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Briey SoC (RISCV) and Mimas V.2 Numato FPGA board

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Dec 16, 2017
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Bydgoszcz - Poland
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I am trying to launch one of implementation of RISCV CPU called Briey. Here is link to this project:

I just modified this project (generated with SpinalHDL) in Verilog. Here is ziped project (Xilinx ISE 14.7):

View attachment

My changes:

1) Shortened AXI out buses
2) Added 2 clocks: AXI (50MHz) and VGA (25.175 MHz)

Now I am trying to make user constraint file (ucf) fo Mimas V.2 FPGA board (Spartan6 FPGA). Here is link to this board description:

Projects implements without errors. I encountered dificulties with mapping DDR memory lines. The problem is that the LPDDR memory onboard has two directional data bus (16 bit wide), and Briey SOC has two one directional buses (16 bit wide) each. I mapped these buses two times in my ucf file like that:

NET "Clk100Mhz1"                LOC = V10     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | PERIOD = 100MHz ;
NET "Clk100Mhz2"                LOC = V10     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | PERIOD = 100MHz ;

NET "io_asyncReset"              LOC = M18     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST | PULLUP; #SW1

NET "io_jtag_tms"                LOC = U7      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 1
NET "IO_P6[6]"                   LOC = V7      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 2
NET "IO_P6[5]"                   LOC = T4      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 3
NET "IO_P6[4]"                   LOC = V4      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 4

NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[0]"          LOC = J7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[10]"         LOC = F4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[11]"         LOC = D3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[12]"         LOC = G6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[1]"          LOC = J6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[2]"          LOC = H5      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[3]"          LOC = L7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[4]"          LOC = F3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[5]"          LOC = H4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[6]"          LOC = H3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[7]"          LOC = H6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[8]"          LOC = D2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[9]"          LOC = D1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_BA[0]"           LOC = F2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_BA[1]"           LOC = F1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[0]"           LOC = L2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[10]"          LOC = N2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[11]"          LOC = N1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[12]"          LOC = T2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[13]"          LOC = T1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[14]"          LOC = U2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[15]"          LOC = U1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[1]"           LOC = L1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[2]"           LOC = K2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[3]"           LOC = K1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[4]"           LOC = H2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[5]"           LOC = H1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[6]"           LOC = J3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[7]"           LOC = J1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[8]"           LOC = M3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_read[9]"           LOC = M1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[0]"           LOC = L2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[10]"          LOC = N2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[11]"          LOC = N1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[12]"          LOC = T2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[13]"          LOC = T1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[14]"          LOC = U2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[15]"          LOC = U1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[1]"           LOC = L1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[2]"           LOC = K2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[3]"           LOC = K1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[4]"           LOC = H2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[5]"           LOC = H1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[6]"           LOC = J3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[7]"           LOC = J1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[8]"           LOC = M3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DQ_write[9]"           LOC = M1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

but I am not sure if it is OK. I also got stacked widh other signals for DDR memory.

The type of DDR Memory is: 166MHz 512Mb LPDDR (MT46H32M16LF/W949D6CBH).

Here is ucf template for Mimas V.2 ucf file:

Could someone to help me with this point (mapping DDR memory lines)?

Last edited:

You should only have one definition for the data pins in the ucf file, as in the original file from numato.
The direction should be controlled in your top file by the signal "io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable".

This can be done in two ways,

1. In the HDL source code. Example in VHDL:
io_sdram_DQ_read <= mcb_dram_dq;
mcb_dram_dq <= io_sdram_DQ_write when io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable = '1' else "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ";

I don't remeber the exact syntax for doing the same in verilog.

2. By instantiating the tri-state buffer primitives explicitly.
You have to look in the Spartan 6 documenation for the name and connections of the primitive.
1. In the HDL source code. Example in VHDL:
io_sdram_DQ_read <= mcb_dram_dq;
mcb_dram_dq <= io_sdram_DQ_write when io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable = '1' else "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ";

But this functionality must be handled by SDRAM memory controller -- and after synthesis a proper bi-dir macro should be placed.
But this functionality must be handled by SDRAM memory controller -- and after synthesis a proper bi-dir macro should be placed.

It is handled by the SDRAM memory controller, via the signal "io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable". To get maximum flexibility for implementation in FPGA's and ASIC's, you should never have bidirectional ports on an IP block.
The BrieySOC does this the correct way, separate ports for in and out, and a special signal that controls the direction of the pins.
The bidirectional buffers should be placed by the user in the top level, and both the methods I listed will work for FPGA's. For ASIC's you want to instantiate the bidirectional primitives explicitly (method 2).
It is handled by the SDRAM memory controller, via the signal "io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable". To get maximum flexibility for implementation in FPGA's and ASIC's, you should never have bidirectional ports on an IP block.
The BrieySOC does this the correct way, separate ports for in and out, and a special signal that controls the direction of the pins.
The bidirectional buffers should be placed by the user in the top level, and both the methods I listed will work for FPGA's. For ASIC's you want to instantiate the bidirectional primitives explicitly (method 2).

Ok, I see. Now this is oblivious for me why LEON3 soft-processor from grlib is using technology specific pads for every port from top level entity.

The bidirectional buffers should be placed by the user in the top level, and both the methods I listed will work for FPGA's.

I will implement such buffer. Thanks for hint.



I altered my project: all needed clock are generated by one entity named CLKGEN. I also added an "IP core" (Select I/O wizard) width bi-directional buffer - entity named DDRDataBuffer.
See screen:

Now code of my top entity is like this:

/* Top module: Briey SOC */

module BrieySOC(
      input   io_asyncReset,
      input   Clk100Mhz,
      input   io_jtag_tms,
      input   io_jtag_tdi,
      output  io_jtag_tdo,
      input   io_jtag_tck,
      output [12:0] io_sdram_ADDR,
      output [1:0] io_sdram_BA,
      //input  [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_read,
      //output [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_write,
		inout  [15:0] io_sdram_DATA,
      output  io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable,
      output [1:0] io_sdram_DQM,
      output  io_sdram_CASn,
      output  io_sdram_CKE,
      output  io_sdram_CSn,
      output  io_sdram_RASn,
      output  io_sdram_WEn,
      input  [3:0] io_gpioA_read,
      output [3:0] io_gpioA_write,
      output [3:0] io_gpioA_writeEnable,
      output  io_uart_txd,
      input   io_uart_rxd,
      output  io_vga_vSync,
      output  io_vga_hSync,
      output  io_vga_colorEn,
      output [4:0] io_vga_color_r,
      output [5:0] io_vga_color_g,
      output [4:0] io_vga_color_b,
      input   io_timerExternal_clear,
      input   io_timerExternal_tick,
      input   io_coreInterrupt

//-- Connecting wires
wire clkAXIOut;
wire clkLOCKED;
wire clkVGAOut;
wire clkBuf100MHz;
wire clkForward100MHz;
wire [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_read;
wire [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_write;

   (// Clock in ports
    // Clock out ports
    .CLK_OUT1(clkAXIOut),    //50 MHz AXI clock
    .CLK_OUT2(clkVGAOut),    //25.175 MHz VGA clock
    .CLK_OUT3(clkBuf100MHz), //100 MHz DDR memory clock 
    // Status and control signals

//---- DDR memory bufer bi-directional ---------			
  BiDirBuffer DDRDataBuffer
    .DATA_TO_AND_FROM_PINS(io_sdram_DATA), //Bi-Directional pins
    .DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE(io_sdram_DQ_read), //Output pins
  // From the device out to the system
    .DATA_OUT_FROM_DEVICE(io_sdram_DQ_write), //Input pins
    .CLK_TO_PINS(CLK_TO_PINS), //Output pins

    .CLK_IN(clkBuf100MHz),        // Single ended clock from IOB
    .CLK_OUT(clkForward100MHz), //Fast clock ouput
    .CLK_RESET(io_asyncReset), //clocking logic reset
    .IO_RESET(io_asyncReset)  //system reset

//---- CPU instance ---------	 
   Briey SoC(


I removed from top entity two buses:

      //input  [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_read,
      //output [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_write,

and added one:

inout  [15:0] io_sdram_DATA,

Currently user constraint file is look like:

NET "Clk100Mhz"                  LOC = V10     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | PERIOD = 100MHz ;

NET "io_asyncReset"              LOC = M18     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST | PULLUP; #SW1

NET "io_jtag_tms"                LOC = U7      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 1
NET "io_jtag_tdi"                LOC = V7      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 2
NET "io_jtag_tdo"                LOC = T4      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 3
#NET "io_jtag_tck"                LOC = V4      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 4
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[0]"          LOC = J7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[10]"         LOC = F4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[11]"         LOC = D3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[12]"         LOC = G6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[1]"          LOC = J6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[2]"          LOC = H5      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[3]"          LOC = L7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[4]"          LOC = F3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[5]"          LOC = H4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[6]"          LOC = H3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[7]"          LOC = H6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[8]"          LOC = D2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[9]"          LOC = D1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_BA[0]"            LOC = F2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_BA[1]"            LOC = F1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_DATA[0]"           LOC = L2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[10]"          LOC = N2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[11]"          LOC = N1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[12]"          LOC = T2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[13]"          LOC = T1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[14]"          LOC = U2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[15]"          LOC = U1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[1]"           LOC = L1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[2]"           LOC = K2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[3]"           LOC = K1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[4]"           LOC = H2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[5]"           LOC = H1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[6]"           LOC = J3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[7]"           LOC = J1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[8]"           LOC = M3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[9]"           LOC = M1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

The syntesis phase ending without erros, but implement design has errors:

ERROR:NgdBuild:770 - IBUFG 'DDRDataBuffer/ibufg_clk_inst' and BUFG
'CLKGEN/clkout3_buf' on net 'clkBuf100MHz' are lined up in series. Buffers of
the same direction cannot be placed in series.
ERROR:NgdBuild:924 - input pad net 'clkBuf100MHz' is driving non-buffer

Could someone give me a hint how to fix these errors?

Thank in advance and Regards

- - - Updated - - -


in this zip is packed new version of ISE project.

View attachment

Last edited:

Something is wrong with the design. Where is the differential DDR clock to the SDRAM? I can't see it from the sdram controller.
You must drive all signals to the SDRAM.
The CS signal on the SDRAM can't be driven from the FPGA since it is grounded via a resistor on the PCB.

You have added a DDR register, but that is only correct if the DDR registers are not included in the sdram controller. I can't tell if your sdram controller has internal DDR registers or not.
Have you generated the sdram controller yourself?
If the DDR registers are not inside the sdram controller, the number of data lines on the controller must be twice as many as on the external memory.

You must find out what should drive the differential clock (DDR-CK_P and DDR-CK_N). Then we will know more.

The error message is about the clock, but there is no meaning to work on that until we know if the DDR register is needed, and until we have found the clock to the SDRAM.

You forgot to connect the signal that must control the data direction, it is "io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable".
Something is wrong with the design. Where is the differential DDR clock to the SDRAM? I can't see it from the sdram controller.
You must drive all signals to the SDRAM.
The CS signal on the SDRAM can't be driven from the FPGA since it is grounded via a resistor on the PCB.

This is because of that design is not finished by me and I am aware of it. I would like to ask earlier if the "DDR memory controler" in oryginal design entity Briey.v is complete? I assumed that it is complete, but I may be wrong.
About diferential clock to the SDRAM - it not need to be diferential (it can be one line). I find such tutorial concernig my board Mimas V.2:

I finished this tutorial on Mimas V.2 and DDR controler is working fine - see paragraf Editing user constraints and there clock is not diferential.

You have added a DDR register, but that is only correct if the DDR registers are not included in the sdram controller. I can't tell if your sdram controller has internal DDR registers or not.
Have you generated the sdram controller yourself?
If the DDR registers are not inside the sdram controller, the number of data lines on the controller must be twice as many as on the external memory.

You must find out what should drive the differential clock (DDR-CK_P and DDR-CK_N). Then we will know more.

The error message is about the clock, but there is no meaning to work on that until we know if the DDR register is needed, and until we have found the clock to the SDRAM.

You forgot to connect the signal that must control the data direction, it is "io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable".

I answer - I assumed that DDR controler in Briey.v module is complete (it is part of original project, I do not altered it).
I someone could help me with current errors I will be able to finish project.

Thanks for answer and Regards


I corrected my design and now there aren't erros - implementation ends without errors. The design is still not finished - I didin't mapped all signals for DDR controler (ucf file). I am not sure about clock signal in the data sheet of LPDDR memory IC (MT46H32M16LF) is information that clock should be diferential (two lines). I would like to ask: How to generate diferential clock if I have "normal" (one line)?

Here how it looks now:

I attached full project (ISE 14.7, no erors during implementation):
View attachment

Could someone to guide me, how to end this DDR memory controller? I don't know what signal of this memory chip control direction of data (on data bus),?

Here is code of top module:
/* Top module: Briey SOC */

module BrieySOC(
      input   io_asyncReset,
      input   Clk100Mhz,
      input   io_jtag_tms,
      input   io_jtag_tdi,
      output  io_jtag_tdo,
      input   io_jtag_tck,
      output [12:0] io_sdram_ADDR,
      output [1:0] io_sdram_BA,
      //input  [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_read,
      //output [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_write,
		inout  [15:0] io_sdram_DATA,
      output  io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable,
      output [1:0] io_sdram_DQM,
      output  io_sdram_CASn,
      output  io_sdram_CKE,
      output  io_sdram_CSn,
      output  io_sdram_RASn,
      output  io_sdram_WEn,
      input  [3:0] io_gpioA_read,
      output [3:0] io_gpioA_write,
      output [3:0] io_gpioA_writeEnable,
      output  io_uart_txd,
      input   io_uart_rxd,
      output  io_vga_vSync,
      output  io_vga_hSync,
      output  io_vga_colorEn,
      output [4:0] io_vga_color_r,
      output [5:0] io_vga_color_g,
      output [4:0] io_vga_color_b,
      input   io_timerExternal_clear,
      input   io_timerExternal_tick,
      input   io_coreInterrupt

//-- Connecting wires
wire clkAXIOut;
wire clkLOCKED;
wire clkVGAOut;
wire clkBuf100MHz;
wire clkDDR100MHz;
wire clkForward100MHz;
wire [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_read;
wire [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_write;

   (// Clock in ports
    // Clock out ports
    .CLK_OUT1(clkAXIOut),    //50 MHz AXI clock
    .CLK_OUT2(clkVGAOut),    //25.175 MHz VGA clock
    .CLK_OUT3(clkBuf100MHz), //100 MHz DDR memory clock 
    // Status and control signals

//---- DDR memory bufer bi-directional ---------			
  BiDirBuffer DDRDataBuffer
    .DATA_TO_AND_FROM_PINS(io_sdram_DATA), //Bi-Directional pins
    .DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE(io_sdram_DQ_read), //Output pins
  // From the device out to the system
    .DATA_OUT_FROM_DEVICE(io_sdram_DQ_write), //Input pins
    .CLK_TO_PINS(CLK_TO_PINS), //Output pins

    .CLK_IN(clkBuf100MHz),        // Fast clock input from PLL/MMCM
    .LOCKED_IN(clkLOCKED), //Input pin
    .LOCKED_OUT(LOCKED_OUT), //Output pin
    .CLK_RESET(CLK_RESET), //clocking logic reset
    .IO_RESET(io_asyncReset)  //system reset
//---- CPU instance ---------	 
   Briey SoC(




I made few changes to my project, and fixed few issues. The list of changes is here:

1) Changes in buffering clock signals (PLL) instance CLKWizard

2) Added input buffer (IBUFG) for input JTAG clock (signal: io_jtag_tck)

3) Generation of differential clock (two lines) for DRR memory from single clock (100 MHz PLL). Added primitive OBUFDS.

4) Two directional buffer (instance DDRDataBuffer - "SelectI/O Wizard IP core") added to Briey bus and DDR memory data bus (16 bit wide)

5) In "User constraints file" (BrieySOC.ucf) maped properly most of ports of top module (BrieySOC). There is lack of few important signals - I will write about this later.

6) There were removed errors in synthessis and implementation phase.

Currently the high level diagram of top module (BrieySOC.v) looks like this:


(It is encapsulated original Briey.v design).

Current top module code (BrieSOC.v) is:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

/* Top module: Briey SOC */

module BrieySOC(
      input   io_asyncReset,
      input   Clk100Mhz,
      input   io_jtag_tms,
      input   io_jtag_tdi,
      output  io_jtag_tdo,
      input   io_jtag_tck,
      output [12:0] io_sdram_ADDR,
      output [1:0] io_sdram_BA,
      //input  [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_read,
      //output [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_write,
		inout  [15:0] io_sdram_DATA,
      output  io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable,
      output [1:0] io_sdram_DQM,
      output  io_sdram_CASn,
      output  io_sdram_CKE,
      output  io_sdram_CSn,
      output  io_sdram_RASn, 
      output  io_sdram_WEn,
		output  io_sdram_clk,
		output  io_sdram_clk_n,
      input  [3:0] io_gpioA_read,
      output [3:0] io_gpioA_write,
      output [3:0] io_gpioA_writeEnable,
      output  io_uart_txd,
      input   io_uart_rxd,
      output  io_vga_vSync,
      output  io_vga_hSync,
      output  io_vga_colorEn,
      output [4:0] io_vga_color_r,
      output [5:0] io_vga_color_g,
      output [4:0] io_vga_color_b,
      input   io_timerExternal_clear,
      input   io_timerExternal_tick,
      input   io_coreInterrupt

//-- Connecting wires
wire clkAXIOut;
wire clkLOCKED;
wire clkVGAOut;
wire clkBuf100MHz;
wire clkDDR100MHz;
wire clkJTAGBuf;
wire [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_read;
wire [15:0] io_sdram_DQ_write;

   (// Clock in ports
    // Clock out ports
    .CLK_OUT1(clkAXIOut),    //50 MHz AXI clock
    .CLK_OUT2(clkVGAOut),    //25.175 MHz VGA clock
    .CLK_OUT3(clkBuf100MHz), //100 MHz DDR memory clock 
    // Status and control signals
	//Input buffer for JTAG in clock
  //Output buffer for DDR diff clock (out)
  ) OBUFDS_01 (

//---- DDR memory bufer bi-directional ---------			
  BiDirBuffer DDRDataBuffer
    .DATA_TO_AND_FROM_PINS(io_sdram_DATA), //Bi-Directional pins
    .DATA_IN_TO_DEVICE(io_sdram_DQ_read), //Output pins
  // From the device out to the system
    .DATA_OUT_FROM_DEVICE(io_sdram_DQ_write), //Input pins
    .CLK_TO_PINS(CLK_TO_PINS), //Output pins

    .CLK_IN(clkBuf100MHz),        // Fast clock input from PLL/MMCM
    .LOCKED_IN(clkLOCKED), //Input pin
    .LOCKED_OUT(LOCKED_OUT), //Output pin
    .CLK_RESET(CLK_RESET), //clocking logic reset
    .IO_RESET(io_asyncReset)  //system reset
//---- CPU instance ---------	 
   Briey SoC(


And user constraint file (BrieySoC.ucf) is:
NET "Clk100Mhz"                  LOC = V10     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | PERIOD = 100MHz ;

NET "io_asyncReset"              LOC = M18     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST | PULLUP; #SW1

#                                                   HEADER P6                                                                                     #
NET "io_jtag_tms"                LOC = U7      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 1 Header P6
NET "io_jtag_tdi"                LOC = V7      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 2
NET "io_jtag_tdo"                LOC = T4      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 3
#NET "io_jtag_tck"                LOC = V4      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 4 - issue

#-------------------------- LPDDR RAM START--------------------------------------------------------------------

#NET  "calib_done"                LOC = P15     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
#NET  "error"                     LOC = P16     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
#NET  "c3_sys_rst_n"              LOC = L15     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | PULLDOWN;    # Pin 7 of Header P9
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[0]"          LOC = J7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[10]"         LOC = F4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[11]"         LOC = D3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[12]"         LOC = G6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[1]"          LOC = J6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[2]"          LOC = H5      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[3]"          LOC = L7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[4]"          LOC = F3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[5]"          LOC = H4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[6]"          LOC = H3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[7]"          LOC = H6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[8]"          LOC = D2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_ADDR[9]"          LOC = D1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_BA[0]"            LOC = F2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_BA[1]"            LOC = F1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_clk"              LOC = G3      | IOSTANDARD = DIFF_MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_clk_n"            LOC = G1      | IOSTANDARD = DIFF_MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_DATA[0]"           LOC = L2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[10]"          LOC = N2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[11]"          LOC = N1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[12]"          LOC = T2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[13]"          LOC = T1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[14]"          LOC = U2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[15]"          LOC = U1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[1]"           LOC = L1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[2]"           LOC = K2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[3]"           LOC = K1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[4]"           LOC = H2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[5]"           LOC = H1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[6]"           LOC = J3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[7]"           LOC = J1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[8]"           LOC = M3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_DATA[9]"           LOC = M1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

NET  "io_sdram_CASn"              LOC = K5      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_CKE"               LOC = H7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_RASn"              LOC = L5      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
NET  "io_sdram_WEn"               LOC = E3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

#-------------------------- LPDDR RAM END  --------------------------------------------------------------------

#                                                   HEADER P7                                                                                     #
NET "io_gpioA_read[0]"           LOC = U8      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 1
NET "io_gpioA_read[1]"           LOC = V8      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 2
NET "io_gpioA_read[2]"           LOC = R8      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 3
NET "io_gpioA_read[3]"           LOC = T8      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 4
NET "io_gpioA_write[0]"          LOC = R5      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 5
NET "io_gpioA_write[1]"          LOC = T5      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 6
NET "io_gpioA_write[2]"          LOC = T9      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 7
NET "io_gpioA_write[3]"          LOC = V9      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 8

#                                                   HEADER P8                                                                                     #
NET "io_gpioA_writeEnable[0]"    LOC = R11     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 1
NET "io_gpioA_writeEnable[1]"    LOC = T11     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 2
NET "io_gpioA_writeEnable[2]"    LOC = R10     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 3
NET "io_gpioA_writeEnable[3]"    LOC = T10     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 4
NET "io_vga_colorEn"             LOC = U13     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 5  :  VGA output
NET "io_timerExternal_clear"     LOC = V13     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 6  :  Ext. timer
NET "io_timerExternal_tick"      LOC = U11     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 7  :  Ext. timer
NET "io_coreInterrupt"           LOC = V11     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 8  :  Ext. interrupt

#                                                 UART Interface                                                                                  #
NET "io_uart_txd"                LOC = A8      |  IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "io_uart_rxd"                LOC = B8      |  IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;

#                                                 VGA - less color resolution than in Briey                                                                                         #
NET "io_vga_hSync"               LOC = B12     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "io_vga_vSync"               LOC = A12     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;

NET "io_vga_color_r[4]"          LOC = C9      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "io_vga_color_r[3]"          LOC = B9      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "io_vga_color_r[2]"          LOC = A9      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;

NET "io_vga_color_g[5]"          LOC = C11     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "io_vga_color_g[4]"          LOC = A10     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "io_vga_color_g[3]"          LOC = C10     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;

NET "io_vga_color_b[4]"          LOC = A11     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;
NET "io_vga_color_b[3]"          LOC = B11     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ;

Currently these modules signals are mapped in ucf file: most of DDR memory lines, VGA, UART,JTAG, GPIO, external timer and interrupt. There are still few unsolved problems:

1) I don't know how to control few significant lines of DDR memory
2) I am not sure if two directional data bus buffer is properly connected
3) There is implementation error when I am trying to map JTAG input clock line ( #NET "io_jtag_tck" ) in ucf file

Could I ask someone more expierienced width FPGAs and especially Verilog (I better known VHDL) to help me finish this project? This project is not for school or job but only for myself learning and hobby.
Here is more detailed of mentioned above and not solved issues:

1) when I uncomment line:

#NET "io_jtag_tck"                LOC = V4      | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = FAST ; #Pin 4 - issue

I have implementation errors:

Place:1108 - A clock IOB / BUFGMUX clock component pair have been found that are not placed at an optimal clock IOB / BUFGMUX site pair.
The clock IOB component <io_jtag_tck> is placed at site <T5>. The corresponding BUFG component <clkJTAGBuf_BUFG> is placed at site <BUFGMUX_X2Y10>.
There is only a select set of IOBs that can use the fast path to the Clocker buffer, and they are not being used.
You may want to analyze why this problem exists and correct it. If this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design,
you may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the .ucf file to demote this message to a WARNING and allow your design to continue.
However, the use of this override is highly discouraged as it may lead to very poor timing results. It is recommended that this erro...
NOTE: This message is very long (~1 K) and has been shortened to a maximum of 1000 characters for viewing in this context.
           Please refer to the corresponding ASCII report for the full message.

- - - Updated - - -


because I was not able to finish my last post in this topic - here is second part of it:

The last issue is related to input signal for JTAG clock: input io_jtag_tck. I added input buffor instance for it (this clock frequency is variable. Input buffor instance is:

  //Input buffer for JTAG in clock

Uncommenting this signal in ucf file is generating implementation phase error - see last post.
2) There are few lines of DDR memory I don't know how to map/generate them.

The used in Mimas v.2 FPGA board memory IC is MT46H32M16LF. Here is pdf file with it's description:

View attachment t67m_512mb_embedded_lpddr.pdf

This is SDRAM (DDR1 memory) width 16-bit wide data bus. See this diagram from description file (pdf):


As far as I know the Briey original DDR memory is for diffrent type of DDR memory (maybe DDR3). It has some control lines similiatr to this diagram:


I mean DM and DQS lines - Mimas memory is in accordance with first diagram.

Here fragment of example ucf file (from Numato Labs) regarding DDR memory chip:

#                                                 LPDDR MT46H32M16XXXX-5                                                                          #
    #NET  "calib_done"                LOC = P15     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
    #NET  "error"                     LOC = P16     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
    #NET  "c3_sys_rst_n"              LOC = L15     | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | PULLDOWN;    # Pin 7 of Header P9
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[0]"            LOC = J7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[10]"           LOC = F4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[11]"           LOC = D3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[12]"           LOC = G6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[1]"            LOC = J6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[2]"            LOC = H5      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[3]"            LOC = L7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[4]"            LOC = F3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[5]"            LOC = H4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[6]"            LOC = H3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[7]"            LOC = H6      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[8]"            LOC = D2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_a[9]"            LOC = D1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_ba[0]"           LOC = F2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_ba[1]"           LOC = F1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_cas_n"           LOC = K5      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_ck"              LOC = G3      | IOSTANDARD = DIFF_MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_ck_n"            LOC = G1      | IOSTANDARD = DIFF_MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_cke"             LOC = H7      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dm"              LOC = K3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[0]"           LOC = L2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[10]"          LOC = N2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[11]"          LOC = N1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[12]"          LOC = T2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[13]"          LOC = T1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[14]"          LOC = U2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[15]"          LOC = U1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[1]"           LOC = L1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[2]"           LOC = K2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[3]"           LOC = K1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[4]"           LOC = H2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[5]"           LOC = H1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[6]"           LOC = J3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[7]"           LOC = J1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[8]"           LOC = M3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dq[9]"           LOC = M1      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_dqs"             LOC = L4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_ras_n"           LOC = L5      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_udm"             LOC = K4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_udqs"            LOC = P2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_we_n"            LOC = E3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_rzq"                  LOC = N4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

And here is my mapping of DDR memory (transition between original Briey DDR memory controller and on-board DDR memory chip) made by me:

      output [12:0] io_sdram_ADDR,			Address inputs										mcb3_dram_a[x]	
      output [1:0] io_sdram_BA,				Bank address inputs (bank selection)			                        mcb3_dram_ba[x]
      inout  [15:0] io_sdram_DATA,			Data input/output       							        mcb3_dram_dq[x]	
      output  io_sdram_DQ_writeEnable,     	                                                                                                        ?	
      output [1:0] io_sdram_DQM,                         Data mask: in my IC (dm,dqs,udm,udqs)                                      ?
      output  io_sdram_CASn,  				Column address strobe			                	                mcb3_dram_cas_n
      output  io_sdram_CKE,  				Clock enable: 										mcb3_dram_cke
      output  io_sdram_CSn, 				Chip select: LOW active								?		
      output  io_sdram_RASn,				RAS - row addres strobe								mcb3_dram_ras_n
      output  io_sdram_WEn,				part of command									mcb3_dram_we_n

In lines there is on last position the ? I don't know how to map/generate signal. I am aware that in place of: output [1:0] io_sdram_DQM should be signals:
   #NET  "mcb3_dram_dm"              LOC = K3      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
   #NET  "mcb3_dram_dqs"             LOC = L4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_udm"             LOC = K4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
    #NET  "mcb3_dram_udqs"            LOC = P2      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;
     #NET  "mcb3_rzq"                  LOC = N4      | IOSTANDARD = MOBILE_DDR;

But I don't know how to generate these signals from original signals of Briey DDR controler. I am aware that these signals are important for proper timing of DDR memory.

The last issue is that I am no9t sure if added two-directional buffer for busses between original Briey design and on-board DDR memory is proper (I am not sue if it lack of control direction of data-flow in it, but there isn't any otion for that in Xilinx "IP core" named "Select I/O Wizard).

That's all. I know that these question need many time to solve and I am not optimistic to receive answers, but maybe someone tried to run "Briey SOC" on his FPGA board and can share with knowledge about it.

Here is full project for Xilinx ISE 14.7:

View attachment

Thanks in advance and Regards
Last edited:


I have got an answer for my question about internal BrieySoC DDR memory controle on Telegram forum: . Here is an answer I've got:

Briey uses IS42x320D SDRAM as an external memory. That controller has been developed in Spinal HDL and attached to the SoC. RISCV is an instruction set SPEC, isn't a SoC implementation. You have to do one of two things, either you develop the memory controller of your board and attach it to the Briey SoC, or simply use the on-chip ram.

I have SDRAM memory controller working properly fo Mimas V.2 board. It is based on MIG Xilinx IPcore and is running on FPGA without errors. I thought about this option - replacing internal Briey SDRAM controller with working one for last week.

So I think issue regarding DDR memory controller is solved.
The only one issue that is not solved is that if two-directional buffer connected to DDR memory and Briey SOC is properly controlled.

Best Regards

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