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Zigbee Stack for ARM M3 Based Controllers

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May 2, 2012
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I wish to know is there any open source zigbee stack for Cortex M3 Based Microcontrollers?
Ti Provides Zstack for free but i believe its compatible only with TI controllers.

My preference is to go with AT86RF231 but opensource stack provided is only for AVR controllers.. Is it possible for me to use open source zigbee stack for Cortex M3 based controller and i wish to use AT86RF231?
SUggestion , ideas , Guidance will be welcome...

Refered this thread . Gives an idea but not entirely clear

If you use a stack like BitCloud, then firmware's hardware parts (MCU registers etc) are trasnparent to the user, and all the job is done through APIs.
It is correct that ATMEL offers ZigBee stack for AVRs. ARMs are also available, ARM7 and Cortex M3 as well.
But whatever MCU you will use, almost all the code will be the same. Maybe port defines will be slightly different, but the same philosophy is followed when you define the ports, by using inline functions.

You can find all BitCloud stacks in ATMEL's web page.
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I believe Bitcloud is opensource . IS it the same for ARM Cortex M3 . Could you provide those link? I wish to use LPC 17xx controller and AT86RF231 . IS it possible to use bitcloud . ARe you sure we can use it just by changing the registers? I believe they would give it as library file where we cannot change..

Another doubt . Say if i take ztack of TI and change the port configuration etc and download it on atmels will it work...IEEE and zigbee specify the layers so will it work or will change depending upon manufacturer
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I believe Bitcloud is opensource . IS it the same for ARM Cortex M3 . Could you provide those link?
The link provided in post #2 is for download all BitCloud versions. Download is free. I have only used BitCloud for AVR. I believe that except port definitions, all others are the same. In any case, you can download BitCloud for both AVR and SAM3S and compare them. Don't expect to find differences inside layers. If I remember correctly, ports hardware layer for both AVR and ARM, reside in the same file, gpio.h. Only MCU definition changes (AVR or ARM).

Another doubt . Say if i take ztack of TI and change the port configuration etc and download it on atmels will it work...IEEE and zigbee specify the layers so will it work or will change depending upon manufacturer
Hardware files are user transparent, you cannot see them inside the project. You must write the hardware files from the beggining in order to be portable to other MCUs. I am not saying it cannot be done, I don't know it. I wouldn't be suprised though, if it couldn't.
Still I cannot find a reason to do that. What your purpose is? If you are looking for Cortex M3 then ATMEL offers it. Why do you want to make life difficult by doing such thing? Remember that all are executed via APIs. If you use UART for example, then you won't be using AVR, or ARM hardware registers. Stack is doing this for you in the background. You will use stack functions common for all MCUs. help/uart_8h.html

The link provided in post #2 is for download all BitCloud versions. Download is free. I have only used BitCloud for AVR. I believe that except port definitions, all others are the same. In any case, you can download BitCloud for both AVR and SAM3S and compare them. Don't expect to find differences inside layers. If I remember correctly, ports hardware layer for both AVR and ARM, reside in the same file, gpio.h. Only MCU definition changes (AVR or ARM).

Correct me if i'm wrong . Bitcloud doesn't have source available . They have given only the libraries . I dont it is as easy as just changing the port registers to make it work with cortex M3 .

(P.S) Feel free to correct me . I'm new to zigbee not really strong with the basic stuff . I'm right now studying zigbee book of shahin and drew gialson . Anything else you would recommend to get basic strong? like endpoint, cluster, Stack etc .

I have been tasked with developing stack . Finding it challenging maybe coz of my mechanical background .

MY another basic doubt is if i develop smart energy energy device is it possible to send data to another? Does transmitting data over the air depend upon profiles or zigbee. DO i have to use home automation for transmitting say for ex from metering device to display should i use HA?

Bitcloud doesn't have source available . They have given only the libraries .
In most cases yes, but all the parts you will need to develop the application are open to users.

I dont it is as easy as just changing the port registers to make it work with cortex M3 .
As already said, M3 is already available.

MY another basic doubt is if i develop smart energy energy device is it possible to send data to another? Does transmitting data over the air depend upon profiles or zigbee. DO i have to use home automation for transmitting say for ex from metering device to display should i use HA?
I have not used all profiles, but data exchanging functions and structures should be the same.

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