Working on MCP79410 RTC and then taking the output to distribute it thru PIC18F4520

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Mar 16, 2011
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As the title suggest that I am working on a Real time Clock and later i am distributing the output of the MCP79410 through PIC18F4520. I have got a verilog code for the MCP79410 since i am working on mikroC its not accepting the code and it gives me error which has such a long list that it cant be pasted over here. I have looked into converting the verlilog code to C code but the resources availbe online isnt of much use either.

What I am looking for is something really easy for me to understand as i have only worked on C++ alot and i am quite good at it as well. I have to make MCP79410 work as i cant point to the regitsers i should be looking for the data retrieval. Can some body please help me with it any suggestion or piece of code will be a great help.

Once i get the output from the MCP79410 i have to include an i2c.h in orderto make it work on the PIC18F4520. PLease anyone guide me with it , will mean the world to me ...

I am pastig the code i am using to make MCP79410 to work. it will be in file attached to this thread.

Much appreciated

`timescale 1ns/10ps

module MCP79410 (X1, X2, MFP, SDA, SCL, VCC, VBAT, RESET);

input X1; // crystal/external oscillator input
output X2; // crystal output

output MFP; // multi-function pin (open-drain)

inout SDA; // serial data I/O
input SCL; // serial data clock

input VCC; // primary power pin
input VBAT; // battery backup power pin

input RESET; // system reset (disable timing checks)

// *******************************************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************************************

parameter CTRL_BYTE_EEPROM = 7'b1010111; // control byte for EEPROM access
parameter CTRL_BYTE_RTCCSR = 7'b1101111; // control byte for RTCC/SRAM access

parameter UNIQUE_ID_0 = 8'hFF; // default value
parameter UNIQUE_ID_1 = 8'hFF; // default value
parameter UNIQUE_ID_2 = 8'hFF; // default value
parameter UNIQUE_ID_3 = 8'hFF; // default value
parameter UNIQUE_ID_4 = 8'hFF; // default value
parameter UNIQUE_ID_5 = 8'hFF; // default value
parameter UNIQUE_ID_6 = 8'hFF; // default value
parameter UNIQUE_ID_7 = 8'hFF; // default value

parameter T_WC = 500000; // timing parameter
parameter T_AA = 900; // timing parameter

// .......................................................................................................

reg [15:00] OscCounter; // oscillator clock active counter
reg [14:00] OscDivider; // oscillator clock divider
wire Clk1Hz; // internal clock
wire Clk4096Hz; // internal clock
wire Clk8192Hz; // internal clock
wire Clk32768Hz; // internal clock

reg Clk1Hz_D1; // internal clock - delayed 1ns

reg [15:00] OscGateTimer; // oscillator calibration clock gate

// .......................................................................................................

reg SDA_DO; // I2C serial data - output
reg SDA_OE; // I2C serial data - output enable

wire SDA_DriveEnable; // I2C serial data output enable
reg SDA_DriveEnableDlyd; // I2C serial data output enable - delayed

reg [03:00] I2C_BitCounter; // I2C serial bit counter

reg STRT_Rcvd; // START bit received flag
reg STOP_Rcvd; // STOP bit received flag
reg CTRL_Rcvd; // control byte received flag
reg ADDR_Rcvd; // byte address received flag
reg MACK_Rcvd; // master acknowledge received flag

reg RTCCSR_Access; // RTCC/SRAM access operation
reg EEPROM_Access; // EEPROM access operation

reg WrOperation; // memory write operation
reg RdOperation; // memory read operation

reg [07:00] DataShifter; // input data shift register

reg [07:00] ControlByte; // control byte register
wire CTRL_Valid; // control byte valid

reg I2C_FirstRead; // I2C first data read flag

reg [07:00] StartAddress; // memory access starting address
reg [07:00] WriteAddress; // memory write address
reg [07:00] WriteData; // memory write address
reg [02:00] PageAddress; // memory page address
reg [07:00] PageBuffer [0:7]; // memory write data buffer

wire AddressInvalid; // invalid address

wire [07:00] WrDataByte; // I2C write data
wire [07:00] RdDataByte; // I2C read data

reg [06:00] RTCCSR_WrAddress; // RTCC/SRAM write address
reg [07:00] RTCCSR_WrData; // RTCC/SRAM write data
event RTCCSR_WrEvent; // RTCC/SRAM write event

wire [06:00] RTCCSR_RdAddress; // RTCC/SRAM read address
wire [07:00] EEPROM_RdAddress; // EEPROM read address

reg [07:00] RdPointer; // read address pointer
reg [15:00] WrCounter; // write buffer counter
reg [07:00] WrPointer; // write address pointer
reg [02:00] PagePointer; // page buffer write pointer

// .......................................................................................................

wire MFP; // multi-function output pin
reg MFP_DO; // multi-function output signal

reg Clk64Hz; // 64 Hz clock
reg [10:00] Clk64HzCounter; // 64 Hz clock generator
wire [10:00] Clk64HzLoadValue; // counter reload value
reg [10:00] Clk64HzSaveValue; // counter reload value saved

// .......................................................................................................

reg [07:00] RTCC_00; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_01; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_02; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_03; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_04; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_05; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_06; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_07; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_08; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_09; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_0A; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_0B; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_0C; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_0D; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_0E; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_0F; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_11; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_12; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_13; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_14; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_15; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_16; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_18; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_19; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_1A; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_1B; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_1C; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_1D; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_1E; // RTCC register
reg [07:00] RTCC_1F; // RTCC register

wire IsLeapYear; // leap year flag
wire IsMidnight; // midnight 12AM flag

wire RTCC_ST; // control register bit

reg RTCC_OSCON; // status register bit
reg RTCC_VBAT; // status register bit
wire RTCC_VBATEN; // control register bit

wire RTCC_OUT; // control register bit
wire RTCC_SQWE; // control register bit
wire RTCC_ALM1; // control register bit
wire RTCC_ALM0; // control register bit
wire RTCC_EXTOSC; // control register bit
wire RTCC_RS2; // control register bit
wire RTCC_RS1; // control register bit
wire RTCC_RS0; // control register bit

wire RTCC_ALM0POL; // alarm control bit
wire RTCC_ALM0C2; // alarm control bit
wire RTCC_ALM0C1; // alarm control bit
wire RTCC_ALM0C0; // alarm control bit

wire RTCC_ALM1POL; // alarm control bit
wire RTCC_ALM1C2; // alarm control bit
wire RTCC_ALM1C1; // alarm control bit
wire RTCC_ALM1C0; // alarm control bit

reg Alarm0_True; // alarm condition true
reg Alarm1_True; // alarm condition true
reg RTCC_Alarm0; // alarm active flag
reg RTCC_Alarm1; // alarm active flag
reg RTCC_AlarmOut; // alarm output signal

reg [07:00] RTCCSR_RdData; // multiplexed read data

// .......................................................................................................

reg [07:00] SRAM_Memory [0:63]; // SRAM memory array
wire [07:00] SRAM_RdData; // SRAM memory read data
wire [05:00] SRAM_RdAddress; // SRAM memory read address
wire [05:00] SRAM_WrAddress; // SRAM memory write address

// .......................................................................................................

reg [07:00] UnlockData0; // unique ID unlock register
reg [07:00] UnlockData1; // unique ID unlock register
reg UniqueID_Lock; // unique ID lock status

integer LoopIndex; // iterative loop index

reg WriteActive; // memory write cycle active

reg [07:00] EEPROM_Memory [0:127]; // EEPROM memory array
reg [07:00] EEPROM_RdData; // EEPROM memory read data
reg [07:00] EEPROM_UniqueID [0:7]; // unique ID memory block
reg [07:00] EEPROM_StatusRegister; // EEPROM status register

wire [07:00] EEPROM_MemData; // decoded memory data
wire [07:00] EEPROM_UIdData; // decoded memory data

wire [01:00] EEPROM_BlockProtect; // EEPROM block protection bits

// *******************************************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************************************

initial begin
OscDivider = 0;
OscGateTimer = 0;

Clk64Hz = 0;
Clk64HzCounter = 256;

initial begin
SDA_DO = 0;
SDA_OE = 0;

initial begin
STRT_Rcvd = 0;
STOP_Rcvd = 0;
CTRL_Rcvd = 0;
ADDR_Rcvd = 0;
MACK_Rcvd = 0;

initial begin
RdPointer = 0;
WrPointer = 0;

I2C_BitCounter = 0;
ControlByte = 0;

initial begin
WrOperation = 0;
RdOperation = 0;
WriteActive = 0;

RTCCSR_Access = 0;
EEPROM_Access = 0;

initial begin
RTCC_00 = 8'h00;
RTCC_01 = 8'h00;
RTCC_02 = 8'h00;
RTCC_03 = 8'h01;
RTCC_04 = 8'h01;
RTCC_05 = 8'h01;
RTCC_06 = 8'h01;
RTCC_07 = 8'h80;
RTCC_08 = 8'h00;

RTCC_0A = 8'h00;
RTCC_0B = 8'h00;
RTCC_0C = 8'h00;
RTCC_0D = 8'h01;
RTCC_0E = 8'h01;
RTCC_0F = 8'h01;
RTCC_11 = 8'h00;
RTCC_12 = 8'h00;
RTCC_13 = 8'h00;
RTCC_14 = 8'h01;
RTCC_15 = 8'h01;
RTCC_16 = 8'h01;

RTCC_18 = 8'h00;
RTCC_19 = 8'h00;
RTCC_1A = 8'h00;
RTCC_1B = 8'h00;
RTCC_1C = 8'h00;
RTCC_1D = 8'h00;
RTCC_1E = 8'h00;
RTCC_1F = 8'h00;

initial begin
RTCC_Alarm0 = 0;
RTCC_Alarm1 = 0;

initial begin

initial begin
EEPROM_StatusRegister = 8'h00;

initial begin
UniqueID_Lock = 1;


// *******************************************************************************************************
// ** I/O LOGIC - XTAL **
// *******************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1.01: Xtal2 Output
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

assign X2 = RTCC_EXTOSC ? 1'bZ : !X1;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1.02: Oscillator Clock Divider
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge X1) begin
if (RTCC_ST == 1) begin
if ((OscDivider == 15'h3FFF) & (RTCC_00[6:0] == 7'h59)) begin
OscDivider <= 15'h4000 + {RTCC_08[6:0],1'b0};
else if (OscGateTimer == 0) begin
OscDivider <= OscDivider + 1;

assign Clk32768Hz = X1;
assign Clk8192Hz = OscDivider[01];
assign Clk4096Hz = OscDivider[02];
assign Clk1Hz = OscDivider[14];

always @(Clk1Hz) Clk1Hz_D1 <= #1 Clk1Hz;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1.03: Oscillator Calibration
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge X1) begin
if ((OscDivider == 15'h3FFF) & (RTCC_00[6:0] == 7'h59)) begin
OscGateTimer <= RTCC_08[7] ? 0 : {RTCC_08[6:0],1'b0};
else if (OscGateTimer != 0) begin
OscGateTimer <= OscGateTimer - 1;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1.04: Oscillator Active Detect
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

initial begin
OscCounter = 0;
forever begin
RTCC_OSCON = (OscCounter >= 32);
OscCounter = 0;

always @(posedge X1 or negedge RTCC_ST) begin
if (RTCC_ST == 0) OscCounter <= 0;
else OscCounter <= OscCounter + 1;

// *******************************************************************************************************
// ** I/O LOGIC - I2C **
// *******************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.01: START Bit Detection
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge SDA) begin
if (SCL == 1) begin
STRT_Rcvd <= 1;
STOP_Rcvd <= 0;
CTRL_Rcvd <= 0;
ADDR_Rcvd <= 0;
MACK_Rcvd <= 0;
I2C_FirstRead <= 0;
I2C_BitCounter <= 0;

WrOperation <= #1 0;
RdOperation <= #1 0;

RTCCSR_Access <= #1 0;
EEPROM_Access <= #1 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.02: STOP Bit Detection
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge SDA) begin
if (SCL == 1) begin
STRT_Rcvd <= 0;
STOP_Rcvd <= 1;
CTRL_Rcvd <= 0;
ADDR_Rcvd <= 0;
MACK_Rcvd <= 0;
I2C_FirstRead <= 0;
I2C_BitCounter <= 10;

WrOperation <= #1 0;
RdOperation <= #1 0;

RTCCSR_Access <= #1 0;
EEPROM_Access <= #1 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.03: Input Shift Register
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge SCL) begin
DataShifter[0] <= SDA;
DataShifter[1] <= DataShifter[0];
DataShifter[2] <= DataShifter[1];
DataShifter[3] <= DataShifter[2];
DataShifter[4] <= DataShifter[3];
DataShifter[5] <= DataShifter[4];
DataShifter[6] <= DataShifter[5];
DataShifter[7] <= DataShifter[6];

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.04: Input Bit Counter
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge SCL) begin
if (I2C_BitCounter < 10) I2C_BitCounter <= I2C_BitCounter + 1;

always @(negedge SCL) begin
if (I2C_BitCounter == 9) I2C_BitCounter <= 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.05: Control Byte Processor
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge SCL) begin
if (STRT_Rcvd & (I2C_BitCounter == 8)) begin
//if (!WriteActive) begin
if (DataShifter[0] == 0) WrOperation <= 1;
if (DataShifter[0] == 1) RdOperation <= 1;

ControlByte <= DataShifter[7:0];
CTRL_Rcvd <= 1;

if (DataShifter[7:1] == CTRL_BYTE_RTCCSR) RTCCSR_Access <= 1;
if (DataShifter[7:1] == CTRL_BYTE_EEPROM) EEPROM_Access <= 1;
STRT_Rcvd <= 0;

assign CTRL_Valid = STRT_Rcvd & (DataShifter[7:1]==CTRL_BYTE_EEPROM)
| STRT_Rcvd & (DataShifter[7:1]==CTRL_BYTE_RTCCSR)
| CTRL_Rcvd & (ControlByte[7:1]==CTRL_BYTE_EEPROM)
| CTRL_Rcvd & (ControlByte[7:1]==CTRL_BYTE_RTCCSR);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.06: Address Byte Processor
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge SCL) begin
if (CTRL_Rcvd & (I2C_BitCounter == 8)) begin
StartAddress <= DataShifter[7:0];
RdPointer <= DataShifter[7:0];
WrCounter <= 0;
WrPointer <= 0;

CTRL_Rcvd <= 0;
ADDR_Rcvd <= 1;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.07: Write Data Buffer
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge SCL) begin
if (ADDR_Rcvd & (I2C_BitCounter == 8)) begin
if (EEPROM_Access & WrOperation/*(WP == 0) & (RdWrBit == 0)*/) begin
PagePointer = WrPointer[2:0];
PageBuffer[PagePointer] <= DataShifter[7:0];

WrCounter <= WrCounter + 1;
WrPointer <= WrPointer + 1;
if (RTCCSR_Access & WrOperation) begin
RTCCSR_WrAddress <= StartAddress + WrPointer;
RTCCSR_WrData <= DataShifter[7:0];

WrCounter <= WrCounter + 1;
WrPointer <= WrPointer + 1;
if (RTCCSR_WrAddress < 7'h60) ->RTCCSR_WrEvent;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.08: Acknowledge Generator
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge SCL) begin
if (!WriteActive) begin
if ((STRT_Rcvd & CTRL_Valid) | CTRL_Rcvd | WrOperation | (RdOperation & !ADDR_Rcvd)) begin
if ((I2C_BitCounter == 8) & !AddressInvalid) begin
SDA_DO <= 0;
SDA_OE <= 1;
if (I2C_BitCounter == 9) begin
SDA_DO <= 0;
SDA_OE <= 0;

assign AddressInvalid = ADDR_Rcvd & RTCCSR_Access & WrOperation & ((StartAddress + WrPointer) >= 7'h60)
| CTRL_Rcvd & RTCCSR_Access & (DataShifter[7:0] >= 7'h60)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:4] == 4'h8)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:4] == 4'h9)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:4] == 4'hA)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:4] == 4'hB)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:4] == 4'hC)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:4] == 4'hD)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:4] == 4'hE)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:0] == 8'hF8)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:0] == 8'hF9)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:0] == 8'hFA)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:0] == 8'hFB)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:0] == 8'hFC)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:0] == 8'hFD)
| CTRL_Rcvd & EEPROM_Access & (DataShifter[7:0] == 8'hFE);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.09: Acknowledge Detect
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge SCL) begin
if (RdOperation & (I2C_BitCounter == 8)) begin
if ((SDA == 0) & (SDA_OE == 0)) MACK_Rcvd <= 1;

always @(negedge SCL) MACK_Rcvd <= 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.10: STOP Flag Removal
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge STOP_Rcvd) begin
STOP_Rcvd = 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.11: Read Data Processor
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge SCL) begin
if (RdOperation & CTRL_Rcvd) begin
if ((I2C_BitCounter == 8) & !AddressInvalid) begin
I2C_FirstRead <= 1;
if (RdOperation & ADDR_Rcvd) begin
if (I2C_BitCounter == 8) begin
SDA_DO <= 0;
SDA_OE <= 0;
else if (I2C_BitCounter == 9) begin
I2C_FirstRead <= 0;

SDA_DO <= RdDataByte[7];
SDA_OE <= MACK_Rcvd | I2C_FirstRead;
else begin
SDA_DO <= RdDataByte[7-I2C_BitCounter];

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.12: Read Data Multiplexor
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge SCL) begin
if (I2C_BitCounter == 8) begin
if (WrOperation & ADDR_Rcvd) begin
RdPointer <= StartAddress + WrPointer + 1;
if (RdOperation) begin
RdPointer <= RdPointer + 1;

assign RTCCSR_RdAddress = RdPointer[6:0];
assign EEPROM_RdAddress = RdPointer[7:0];

assign RdDataByte = RTCCSR_Access ? RTCCSR_RdData : EEPROM_RdData;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.13: SDA Data I/O Buffer
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

bufif1 (SDA, 1'b0, SDA_DriveEnableDlyd);

assign SDA_DriveEnable = !SDA_DO & SDA_OE;
always @(SDA_DriveEnable) SDA_DriveEnableDlyd <= #(T_AA) SDA_DriveEnable;

// *******************************************************************************************************
// ** I/O LOGIC - MFP **
// *******************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3.01: Output Pin Open-Drain Driver
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

bufif1 (MFP, 1'b0, (MFP_DO == 0));

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3.02: Output Pin Signal Select
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(RTCC_OUT or RTCC_SQWE or RTCC_VBAT or RTCC_RS2 or RTCC_RS1 or RTCC_RS0 or
Clk64Hz or Clk1Hz or Clk4096Hz or Clk8192Hz or Clk32768Hz) begin
4'b0_xxx: MFP_DO = RTCC_OUT;

4'b1_1xx: MFP_DO = RTCC_VBAT | Clk64Hz;
4'b1_000: MFP_DO = RTCC_VBAT | Clk1Hz;
4'b1_001: MFP_DO = RTCC_VBAT | Clk4096Hz;
4'b1_010: MFP_DO = RTCC_VBAT | Clk8192Hz;
4'b1_011: MFP_DO = RTCC_VBAT | Clk32768Hz;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3.03: Output Signal - 64.0 Hz Clock
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge X1) begin
if (Clk64HzCounter == 1) begin
Clk64HzCounter <= Clk64HzLoadValue;
Clk64HzSaveValue <= Clk64HzLoadValue;
else begin
Clk64HzCounter <= Clk64HzCounter - 1;

always @(posedge X1) begin
if (Clk64HzCounter == 1) Clk64Hz <= 1;
else if (Clk64HzCounter == ((Clk64HzSaveValue/2)+1)) Clk64Hz <= 0;

assign Clk64HzLoadValue = RTCC_08[7] ? (512 - {RTCC_08[6:0],2'h0}) : (512 + {RTCC_08[6:0],2'h0});

// *******************************************************************************************************
// ** CORE LOGIC - RTCC **
// *******************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.01: RTCC Control and Data Registers
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h00) RTCC_00 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h01) RTCC_01 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h02) RTCC_02 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h03) RTCC_03 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h04) RTCC_04 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h05) RTCC_05 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h06) RTCC_06 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h07) RTCC_07 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h08) RTCC_08 <= RTCCSR_WrData;

always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h0A) RTCC_0A <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h0B) RTCC_0B <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h0C) RTCC_0C <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h0D) RTCC_0D <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h0E) RTCC_0E <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h0F) RTCC_0F <= RTCCSR_WrData;

always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h11) RTCC_11 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h12) RTCC_12 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h13) RTCC_13 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h14) RTCC_14 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h15) RTCC_15 <= RTCCSR_WrData;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h16) RTCC_16 <= RTCCSR_WrData;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.02: RTCC Control Register Bits
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

assign RTCC_ST = RTCC_00[7];

assign RTCC_VBATEN = RTCC_03[3];

assign RTCC_OUT = RTCC_07[7];
assign RTCC_SQWE = RTCC_07[6];
assign RTCC_ALM1 = RTCC_07[5];
assign RTCC_ALM0 = RTCC_07[4];
assign RTCC_EXTOSC = RTCC_07[3];
assign RTCC_RS2 = RTCC_07[2];
assign RTCC_RS1 = RTCC_07[1];
assign RTCC_RS0 = RTCC_07[0];

assign RTCC_ALM0POL = RTCC_0D[7];
assign RTCC_ALM0C2 = RTCC_0D[6];
assign RTCC_ALM0C1 = RTCC_0D[5];
assign RTCC_ALM0C0 = RTCC_0D[4];

assign RTCC_ALM1POL = RTCC_0D[7];
assign RTCC_ALM1C2 = RTCC_14[6];
assign RTCC_ALM1C1 = RTCC_14[5];
assign RTCC_ALM1C0 = RTCC_14[4];

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.03: RTCC Time and Date - Seconds
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge Clk1Hz) begin
if ((RTCC_00[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) RTCC_00[6:0] <= {3'h0,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_00[6:4]==4) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) RTCC_00[6:0] <= {3'h5,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_00[6:4]==3) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) RTCC_00[6:0] <= {3'h4,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_00[6:4]==2) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) RTCC_00[6:0] <= {3'h3,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_00[6:4]==1) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) RTCC_00[6:0] <= {3'h2,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_00[6:4]==0) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) RTCC_00[6:0] <= {3'h1,4'h0};
else RTCC_00[3:0] <= RTCC_00[3:0] + 1;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.04: RTCC Time and Date - Minutes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge Clk1Hz) begin
if ((RTCC_00[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) begin
if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9)) RTCC_01[6:0] <= {3'h0,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==4) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9)) RTCC_01[6:0] <= {3'h5,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==3) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9)) RTCC_01[6:0] <= {3'h4,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==2) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9)) RTCC_01[6:0] <= {3'h3,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==1) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9)) RTCC_01[6:0] <= {3'h2,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==0) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9)) RTCC_01[6:0] <= {3'h1,4'h0};
else RTCC_01[3:0] <= RTCC_01[3:0] + 1;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.05: RTCC Time and Date - Hours
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge Clk1Hz) begin
if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9) & (RTCC_00[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) begin
if (RTCC_02[6] == 0) begin // 24 hour format
if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==0) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==9)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h1,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==1) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==9)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h2,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==2) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==3)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h0,4'h0};
else RTCC_02[3:0] <= RTCC_02[3:0] + 1;
else begin // 12 hour format
if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==0) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==9)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h1,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==1) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==1)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h3,4'h2};
else if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==1) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==2)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h0,4'h1};
else if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==2) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==9)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h3,4'h0};
else if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==3) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==1)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h1,4'h2};
else if ((RTCC_02[5:4]==3) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==2)) RTCC_02[5:0] <= {2'h2,4'h1};
else RTCC_02[3:0] <= RTCC_02[3:0] + 1;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.06: RTCC Time and Date - Days
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge Clk1Hz) begin
if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9) & (RTCC_00[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) begin
if ((RTCC_02[6] == 0) & (RTCC_02[5:4]==2) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==3)) begin // 24 hour format
if (RTCC_03[2:0]==7) RTCC_03[2:0] <= {3'h1};
else RTCC_03[2:0] <= RTCC_03[2:00] + 1;
if ((RTCC_02[6] == 1) & (RTCC_02[5:4]==3) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==1)) begin // 12 hour format
if (RTCC_03[2:0]==7) RTCC_03[2:0] <= {3'h1};
else RTCC_03[2:0] <= RTCC_03[2:00] + 1;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.07: RTCC Time and Date - Year/Month/Date
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge Clk1Hz) begin
if ((RTCC_01[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_01[3:0]==9) & (RTCC_00[6:4]==5) & (RTCC_00[3:0]==9)) begin
if ((RTCC_02[6] == 0) & (RTCC_02[5:4]==2) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==3)) begin // 24 hour format
{RTCC_06,RTCC_05,RTCC_04} <= DateNext(RTCC_06[7:0],RTCC_05[4:0],RTCC_04[5:0]);
if ((RTCC_02[6] == 1) & (RTCC_02[5:4]==3) & (RTCC_02[3:0]==1)) begin // 12 hour format
{RTCC_06,RTCC_05,RTCC_04} <= DateNext(RTCC_06[7:0],RTCC_05[4:0],RTCC_04[5:0]);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.08: RTCC Time and Date - Status Signals
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

assign IsLeapYear = ((BCDtoHex(RTCC_06) % 4) == 0) ? 1 : 0;

assign IsMidnight = (RTCC_02[6] ? (RTCC_02[5:0] == 6'h12) : (RTCC_02[5:0] == 6'h00))
& (RTCC_00[6:0] == 0)
& (RTCC_01[6:0] == 0);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.09: RTCC Alarm #0 Logic
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(RTCC_00 or RTCC_01 or RTCC_02 or RTCC_03 or RTCC_04 or RTCC_05 or
RTCC_0A or RTCC_0B or RTCC_0C or RTCC_0D or RTCC_0E or RTCC_0F or
RTCC_ALM0C2 or RTCC_ALM0C1 or RTCC_ALM0C0 or IsMidnight) begin
Alarm0_True = 0;
3'h0: if ((RTCC_00[6:0] == RTCC_0A[6:0])) Alarm0_True = 1;
3'h1: if ((RTCC_01[6:0] == RTCC_0B[6:0])) Alarm0_True = 1;
3'h2: if ((RTCC_02[5:0] == RTCC_0C[5:0])) Alarm0_True = 1;
3'h3: if ((RTCC_03[2:0] == RTCC_0D[2:0]) & IsMidnight) Alarm0_True = 1;
3'h4: if ((RTCC_04[5:0] == RTCC_0E[5:0])) Alarm0_True = 1;
3'h7: if ((RTCC_00[6:0] == RTCC_0A[6:0]) &
(RTCC_01[6:0] == RTCC_0B[6:0]) &
(RTCC_02[5:0] == RTCC_0C[5:0]) &
(RTCC_04[5:0] == RTCC_0E[5:0]) &
(RTCC_05[4:0] == RTCC_0F[4:0])) Alarm0_True = 1;

always @(posedge Clk1Hz_D1) if (Alarm0_True) RTCC_Alarm0 <= 1;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if ((RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h0D) & !RTCCSR_WrData[3]) RTCC_Alarm0 <= 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.10: RTCC Alarm #1 Logic
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(RTCC_00 or RTCC_01 or RTCC_02 or RTCC_03 or RTCC_04 or RTCC_05 or
RTCC_11 or RTCC_12 or RTCC_13 or RTCC_14 or RTCC_15 or RTCC_16 or
RTCC_ALM1C2 or RTCC_ALM1C1 or RTCC_ALM1C0 or IsMidnight) begin
Alarm1_True = 0;
3'h0: if ((RTCC_00[6:0] == RTCC_11[6:0])) Alarm1_True = 1;
3'h1: if ((RTCC_01[6:0] == RTCC_12[6:0])) Alarm1_True = 1;
3'h2: if ((RTCC_02[5:0] == RTCC_13[5:0])) Alarm1_True = 1;
3'h3: if ((RTCC_03[2:0] == RTCC_14[2:0]) & IsMidnight) Alarm1_True = 1;
3'h4: if ((RTCC_04[5:0] == RTCC_15[5:0])) Alarm1_True = 1;
3'h7: if ((RTCC_00[6:0] == RTCC_11[6:0]) &
(RTCC_01[6:0] == RTCC_12[6:0]) &
(RTCC_02[5:0] == RTCC_13[5:0]) &
(RTCC_04[5:0] == RTCC_15[5:0]) &
(RTCC_05[4:0] == RTCC_16[4:0])) Alarm1_True = 1;

always @(posedge Clk1Hz_D1) if (Alarm1_True) RTCC_Alarm1 <= 1;
always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if ((RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h14) & !RTCCSR_WrData[3]) RTCC_Alarm1 <= 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.11: RTCC Alarm Output Signal
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(RTCC_Alarm0 or RTCC_Alarm1 or RTCC_ALM0POL) begin
case ({RTCC_Alarm1,RTCC_Alarm0, RTCC_ALM0POL})
3'b00_1: RTCC_AlarmOut = 0;
3'b01_1: RTCC_AlarmOut = 1;
3'b10_1: RTCC_AlarmOut = 1;
3'b11_1: RTCC_AlarmOut = 1;

3'b00_0: RTCC_AlarmOut = 1;
3'b01_0: RTCC_AlarmOut = 0;
3'b10_0: RTCC_AlarmOut = 0;
3'b11_0: RTCC_AlarmOut = 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.12: RTCC Power Fail Detect
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(VCC or VBAT or RTCC_VBATEN) begin
casex ({VCC,VBAT})
2'b1x: RTCC_VBAT = 0;
2'b00: RTCC_VBAT = 0;

always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if ((RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h03) & !RTCCSR_WrData[4]) RTCC_VBAT <= 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.13: RTCC Time Saver Registers - VCC Fail
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge VCC) begin
RTCC_18 <= {1'h0,RTCC_01[6:0]};
RTCC_19 <= {1'h0,RTCC_02[6:0]};
RTCC_1A <= {2'h0,RTCC_04[5:0]};
RTCC_1B <= {RTCC_03[2:0],RTCC_05[4:0]};

always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) begin
if ((RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h03) & !RTCCSR_WrData[4]) begin
RTCC_18 <= 8'h00;
RTCC_19 <= 8'h00;
RTCC_1A <= 8'h00;
RTCC_1B <= 8'h00;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.14: RTCC Time Saver Registers - VCC OK
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge VCC) begin
if (RTCC_VBAT == 1) begin
RTCC_1C <= {1'h0,RTCC_01[6:0]};
RTCC_1D <= {1'h0,RTCC_02[6:0]};
RTCC_1E <= {2'h0,RTCC_04[5:0]};
RTCC_1F <= {RTCC_03[2:0],RTCC_05[4:0]};

always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) begin
if ((RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h03) & !RTCCSR_WrData[4]) begin
RTCC_1C <= 8'h00;
RTCC_1D <= 8'h00;
RTCC_1E <= 8'h00;
RTCC_1F <= 8'h00;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4.15: RTCC Read Data Multiplexor
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(RTCC_00 or RTCC_01 or RTCC_02 or RTCC_03 or RTCC_04 or RTCC_05 or RTCC_06 or RTCC_07 or
RTCC_08 or RTCC_0A or RTCC_0B or RTCC_0C or RTCC_0D or RTCC_0E or RTCC_0F or
RTCC_11 or RTCC_12 or RTCC_13 or RTCC_14 or RTCC_15 or RTCC_16 or RTCC_18 or RTCC_19 or
RTCC_1A or RTCC_1B or RTCC_1C or RTCC_1D or RTCC_1E or RTCC_1F or RTCC_OSCON or
RTCC_VBAT or IsLeapYear or SRAM_RdData or UnlockData0 or RTCCSR_RdAddress) begin
casex (RTCCSR_RdAddress)
7'h00: RTCCSR_RdData = RTCC_00; // seconds
7'h01: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_01[6:0]}; // minutes
7'h02: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_02[6:0]}; // hours
7'h03: RTCCSR_RdData = {2'h0,RTCC_OSCON,RTCC_VBAT,RTCC_03[3:0]}; // day
7'h04: RTCCSR_RdData = {2'h0,RTCC_04[5:0]}; // date
7'h05: RTCCSR_RdData = {2'h0,IsLeapYear,RTCC_05[4:0]}; // month
7'h06: RTCCSR_RdData = RTCC_06; // year
7'h07: RTCCSR_RdData = {RTCC_07[7:6],RTCC_Alarm1,RTCC_Alarm0,RTCC_07[3:0]}; // control
7'h08: RTCCSR_RdData = RTCC_08; // calibration
7'h09: RTCCSR_RdData = UnlockData0; // unlock data

7'h0A: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_0A[6:0]}; // alarm0 seconds
7'h0B: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_0B[6:0]}; // alarm0 minutes
7'h0C: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_02[6],RTCC_0C[5:0]}; // alarm0 hours
7'h0D: RTCCSR_RdData = {RTCC_0D[7],RTCC_0D[6:4],RTCC_Alarm0,RTCC_0D[2:0]}; // alarm0 day
7'h0E: RTCCSR_RdData = {2'h0,RTCC_0E[5:0]}; // alarm0 date
7'h0F: RTCCSR_RdData = {3'h0,RTCC_0F[4:0]}; // alarm0 month
7'h10: RTCCSR_RdData = 8'h01; // reserved

7'h11: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_11[6:0]}; // alarm1 seconds
7'h12: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_12[6:0]}; // alarm1 minutes
7'h13: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_02[6],RTCC_13[5:0]}; // alarm1 hours
7'h14: RTCCSR_RdData = {RTCC_0D[7],RTCC_14[6:4],RTCC_Alarm1,RTCC_14[2:0]}; // alarm1 day
7'h15: RTCCSR_RdData = {2'h0,RTCC_15[5:0]}; // alarm1 date
7'h16: RTCCSR_RdData = {3'h0,RTCC_16[4:0]}; // alarm1 month
7'h17: RTCCSR_RdData = 8'h01; // reserved

7'h18: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_18[6:0]}; // timestamp minutes
7'h19: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_19[6:0]}; // timestamp hours
7'h1A: RTCCSR_RdData = {2'h0,RTCC_1A[5:0]}; // timestamp date
7'h1B: RTCCSR_RdData = RTCC_1B; // timestamp month

7'h1C: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_1C[6:0]}; // timestamp minutes
7'h1D: RTCCSR_RdData = {1'h0,RTCC_1D[6:0]}; // timestamp hours
7'h1E: RTCCSR_RdData = {2'h0,RTCC_1E[5:0]}; // timestamp date
7'h1F: RTCCSR_RdData = RTCC_1F; // timestamp month

default: RTCCSR_RdData = SRAM_RdData; // SRAM memory area (0x20-0x5F)

// *******************************************************************************************************
// ** CORE LOGIC - SRAM **
// *******************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 5.01: SRAM Write Logic
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

assign SRAM_WrAddress = RTCCSR_WrAddress - 7'h20;

always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) begin
SRAM_Memory[SRAM_WrAddress] = RTCCSR_WrData;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 5.02: SRAM Read Logic
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

assign SRAM_RdAddress = RTCCSR_RdAddress - 7'h20;
assign SRAM_RdData = SRAM_Memory[SRAM_RdAddress];

// *******************************************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.01: EEPROM Write Operation Timer
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(posedge STOP_Rcvd) begin
if (EEPROM_Access & WrOperation & (WrCounter > 0)) begin
if (((StartAddress[7:3] == 5'h1E) & !UniqueID_Lock) ||
((StartAddress[7:3] == 5'h1F)) ||
((StartAddress[7:3] < 5'h0C) & (EEPROM_BlockProtect == 2'b01)) ||
((StartAddress[7:3] < 5'h08) & (EEPROM_BlockProtect == 2'b10)) ||
((StartAddress[7] == 0) & (EEPROM_BlockProtect == 2'b00))) begin
WriteActive = 1;
WriteActive = 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.02: EEPROM Memory Write Logic
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge WriteActive) begin
for (LoopIndex = 0; LoopIndex < WrCounter; LoopIndex = LoopIndex + 1) begin
PageAddress = StartAddress[2:0] + LoopIndex;
WriteAddress = {StartAddress[7:3],PageAddress[2:0]};

if (EEPROM_BlockProtect == 2'b00) begin
EEPROM_Memory[WriteAddress] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (EEPROM_BlockProtect == 2'b01) begin
if (WriteAddress < 8'h60) begin
EEPROM_Memory[WriteAddress] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (EEPROM_BlockProtect == 2'b10) begin
if (WriteAddress < 8'h40) begin
EEPROM_Memory[WriteAddress] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (EEPROM_BlockProtect == 2'b11) begin
// EEPROM memory is write-protected

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.03: EEPROM Memory Read Logic
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(EEPROM_RdAddress or EEPROM_MemData or EEPROM_UIdData or EEPROM_StatusRegister) begin
EEPROM_RdData = 0;
casex (EEPROM_RdAddress)
8'b0xxx_xxxx: EEPROM_RdData = EEPROM_MemData;
8'b1111_0xxx: EEPROM_RdData = EEPROM_UIdData;
8'b1111_1111: EEPROM_RdData = EEPROM_StatusRegister;

assign EEPROM_MemData = EEPROM_Memory[EEPROM_RdAddress[6:0]];
assign EEPROM_UIdData = EEPROM_UniqueID[EEPROM_RdAddress[2:0]];

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.04: EEPROM Status Register
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge WriteActive) begin
for (LoopIndex = 0; LoopIndex < WrCounter; LoopIndex = LoopIndex + 1) begin
PageAddress = StartAddress[2:0] + LoopIndex;
WriteAddress = {StartAddress[7:3],PageAddress[2:0]};
WriteData = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];

if (WriteAddress == 8'hFF) EEPROM_StatusRegister = {4'h0,WriteData[3:2],2'h0};

assign EEPROM_BlockProtect = EEPROM_StatusRegister[03:02];

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.05: EEPROM Unique ID Unlock Logic
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(RTCCSR_WrEvent) if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h09) UnlockData0 <= RTCCSR_WrData;

always @(posedge STOP_Rcvd) begin
if (RTCCSR_WrAddress == 7'h09) begin
UnlockData1 <= UnlockData0;
else begin
UnlockData0 <= 8'h00;
UnlockData1 <= 8'h00;

always @(negedge VCC) UniqueID_Lock = 1;

always @(posedge STOP_Rcvd) begin
if (StartAddress[7:3] == 5'h1E) UniqueID_Lock = 1;

always @(posedge STOP_Rcvd) begin
if ((UnlockData0==8'hAA) & (UnlockData1==8'h55) & (RTCCSR_WrAddress==7'h09)) UniqueID_Lock = 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.06: EEPROM Unique ID Write Logic
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

always @(negedge WriteActive) begin
for (LoopIndex = 0; LoopIndex < WrCounter; LoopIndex = LoopIndex + 1) begin
PageAddress = StartAddress[2:0] + LoopIndex;
WriteAddress = {StartAddress[7:3],PageAddress[2:0]};

if (WriteAddress == 8'hF0) EEPROM_UniqueID[0] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (WriteAddress == 8'hF1) EEPROM_UniqueID[1] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (WriteAddress == 8'hF2) EEPROM_UniqueID[2] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (WriteAddress == 8'hF3) EEPROM_UniqueID[3] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (WriteAddress == 8'hF4) EEPROM_UniqueID[4] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (WriteAddress == 8'hF5) EEPROM_UniqueID[5] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (WriteAddress == 8'hF6) EEPROM_UniqueID[6] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];
if (WriteAddress == 8'hF7) EEPROM_UniqueID[7] = PageBuffer[LoopIndex[2:0]];

// *******************************************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 7.01: DateNext - Compute the Next Year-Month-Date
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function [23:00] DateNext;

input [07:00] Year;
input [04:00] Month;
input [05:00] Date;

reg LeapYear;

reg [07:00] ThisYear;
reg [07:00] ThisMonth;
reg [07:00] ThisDate;

reg [07:00] NextYear;
reg [07:00] NextMonth;
reg [07:00] NextDate;

ThisYear = BCDtoHex(Year[7:0]);
ThisMonth = BCDtoHex({3'h0,Month[4:0]});
ThisDate = BCDtoHex({2'h0,Date [5:0]});

NextYear = ThisYear;
NextMonth = ThisMonth;
NextDate = ThisDate;

LeapYear = ((ThisYear % 4) == 0) ? 1 : 0;

if ((ThisMonth == 1) & (ThisDate == 31)) begin NextMonth = 2; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 2) & (ThisDate == 28) & !LeapYear) begin NextMonth = 3; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 2) & (ThisDate == 29) & LeapYear) begin NextMonth = 3; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 3) & (ThisDate == 31)) begin NextMonth = 4; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 4) & (ThisDate == 30)) begin NextMonth = 5; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 5) & (ThisDate == 31)) begin NextMonth = 6; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 6) & (ThisDate == 30)) begin NextMonth = 7; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 7) & (ThisDate == 31)) begin NextMonth = 8; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 8) & (ThisDate == 31)) begin NextMonth = 9; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 9) & (ThisDate == 30)) begin NextMonth = 10; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 10) & (ThisDate == 31)) begin NextMonth = 11; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 11) & (ThisDate == 30)) begin NextMonth = 12; NextDate = 1; end
else if ((ThisMonth == 12) & (ThisDate == 31)) begin NextMonth = 1; NextDate = 1; NextYear = ThisYear + 1; end
else NextDate = ThisDate + 1;

NextYear = HexToBCD(NextYear);
NextMonth = HexToBCD(NextMonth);
NextDate = HexToBCD(NextDate);

DateNext = {NextYear[7:0],3'h0,NextMonth[4:0],2'h0,NextDate[5:0]};

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 7.02: BCDtoHex - Convert BCD to Hex Value
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function [07:00] BCDtoHex;

input [07:00] BCD;

reg [07:00] Tens;
reg [07:00] Ones;

Tens = BCD[07:04] * 10;
Ones = BCD[03:00];

BCDtoHex = Tens + Ones;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 7.03: HexToBCD - Convert Hex to BCD Value
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function [07:00] HexToBCD;

input [07:00] Hex;

reg [03:00] Tens;
reg [03:00] Ones;

Tens = Hex / 10;
Ones = Hex % 10;
HexToBCD = {Tens[3:0],Ones[3:0]};

// *******************************************************************************************************
// ** DEBUG LOGIC **
// *******************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 8.01: SRAM Memory Data Bytes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte00 = SRAM_Memory[00];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte01 = SRAM_Memory[01];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte02 = SRAM_Memory[02];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte03 = SRAM_Memory[03];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte04 = SRAM_Memory[04];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte05 = SRAM_Memory[05];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte06 = SRAM_Memory[06];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte07 = SRAM_Memory[07];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte08 = SRAM_Memory[08];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte09 = SRAM_Memory[09];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte0A = SRAM_Memory[10];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte0B = SRAM_Memory[11];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte0C = SRAM_Memory[12];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte0D = SRAM_Memory[13];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte0E = SRAM_Memory[14];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte0F = SRAM_Memory[15];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte10 = SRAM_Memory[16];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte11 = SRAM_Memory[17];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte12 = SRAM_Memory[18];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte13 = SRAM_Memory[19];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte14 = SRAM_Memory[20];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte15 = SRAM_Memory[21];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte16 = SRAM_Memory[22];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte17 = SRAM_Memory[23];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte18 = SRAM_Memory[24];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte19 = SRAM_Memory[25];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte1A = SRAM_Memory[26];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte1B = SRAM_Memory[27];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte1C = SRAM_Memory[28];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte1D = SRAM_Memory[29];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte1E = SRAM_Memory[30];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte1F = SRAM_Memory[31];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte20 = SRAM_Memory[32];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte21 = SRAM_Memory[33];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte22 = SRAM_Memory[34];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte23 = SRAM_Memory[35];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte24 = SRAM_Memory[36];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte25 = SRAM_Memory[37];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte26 = SRAM_Memory[38];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte27 = SRAM_Memory[39];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte28 = SRAM_Memory[40];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte29 = SRAM_Memory[41];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte2A = SRAM_Memory[42];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte2B = SRAM_Memory[43];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte2C = SRAM_Memory[44];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte2D = SRAM_Memory[45];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte2E = SRAM_Memory[46];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte2F = SRAM_Memory[47];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte30 = SRAM_Memory[48];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte31 = SRAM_Memory[49];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte32 = SRAM_Memory[50];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte33 = SRAM_Memory[51];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte34 = SRAM_Memory[52];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte35 = SRAM_Memory[53];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte36 = SRAM_Memory[54];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte37 = SRAM_Memory[55];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte38 = SRAM_Memory[56];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte39 = SRAM_Memory[57];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte3A = SRAM_Memory[58];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte3B = SRAM_Memory[59];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte3C = SRAM_Memory[60];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte3D = SRAM_Memory[61];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte3E = SRAM_Memory[62];
wire [07:00] SRAM_Byte3F = SRAM_Memory[63];

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 8.02: EEPROM Memory Data Bytes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte00 = EEPROM_Memory[00];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte01 = EEPROM_Memory[01];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte02 = EEPROM_Memory[02];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte03 = EEPROM_Memory[03];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte04 = EEPROM_Memory[04];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte05 = EEPROM_Memory[05];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte06 = EEPROM_Memory[06];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte07 = EEPROM_Memory[07];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte08 = EEPROM_Memory[08];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte09 = EEPROM_Memory[09];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte0A = EEPROM_Memory[10];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte0B = EEPROM_Memory[11];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte0C = EEPROM_Memory[12];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte0D = EEPROM_Memory[13];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte0E = EEPROM_Memory[14];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte0F = EEPROM_Memory[15];

wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte10 = EEPROM_Memory[16];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte11 = EEPROM_Memory[17];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte12 = EEPROM_Memory[18];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte13 = EEPROM_Memory[19];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte14 = EEPROM_Memory[20];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte15 = EEPROM_Memory[21];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte16 = EEPROM_Memory[22];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte17 = EEPROM_Memory[23];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte18 = EEPROM_Memory[24];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte19 = EEPROM_Memory[25];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte1A = EEPROM_Memory[26];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte1B = EEPROM_Memory[27];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte1C = EEPROM_Memory[28];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte1D = EEPROM_Memory[29];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte1E = EEPROM_Memory[30];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte1F = EEPROM_Memory[31];

wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte70 = EEPROM_Memory[112];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte71 = EEPROM_Memory[113];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte72 = EEPROM_Memory[114];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte73 = EEPROM_Memory[115];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte74 = EEPROM_Memory[116];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte75 = EEPROM_Memory[117];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte76 = EEPROM_Memory[118];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte77 = EEPROM_Memory[119];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte78 = EEPROM_Memory[120];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte79 = EEPROM_Memory[121];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte7A = EEPROM_Memory[122];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte7B = EEPROM_Memory[123];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte7C = EEPROM_Memory[124];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte7D = EEPROM_Memory[125];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte7E = EEPROM_Memory[126];
wire [07:00] EEPROM_Byte7F = EEPROM_Memory[127];

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 8.03: Write Data Buffer
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

wire [07:00] PageBuffer0 = PageBuffer[00];
wire [07:00] PageBuffer1 = PageBuffer[01];
wire [07:00] PageBuffer2 = PageBuffer[02];
wire [07:00] PageBuffer3 = PageBuffer[03];
wire [07:00] PageBuffer4 = PageBuffer[04];
wire [07:00] PageBuffer5 = PageBuffer[05];
wire [07:00] PageBuffer6 = PageBuffer[06];
wire [07:00] PageBuffer7 = PageBuffer[07];

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 8.04: Unique ID Memory Block
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

wire [07:00] UniqueID0 = EEPROM_UniqueID[0];
wire [07:00] UniqueID1 = EEPROM_UniqueID[1];
wire [07:00] UniqueID2 = EEPROM_UniqueID[2];
wire [07:00] UniqueID3 = EEPROM_UniqueID[3];
wire [07:00] UniqueID4 = EEPROM_UniqueID[4];
wire [07:00] UniqueID5 = EEPROM_UniqueID[5];
wire [07:00] UniqueID6 = EEPROM_UniqueID[6];
wire [07:00] UniqueID7 = EEPROM_UniqueID[7];

// *******************************************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************************************

wire TimingCheckEnable = (RESET == 0) & (SDA_OE == 0);

tHI = 600, // SCL pulse width - high
tLO = 1300, // SCL pulse width - low
tSU_STA = 600, // SCL to SDA setup time
tHD_STA = 600, // SCL to SDA hold time
tSU_DAT = 100, // SDA to SCL setup time
tSU_STO = 600, // SCL to SDA setup time
tBUF = 1300; // Bus free time

$width (posedge SCL, tHI);
$width (negedge SCL, tLO);

$width (posedge SDA &&& SCL, tBUF);

$setup (posedge SCL, negedge SDA &&& TimingCheckEnable, tSU_STA);
$setup (SDA, posedge SCL &&& TimingCheckEnable, tSU_DAT);
$setup (posedge SCL, posedge SDA &&& TimingCheckEnable, tSU_STO);

$hold (negedge SDA &&& TimingCheckEnable, negedge SCL, tHD_STA);


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