Xilinx ISE 12.3 : library simprim not found

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Newbie level 3
Oct 14, 2010
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Hi, I'm using ISE 12.3 to implement a design.
I generate a verilog netlist which contains cells of the simprim library.
Then I take this netlist and do some changes on it ( split it in parts for example ). But if I start a new project whith the new files, ise can't find simprims library.
Can anyone explain me what to do?

I used this command line :
netgen -w -ecn conformal -ne -mhf clockbuf

I obtained 2 verilog files : glbl.v & clockbuf_ecn.v
I start a new project with these 2 files, and i include all verilog files of used cells from the simprim library. and here is what I obtain :

ERROR:HDLCompilers:244 - "../../work/xilinx/opt1/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/X_OBUF.v" line 36 Name 'glbl.GTS' could not be resolved
ERROR:HDLCompilers:185 - "../../work/xilinx/opt1/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/X_OBUF.v" line 36 Illegal right hand side of continuous assign
ERROR:HDLCompilers:244 - "../../work/xilinx/opt1/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/X_FF.v" line 42 Name 'glbl.GSR' could not be resolved
ERROR:HDLCompilers:185 - "../../work/xilinx/opt1/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/X_FF.v" line 42 Illegal right hand side of continuous assign
ERROR:HDLCompilers:244 - "../../work/xilinx/opt1/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/X_BUFGMUX.v" line 46 Name 'glbl.GSR' could not be resolved
ERROR:HDLCompilers:185 - "../../work/xilinx/opt1/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/X_BUFGMUX.v" line 46 Illegal right hand side of continuous assign

Thanks for your help.

Just run the command "compxlib" and it will compile your libraries for you.

first add
into ur project and then try :
netgen -w -ecn conformal -ne -mhf clockbuf glbl

Hi all, I'm not sure that I asked the best question. Here it is : If I implement any design with ISE, then I use netgen to generate a new verilog netlist (lets call it newNet.v), can I take "newNet.v" and start a new project with it or not?
I do not want to run simulation but I want to implement "newNet.v" and synthesize it with XST.
The problem now is that "newNet.v" uses SIMPRIM files and "glbl.v" when I use these options with netgen :
netgen -w -ecn conformal -ne -mhf clockbuf

I looked in the code provided by xilinx, and i found that it is instantiated as follows :
tri0 GSR = glbl.GSR; // in X_FF.v for example

And the errors are like this :
ERROR:HDLCompilers:244 - "../../work/xilinx/opt1/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/X_FF.v" line 42 Name 'glbl.GSR' could not be resolved
ERROR:HDLCompilers:185 - "../../work/xilinx/opt1/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/X_FF.v" line 42 Illegal right hand side of continuous assign

I read in xilinx forum that glbl is only used for simulation !!! That why I want tu use another library for synthesis.
Any ideas? Thx again for your help.

I think I've got it I have generated 4 models
1) Post-Synthesis Simulation model
2) Post-Translate Simulation model
3) Post-Map Simulation model
4) Post-Place & Route Simulation model

1 uses UNISIM cells. If I start a new project with it, ISE recognises all the cells and synthesize the design and it's OK !!!
2, 3 and 4 use SIMPRIMS cells. If I start a new project with one of these, ISE needs the verilog files of used cells (X_FF for example). If I include files from ~/ISE/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/simprims/ , then I have the problem of glbl.
I tried also to include cells of SIMPRIMS from ~/ISE/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/xeclib/simprims because they do not use glbl.v but now I have another primitive include problem !!!

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