version, but i saw many libraries that require 4.10 or higher, but newer version give me some load error 289. I was using eagle as freeware, with no licence. Is there any chance to import old projects into newer version of eagle ?

cadsoft eagle setting default unit to mm

dejan said:
I was using eagle as freeware, with no licence.
Are you sure about that :wink:

That load error 289 usually occurs if the files were created with cracked verions ....
But I don't know about the light version - perhaps you should ask Cadsoft.


generate cam files using eagle lite


Do you have used NEC micros with Eagle ?
I would need Eagle libraries for uPD78F0874 --> TQFP64 (10x10mm and 12x12mm), can you share them if you have such libraries ?

cadsoft neg. print


I would need Eagle libraries for NEC micros like uPD 78F0874 TQFP64 (10x10mm and 12x12mm).
Thank you.

eagle cadsoft spectra export

Hi Syntaxer

Please tell me if it's worth learning Eagle in order to use it for autorouting single sided PCB's with automatic jumper insertion?


eagle grid settings for smd


I recently read a tutorial on Eagle & got to know atleast the basics of making a PCB design using software.
The auto-route feature in Eagle gives an efficient layer of tracks for a double-sided PCB. However a double sided PCB is very costly as compared to a single sided one (almost 5 times the price). I would like to know if there is any setting in the software, so that it maximizes the tracks on any one side, so that the few tracks on the other side can be connected using wires. (Normally there are approximately an equal number of tracks on both sides.) If there is any other s/w other than eagle which has this kind of single sided auto-routing feature, please let me know.

Thank You…

eagle error 289


I am looking for a Eagle Library for LEM Current Transducers, I want to use the HAIS50-P in a layout$FILE/CH24108E_US.pdf


eagle max232 missing power ground

any can tell me the Prons & Cons of Egale tool
is demo aviable for Egale ?
is macro recording is supported in it / scripting
is macro/scripted recorded is editable ?

eagle change track size

How to get rid of the "tstop" layer on all the vias on the PCB?

rcl library eagle

Hi all,

Can I put different parts into two diffrent side of a PCB with eagle? If it is possible, How can I do that? I am giving a picture about it in the attachment....


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