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I'm using ISE 14.7 to program a Spartan 3E and I used it for a couple of years with no problems. It sat for a while and I dug it out and tried to get it to work again and when I start up Impact to send the bit file to the device, I get this message:
so I'm hoping it's either the Platform Cable USB or the breakout board that goes into it.
I tried several different USB cables and I've checked each pin on the ribbon cable for conductivity,Active mode is BS
GUI --- Auto connect to cable...
WARNING:UtilitiesC - Message file "usenglish/Cse.msg" wasn't found.
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
*** WARNING ***: When port is set to auto detect mode, cable speed is set to default 6 MHz regardless of explicit arguments supplied for setting the baud rates
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB21).
Checking cable driver.
Driver file xusbdfwu.sys found.
Driver version: src=1027, dest=1027.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 x86_64 64bit SYS 14:14:44, version = 1021.
Cable PID = 0008.
Max current requested during enumeration is 280 mA.
Type = 0x0605.
Cable Type = 3, Revision = 0.
Setting cable speed to 6 MHz.
ERROR:Cse - A reference voltage has not been detected on the ribbon cable interface to the target system ( pin 2 ). Check that power is applied to the target system and that the ribbon cable is properly seated at both ends. The status LED on Platform Cable USB will be GREEN if target voltage is in the proper range and applied to the correct pin.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 x86_64 64bit SYS 14:14:44, version = 1021.
LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT2).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 x86_64 64bit SYS 14:14:44, version = 1021.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT3).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 x86_64 64bit SYS 14:14:44, version = 1021.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT4).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 x86_64 64bit SYS 14:14:44, version = 1021.
Cable connection failed.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 2 sec.
Cable autodetection failed.
so I'm hoping it's either the Platform Cable USB or the breakout board that goes into it.