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How to convert deciml to hex

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Newbie level 4
May 10, 2011
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plz help me urgent
how to convert decimal value to hex value in 8051
plz send me the assembly code

I found this solution from for you posted by jaden404 "Always give credit to the one who desirve it". I hope it will help.


Hex has 16 values, 0 - 15, a - f = 10 through 15.

Let's take a number, say 'ab'. a, being the first digit, gets multiplied by 16. then b is added. In her words, it's as simple as multiplying the first by 16 and adding on the second.

Think of it like this (in general terms):

* Consider a number (say 15482) in decimal system
* This is equivalent to (1 * 10000) + (5 * 1000) + (4 * 100) + (8 * 10) + 2
* This is equivalent to (1 * 10^4) + (5 * 10^3) + (4 * 10^2) + (8 * 10^1) + (2 * 10^0)
where ^ is the power-of operator.

* Now consider a number (say 12F3B) in hexadecimal system
* Using similar logic, this is equivalent to (1 * 16^4) + (2 * 16^3) + (F * 16^2) + (3 * 16^1) + (B * 16^0)

Now all you have to do is compute 16^4, 16^3 etc. and also take F=15 and B=11 and there you have it... the answer in decimal

Note that you can use this logic to convert a number from *ANY* base into decimal.

Does this make sense?

Now, for some code (and I know that this is a different platform, but)...

; decibin - get decimal digits from keyboard
; and convert them to binary in BX register

.model tiny


;- - - - - - - - - - - -

; main program loop

call read_num
call print_crlf
call print_hex
call print_crlf
jmp start ; loop endlessly

; ****************************************…
; print_crlf
; prints out a carriage return and linefeed
; ****************************************…

print_crlf proc

mov ah, 2h ; print character function
mov dl, 0dh ; carriage return
int 21h ; print it
mov dl, 0ah ; linefeed
int 21h ; print it

print_crlf endp

; ****************************************…
; read_num
; reads a number from keyboard input
; and stores it in BX in binary
; ****************************************…

read_num proc

mov bx, 0h ; clear bx for number

; get digit from keyboard and
; convert it to binary
mov ah, 1h ; keyboard input function
int 21h ; execute ^ with dos
sub al, 30h ; ascii to binary
jl endinpt ; jump if < 0
cmp al, 9d ; is it > 9d?
jg endinpt ; yes, not decimal digit
cbw ; byte in al to word in ax

; digit is now in AX
; multiply number in BX by 10d
xchg ax, bx ; trade digit and number
mov cx, 10d ; put 10d in CX
mul cx ; number times 10d
xchg ax, bx ; trade number and digit

; add digit in AX to number in BX
add bx, ax ; add digit to number
jmp newchar ; get next digit

; check to see what they entered
; if nothing, exit
; otherwise, return from process
cmp bx, 0h ; is it 0?
jne return ; nope, return from process
.exit ; yup, exit program


read_num endp

; ****************************************…
; print_hex
; prints in hex to the screen the contents of
; BX
; ****************************************…

print_hex proc

mov ch, 4h ; number of digits to print

; start with first digit in BX
; register

mov cl, 4h ; set count to 4 bits
rol bx, cl ; left digit to right

; convert to number

mov al, bl ; mov to AL
and al, 0fh ; mask off left digit
add al, 30h ; convert hex to ascii
cmp al, 3ah ; is it > 9?
jl printit ; jump if digit =0 to 9
add al, 27h ; digit is A to F

; print the digit in
; the AL register

mov dl, al ; put ASCII char in DL
mov ah, 2h ; display output function
int 21h ; call DOS
dec ch ; done 4 digits?
jnz rotate ; not yet

; fallthrough and return

print_hex endp

;- - - - - - - - - - - -


Dear my friend

I am attached two subroutine with assembly to convert bin to BCD one for two digit (0-255)

the other is four digit (0-65535)

Best Regards


  • BIN2BCD.pdf
    14.3 KB · Views: 77
  • BIN2BCD2.pdf
    14.3 KB · Views: 67

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