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We have the following entity with port "I_DATA" being a long vector of a generic width.
Even though "I_DATA" is a signle port it's logically divided to a generic number of words (G_DEPTH) and each word is of a generic width (G_WIDTH).
Inside this entity I want to write convert I_DATA to an array as follows:
Will the above work ?
Even though "I_DATA" is a signle port it's logically divided to a generic number of words (G_DEPTH) and each word is of a generic width (G_WIDTH).
entity memory is
G_WIDTH : unsigned ( 31 downto 0 ) := to_unsigned ( 8 , 32 ) ; -- width of each memory cell
G_DEPTH : unsigned ( 31 downto 0 ) := to_unsigned ( 4 , 32 ) -- number of memory cells
) ;
I_CLOCK : in std_logic ; -- global clock
I_RESET_GLOBAL : in std_logic ; -- global reset
I_RESET_LOCAL : in std_logic ; -- local reset
I_WRITE : in std_logic ; -- write request
I_DATA : in unsigned ( ( to_integer ( G_WIDTH ) * to_integer ( G_DEPTH ) ) - 1 downto 0 ) -- input data
) ;
end entity memory ;
Inside this entity I want to write convert I_DATA to an array as follows:
subtype word is unsigned ( to_integer ( G_W ) - 1 downto 0 ) ;
type array_word is array ( 0 to to_integer ( G_DEPTH ) - 1 ) of word ;
signal temp_memory : array_word ;
signal memory : array_word ;
for_loop: for index in 0 to ( to_integer ( G_DEPTH ) - 1 )
temp_memory ( index ) <= I_DATA ( ( to_integer ( G_WIDTH ) - 1 + ( index * to_integer ( G_WIDTH ) ) ) downto ( index * to_integer ( G_WIDTH ) ) ) ;
end loop ;
writing_to_memory : process ( I_CLOCK , I_RESET_GLOBAL ) is
if I_RESET_GLOBAL = '1' then
memory <= ( others => ( others => '0' ) ) ;
elsif rising_edge ( I_CLOCK ) then
if I_RESET_LOCAL = '1' then
memory <= ( others => ( others => '0' ) ) ;
elsif I_WRITE = '1' then
memory <= temp_memory ;
end if;
end if;
end process writing_to_memory ;
Will the above work ?